Bforbank sponsorship code: win up to € 130!, Error 404 – PROCSEDESCREDITS

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Bforbank sponsorship code: win up to € 130 !

Bforbank, the 100 % online bank of the Crédit Agricole group offers you a sponsorship system with a welcome offer up to € 130 ! Bforbank advantage code, promo code or sponsorship code: godfather and godson are rewarded with a sponsorship bonus. Find out how to take advantage of a BforBank sponsorship offer and win up to € 130.

  • 50 € for the godfather;
  • 80 € offered for the godson.
  • Send your sponsor code;
  • Opening of a current account + Visa card by the godson;
  • 5 referrals maximum per year.
  • opening of a bank account;
  • Subscription to a visa card.

�� How to get sponsored on Bforbank ?

The approach to do Sponsor on Bforbank Is simple :

  1. Ask a close sound Bforbank godfather code or look for a Bforbank sponsorship offer on the Web.
  2. Open a Bforbank current account and subscribe to one of the Visa cards: Classic, First or Infinite.
  3. Inform it Bforbank godfather code where the Bforbank promo code you have in the field provided for this purpose: “sponsor code”.

When the opening of your current account is effective, you will be credited with the amount of sponsorship. The godfather has nothing to do, he will receive his premium from Bforbank sponsorship under a period of 15 days maximum on his account.

�� Good to know: the Bforbank sponsorship only works if the godson has never been BforBank customer. He must also keep his current account for at least 1 year, otherwise the online bank reserves the right to take the premium paid initially. Need to know more about Bforbank ? Find our dedicated guide with our opinion on BforBank.

�� How to obtain a BforBank sponsorship code ?

There are several ways to get a Bforbank sponsorship code ::

  • Find a loved one who has a Bforbank account to send you his Bforbank godfather code.
  • Search for a Bforbank sponsorship code on the Web.
  • Wait for a Bforbank advantage code : the online bank regularly offers opening offers with welcome bonus, under conditions.

If you are already a BforBank customer and you want to share your loved ones from a Bforbank promo code, Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your customer area on web or on the bforbank app.
  2. Go to the “Sponsorship” section.
  3. Recover the sponsor code made up of numbers and letters.
  4. Send it Bforbank sponsorship code to your loved ones.

�� Tip: the Bforbank advantage code is also sent by email when opening a bank account.

�� Conditions to receive the € 130 of the BforBank sponsorship

THE Bforbank sponsorship is under conditions : the godfather and the godson must respect certain terms to benefit from € 130 of the bforbank sponsorship. In the event that one of the conditions is not met, Bforbank reserves the right to take the amount of the welcome bonus on the godson’s account or to cancel the premium paid to Bforbank godfather.

  • Being a BforBank customer on the opening date of the godson’s account;
  • have received a Bforbank sponsorship code ;
  • limit of 5 godchildren per year.
  • to be a natural, major and capable person.
  • Do not use the account for professional needs;
  • do not hold or have held a Bforbank account (individual or joint);
  • Open an individual current account and subscribe to a Visa card;
  • inform the sponsor code when requesting opening;
  • keep the bank account for at least 1 year from the opening date.

The godfather is limited to 5 godchildren per sponsorship campaign. Beyond 5 uses, the Bforbank godfather code will no longer work: the godfather and the godson will not be rewarded with a welcome bonus.


�� Where to find the BforBank sponsorship code ?

The godfather can find his Bforbank sponsorship code In the “sponsorship” section from the customer area or on the BforBank mobile app.

�� How to sponsor on Bforbank ?

To sponsor on Bforbank, you must be a customer of the online bank and have received a Bforbank godfather code. You must transmit your Bforbank godfather code to your loved ones.

��️ What is BforBank’s promo code ?

To have a Bforbank promo code and benefit from a Bforbank welcome offer, You must open a bank account when the online bank offers a welcome bonus. Otherwise, you have to ask for a Bforbank sponsorship code to one of your loved ones already customer.

�� The offers of the moment ��


up to 120 € offered

Balance Bank

€ 100 offered with the BRS100 code

Fortuneo logo

€ 230 offered with the FTN0923 code

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Bforbank sponsorship

Bforbank is an online bank, a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole, which offers a range of banking and full savings products.

The different bank cards offered

Bforbank offers three bank cards, which here is the visual.

The Visa Classic bank card is with immediate debit while the Visa Premier bank card is with immediate or delayed delicit of your choice. As for the infinite visa card, the latter is delayed only. Pricing is summarized in the table below:

Conditions for granting a bank card ->

Rate Condition
Classic Free Carry out at least three payments per quarter, otherwise € 6 will be invoiced
First Free Carry out at least three payments per quarter, otherwise € 18 will be invoiced
Infinity 220 €/year None

The income conditions which must be met at the time of opening your account are synthesized in the table below:

Conditions for granting a bank card ->

Income conditions
Classic No, but a tax notice will be requested
First 1.€ 600 (response. 2.€ 400) net/month for an individual account (resp. seal)
Infinity 4.€ 000 (response. 6.000 €) net/month for an individual account (resp. seal)

In addition, you have, depending on the type of bank card you have, certain guarantees (insurance and assistance)

  • Death and permanent disability
  • Cancellation, modification or interruption of travel
  • Snow and mountain: medical fresh
  • Damage to the rental vehicle
  • Death and permanent disability
  • Cancellation, modification or interruption of travel
  • Snow and mountain: medical fresh
  • Damage to the rental vehicle
  • Cancellation show tickets

Main conditions to benefit from sponsorship

  • Never have been a customer and open a current account with bank card (first or infinite visa) for the first time.
  • Activate the bank card within the month following the opening of the account.
  • Keep the bank account sponsored at least 1 year from the opening date. Otherwise, BforBank reserves the right to deire the premium paid to the holder’s account.

For more details, I invite you to consult the detailed conditions.

Detail of the endowments provided for sponsorship

Here are the different endowments and advantages of the sponsorship summarized in the table below:

1. The bank card must be activated within one month of opening the account.

2. Rate 3.5% gross annual subject to guaranteed tax and social security contributions for 3 months for an amount of € 100,000. Beyond this period or of this amount, the standard rate of the Bforbank savings book is applied. This rate, in force since December 16, 2022, is 0.60% annual gross subject to tax and social security contributions. It is likely to be revised at any time by the bank.

It is therefore possible, at the moment, to pocket 80 € of premium by taking advantage of the bforbank sponsorship.

When will the premium be paid?

By activating your bank card (to do this made a first purchase with entry of the secret code) in the month following the opening account, this will trigger the payment of the current account sponsorship bonus within 15 days.

How to proceed practically?

Just enter my sponsor code (see below) when opening your online account. I advise you to contact me beforehand in order to reserve you a sponsorship place.

My sponsor code to enter:

Availability of sponsorship

5 sponsorships available out of 5:

I remain at your disposal for any request for information or advice if you wish.

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