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FR0000131104 BNP

Euronext Paris real -time data

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  • CAC 40 reference index
  • Opening 60.580
  • Senior closing 60.740
  • + High 61.590
  • + Bas 60.540
  • volume 224 975
  • Capital exchanged 0.02%
  • Valuation 75 813 MEUR
  • Last exchange 25.09.23/10:04:13
  • downward limit

What is an upward/decrease limit ?

What is an upward/decrease limit ?

  • estimated yield 2023 7.42%
  • Per estimated 2023

What is per ?

  • last dividend

What corresponds to the amount of the last dividend paid ?

  • SRD eligibility

What is the SRD ?

What is the PEA ?

What is the extended hourly service ?

What is ESG risk ?

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By jpbcrete • Sep 22. 2023 • 10:34
By M1110282 • August 16, 2023 • 21:56 •
By JPBCRETE • Sep 18. 2023 • 11:26
By causs3232 • Sep 19. 2023 • 16:43
By bombeur2 • Sept 18. 2023 • 09:27
By M1110282 • Sept 6. 2023 • 11:30
By M1110282 • Sept 14. 2023 • 15:34
By M6376057 • Sept 15. 2023 • 17:04
By M794281 • Sept 14. 2023 • 16:36
By ERB518CUP47 • Sept 15. 2023 • 16:02
By bombeur2 • Sept 15. 2023 • 15:48
By CAUTET • Sep 15. 2023 • 10:38
By bombeur2 • August 29, 2023 • 13:22
By tolya92 • Sept 14. 2023 • 10:26
By M794281 • Sept 14. 2023 • 16:36
By jpbcrete • Sept 6. 2023 • 18:22
By French. • Sept 13. 2023 • 13:23
By jpbcrete • Sept 12. 2023 • 12:41
By jtombe • Sept 9. 2023 • 10:06
By sebkn • March 28, 2023 • 10:22 •
By Lleonar2 • August 18, 2023 • 12:00
By Castor75 • Sept. 5. 2023 • 07:42
By jpbcrete • Sept 1. 2023 • 11:24
By M6376057 • August 8, 2023 • 19:20
By CAUTET • August 31, 2023 • 17:40
By Aremon05 • August 8, 2023 • 12:40
By JPBCRETE • August 30, 2023 • 09:59
By club54 • August 24, 2023 • 19:49
By ActionLongt • August 23, 2023 • 12:03
By bomber2 • August 1, 2023 • 16:46
By IDEFIXXX • August 10, 2023 • 07:38
By M632977 • August 15, 2023 • 11:10
By ActionLongt • August 14, 2023 • 18:20
By Roger92 • August 9, 2023 • 13:54
By ominum • August 8, 2023 • 12:13
By M3511676 • August 10, 2023 • 08:20
By CAUTET • August 9, 2023 • 08:21
By M3511676 • May 4, 2023 • 08:15
By Simpsun • August 1, 2023 • 14:41
By M6995379 • August 8, 2023 • 14:25

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FR0000131104 BNP

Tradegate real -time data

  • Execution policy
  • Rating on other places

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  • Opening 61.500
  • Senior closing 60.970
  • + High 61.500
  • + Bas 61.000
  • volume 1 138
  • Capital exchanged 0.00%
  • Valuation 75,665 Meur
  • Last exchange 25.09.23/08:44:35
  • downward limit

What is an upward/decrease limit ?

What is an upward/decrease limit ?

  • Estimated yield 2023 –
  • Per estimated 2023

What is per ?

  • last dividend

What corresponds to the amount of the last dividend paid ?

  • Eligible Eligible Eligible Boursorama
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Linear regression curve
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Mobile average envelope
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Secondary indicators
Swing Index accumulation
Elder Ray – Bull Power
Elder Ray – Bear Power
Klinger Volume Oscillator
Negative Volume Index
Positive index volume
Stochastic Momentum
Wave Trend Oscillator
Williams accumulation
Figures detections

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    19-09 20-09 21-09 22-09 25-09
    Last. 61.540 61.440 61.390 60.970 61.300
    Var. 2.02% -0.16% -0.08% -0.44% 0.54%
    Ouvre. 60.040 61.300 61.320 0.000 61.500
    +High 61.380 62.660 61.850 0.000 61.500
    +Down 60.040 61.300 61.030 60.880 61.000
    Flight. 4,930 13,801 6,589 5,845 1 138

    Variation over 5 days: 1.66%

    Analysts’ consensus*
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    Evolution of forecasts at 25/09/23


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    * List of analyst firms that have followed the value at least once a year:

    A consensus is an average or a median of forecasts or recommendations made by financial analysts. Factst JCF recommends the use of the median estimates rather than the average. The average presents the disadvantage of being sensitive to the extreme estimates of a sample, disadvantage from which the median escapes. The median is therefore the most generally retained estimate by the financial center.

    This consensus is provided by the company FactstSet Research Systems Inc and results by nature from the dissemination of several analysts’ opinions. It is recalled that in no way Boursorama has participated in its development, nor exercised discretion as to the selection of financial analysts. For all useful purposes, the opinions of each financial analyst having participated in the creation of this consensus are available and accessible via analyst offices.

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