Bike flight: we stole my electric bike what to do?, Bike flight – Montreal City Police Service (SPVM)

Bike flight

It may be useful to report the theft of your bike on social networks. Make a publication by including a photo and a precise description of the bicycle, you can ask your friends and the local community to keep any possible observation. This method can be very effective in small local communities.

Bike flight: we stole my electric bike what to do ?

In France, more than 400,000 bikes are stolen per year and electric bikes are not spared, on the contrary, a study in the Netherlands has revealed that electric bikes are three times more likely to be stolen than conventional bikes. If you read this article, there is a good chance that we have stolen your electric bike and we are sorry. This can be a very frustrating and discouraging experience. However, do not lose hope ! There are different steps to follow to try to recover your bike. We will explore the different steps that you can follow in the event of theft of your electric bike and the precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of flight in the future.

Report the flight to the police

The first thing to do is report the flight to the police. You are not guaranteed that they will find your bike, however this approach is necessary for the rest of the operations, as this gives legal value to your requests while providing reliable statistics on bike flights. In this way, if an unusual increase in bicycle flights is noted in your region, your city will be able to react accordingly. When filing a complaint, you must provide all the details you can provide to help the authorities identify the bike. If your electric bike is insured, you can then declare the flight to your insurance company.

Check online sales sites

It is common for thieves to try to sell stolen objects on online sales sites such as eBay or Leboncoin . It may be useful to monitor these sites to see if you find your bike there. If this is the case, do not try to recover it yourself. Instead, contact the police and explain the situation.

Declare the flight to your marking operator

If your bike is marked, it is necessary to declare the flight to your marking operator. This will identify your bike and make it more difficult to resell for thieves. The marking is also useful for the police, as it can help identify the stolen bikes that have been found or recovered during police operations. If you bought your electric bike at RUTILE know that your bike is marked and identified at Paravol .

Use social networks

It may be useful to report the theft of your bike on social networks. Make a publication by including a photo and a precise description of the bicycle, you can ask your friends and the local community to keep any possible observation. This method can be very effective in small local communities.

Our recommendations to secure your bike

  • Use a quality anti -theft and park your bike in a well -lit and monitored place if possible.
  • You can also consider installing a GPS monitoring system on your bike to find it more easily in the event of a flight.
  • Install an alarm box on your bike to dissuade thieves (the alarm is triggered in case of contact with the bike).
  • Subscribe to bicycle insurance: without adequate electric bicycle insurance, you could find yourself faced with significant costs to repair or replace your bicycle in the event of theft, accident, vandalism … Ensuring your bike offers you a tranquility of invaluable spirit by guaranteeing quick assistance in the event of a problem.

In short, having your electric bike stolen can be a very frustrating and discouraging experience, but do not lose hope: there are steps to follow to try to recover it. In addition, taking additional security measures is essential to reduce the risk of theft.

If you want to acquire a new bike, don’t throw yourself on a new bike. Did you know that at Rutile, we offer high-end electric bikes reconditioned by professionals ? By opting for a reconditioned bike, you help reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying a quality product at a lower cost. It is an ecological and economical option to consider if you want to buy a new electric bike.

Bike flight

As in all the big cities in the world, the problem of the flight of bikes is unfortunately very present in Montreal. To tackle this phenomenon, the SPVM joined 529 garage, a flight prevention platform and concealment of bicycles.

Bike recording is done in just a few minutes from the site or the 529 garage mobile application. In the event of theft, registered users can launch an alert and take advantage of all the help of the community of 529 garage to find their bikes.

When a bike is found, the police can also easily give it to its legitimate owner if it is recorded on 529 garage.

If you are the victim of a bicycle flight, it is also very important to make a report with the SPVM. Police reports make it possible to open investigations, to better measure the evolution of the phenomenon and to grasp the stolen bikes in order to return them to their legitimate ownership.

529 Garage made it possible to obtain impressive results in the participating cities. In Vancouver, for example, bicycle flights have decreased by almost 40% since its arrival in 2015.

Prevention advice

Prevention advice

  • Recording your bike enormously increases your chances of recovering it if the police find it. Registration can be done through different programs on the Internet, with the Tandem organization or your neighborhood station
  • Lock your bicycle at all times with a good quality padlock
  • Find out about a bicycle retailer or a seller on the characteristics of a good padlock
  • Favor the supports provided for the locking of your bicycle
  • When you lock your bike, if your front wheel has a lever to remove it quickly, remove it and lock it with your rear wheel and the support for this purpose
  • Avoid leaving your bicycle locked in the same place for several consecutive days, unattended
  • Take note the characteristics of your bicycle, that is: the brand, the model, the style, the number of speeds, the color, the year of manufacture, the serial number and any other particularity

Although none of these advice is infallible, they make the work of thieves more difficult.

Recording on 529 garage

The recording of a bike on 529 garage is done in just a few moments. Here’s how to proceed:

    Go to SPVM.QC.CA/GARAGE529 or Download the 529 GAGAGE Mobile app for smart devices to create a free account.

4. In the event of a flight, launch an alert from your mobile application or the 529 garage site. All users in the surrounding area will be notified and will be able to help you find your bike.

You like your bike? Save it.

Fill out an online police report

If you are the victim of a bicycle flight, you can complete an online police report.

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