Bank account without card: is it possible?, Open a current account without bank card

Open a current account without bank card

Hello Bank

Current account without bank card: authorized or not ?

You wonder if Open a current account without bank card is authorized ? You are in the right place �� !

Know that it is quite possible to open a account without a bank card. Some banks allow you today to hold a current account without having a associated bank card. This allows you to limit bank charges and avoid overdraft, while enjoying the services of a current account.

So in which bank to open an account without a card ? Are there any costs to open a current account without a bank card ? Is there an online bank without a card ? What are the services associated with a deposit account without a bank card ? Discover in this file all the answers to your questions concerning the current account without a card !

We start with an online banks comparison without card: ��

Comparative of online banks without card


Hello Bank

✅ 180 € offered + Hello premium at 1 € for 6 months!


✅ 80 € offered + 4% on his booklet for 4 months !


✅ 120 € offered + 5% booklet !

BNP Paribas

✅ 80 € offered + 1 year free free spirit !!


✅ 80 € offered and up to 20% cashback !

Can we have a card-free bank account ?

Yes, it is quite possible to have a bank account without a card. In theory, all banks allow you to open a bank account without a credit card. But in practice, it is better to turn to a traditional bank or an online bank without a card to request it. These establishments allow you to quickly subscribe to an online bank account without necessarily having to associate a payment card.

Bank card account

Open a card without a card has several advantages. This allows you to reduce or even avoid bank charges. Indeed, a payment card often induces costs due to the annual subscription, withdrawals to the distributor or even inactivity costs, among others. Opening an current account without a bank card therefore allows you to save significant savings. You can also open a bank account without a card to use it as a secondary account or as a transit account to make transfers between different accounts and booklets.

Having a card without card allows you to receive your salary and your transfers, but also to set up samples or to withdraw money from your bank’s counter. If you do not have a credit card, you can completely withdraw cash in a bank branch by presenting at least an identity card. Some banks also ask for the presentation of a check book, a withdrawal slip or the use of a single -use withdrawal card. To find out the parts requested for agency withdrawal, it is better to get closer to your bank.

Here are the banks to open a card without a card ::

  • Purse
  • Hello Bank
  • Fortuneo
  • Monabanq
  • BNP Paribas
  • SG

Current account without bank card: the FAQ !

You want to know if it is possible to open an account without a card ? You wonder what are the online banks without a card and how to open a bank card account ? You would like to know what the costs of a bank card account are ? All the answers to your questions are in our FAQ dedicated to the current account without a bank card !

�� What are the online banks without a card ?

Online banks without card are ::

  • Purse
  • Hello Bank
  • Fortuneo
  • Monabanq
  • BNP Paribas
  • SG

You can have a card account without a card in an online bank or a traditional bank. The opening of a card without a card is free and online banks do not take account of account holding, unlike traditional banks. Boursorama, like Hello Bank, Monabanq and Fortuneo allow you to enjoy a current account without any costs: opening, fence, internal and external transfers, access to bank documents, everything is free.

CB current account opening

�� At BNP Paribas, the account opening is free But € 2.50/month will be levied to you for account holding costs. It will take € 2.25/month at SG. It is therefore advisable to open a current account without a credit card in an online bank without a card, as you can enjoy a free banking offer, because only costs are charged in case of inactivity.

�� Why open a card without card ?

Here is why open a card without card ::

  • Limit banking costs
  • Avoid bank overdraft
  • Have a secondary account
  • Have a transit account

Open an account in an online bank without a card has several advantages. Do not have a limited blue card in particular the costs generally associated with the card: delivery of the card, monthly or annual subscription, payments and withdrawals, inactivity costs or even early renewal of the CB. By opening an account without a card, you can save on your bank expenses. A card without card is also less risk of overdraft and easier management of your budget.

Create a bank account without credit card

�� You can also open a bank account without a card to have a secondary current account. This can be useful to make deposits but also to make transfers between different accounts. Some banks do not allow certain investments to be supplied with current accounts external to their establishment. In this case, it is necessary to open a deposit account within the bank, which you will use as transit account.

�� How to open a bank card account ?

Here’s how to open a bank card account ::

  1. Choose a bank
  2. Fill in the online subscription form
  3. Provide the necessary supporting documents
  4. Do not select bank card
  5. Wait for the validation of the bank
  6. Receive your rib

Open a bank account without credit card

Opening an account without a card is a rather simple and fast approach. In most banks, you will simply have to fill out the subscription form available on the bank website and provide the necessary documents requested. By filling out the subscription form, be sure not to select a bank card but to request a simple account opening.

�� Once your account opening request is studied and validated by the bank, your account is officially opened. You will therefore have access to your RIB on your online customer area or via the mobile application. Please note, some banks ask to go through a bank advisor to open a bank card account, this is particularly the case with Hello Bank.

�� What are the services of an account without payment card ?

The services of an account without payment card are ::

  • Opening and fence of the current account
  • Deliverance of a rib
  • Domiciliation of bank transfers
  • Monthly account statements
  • Balance
  • Implementation of samples
  • Deposit and withdrawal of cash at the counter

Opening an account in an online bank without payment card allows you to benefit from basic banking services Like access to a RIB, the domiciliation of bank transfers or the implementation of samples. This allows you to carry out all conventional banking operations, without holding a CB. Please note, opening an account without a card does not necessarily allow you to have access to a checkbook or to be able to enjoy an overview.

�� If you wish to benefit from a checkbook and an overdraft authorization to enter your bank Before opening a bank card deposit account. Indeed, these services are sometimes conditioned on the subscription of a bank card when opening the current account. For example, at Boursorama Banque, the amount of the authorized overdraft depends on the bank card.

�� What are the costs of a bank card account ?

The costs of a bank card account are generally free. All online banks allow you today to open a current account for free and do not punctuate any costs for keeping the account. Some traditional banks also allow the opening of a deposit account at no cost, such as BNP Paribas or SG. However, if the account opened is free, you will usually have to pay account holding costs.

Current account costs without card

Some banks also take inactivity fees. These fees are however often conditioned by the use of the bank card. Also, inactive account holding costs can be punctuated if no operation has taken place in your account for 12 consecutive months and you have not come up with the bank despite their reminders.

�� Inactivity costs are capped at 30 euros per year. If your account remains inactive, it will be kept by the bank for 10 years then will be automatically fenced. We advise you to close the current account without a card if you no longer use it to avoid paying inactivity fees. Otherwise, the costs of this type of current account without a card are zero in online banks and in traditional banks, you must pay the account holding costs (€ 2 on average per month).

�� What are the account holding costs without a bank card ?

Bank -free account holding costs are between € 0 and € 2.50/month on average. If you open a card without a card in an online bank, the account holding costs are in any case free. Only traditional banks today take account holding costs, even if you have a bank card deposit account. These account holding costs amount to € 2.50 per month at BNP Paribas while the SG takes € 6.75 per quarter (or € 2.25/month).

�� These costs allow the bank to manage the bank account. If traditional banks take them from active accounts, watch out for inactive accounts which can also cause costs, even in online banks. Indeed, if your account is inactive for at least 12 consecutive months, costs capped at € 30 per year will be taken from you.

�� How does a current account without bank card work ?

The operation of a current card -free current account allows you to carry out conventional banking operations. A card without card is similar to a conventional bank account except that no bank card is associated with it. This does not change the operation of the deposit account, except that you cannot make a withdrawal as an automatic counter or adjust your purchases with your bank card in store.

You can open a bank card without a bank card in an online bank or a traditional bank. The account opening is generally free but account holding costs can be taken depending on the bank you choose. If you want to open an account free of charge, the best is to turn to an online bank without a bank card.

�� On the banking operations side, a card without a card offers you the same possibilities as a conventional account. Having an account without credit card allows you to make internal and external transfers, to receive your salary for example. You can also set up samples, consult your balance and monthly surveys or even withdraw species in agency if your bank allows it.

�� How to withdraw species with a card -free bank account ?

To remove species with a card -free bank account, you must go to your bank window. This therefore means that only customers of traditional banks can now withdraw cash without a bank card. In most cases, if you hold an account without a card in an online bank, you cannot withdraw cash without a bank card.

�� Attention The withdrawal of cash in a bank agency is today less and less practiced. The best is to find out about your bank to ensure that this service is available.

Only a few online banks allow you to withdraw money in a banking agency. This is the case of Hello Bank which authorizes the withdrawal of species as troubleshooting in a banking agency of the BNP Paribas network. To do this, you must first contact a hello team advisor before making the withdrawal.

�� Removing species at the counter will be billed for € 4.80 at Hello Bank. For the request for making funds at the counter of a BNP Paribas network agency, it will take € 20.50 per operation. If you want to regularly remove species at the counter, it is better to turn to a traditional bank to open an account without a card.

�� How to keep a current account without a bank card ?

To keep a current account without a bank card, you must carry out bank operations regularly. If you do not use your bank account, inactive account fees will be taken from you. You should know that a current account is considered inactive if no operation is carried out in the last 12 months. Fees of 30 euros maximum will therefore be taken from you on behalf of inactive. If your current account remains inactive, the bank keeps it for 10 years then the closing.

Here are the operations that can do with a card without card ::

  • Internal and external transfers
  • Specimens
  • Removal of species in agency
  • Reception of checks
  • Consultation of the balance and statements

�� Can we open a joint account without a bank card ?

Yes, you can open a joint account without a bank card. The opening of a joint account without associated card is possible in online banks or traditional banks. The approach is the same as to open an individual account. You must first fill out the subscription form on the bank’s website and then select the joint account. You will need to provide the necessary supporting documents requested for the 2 co-holders and then wait for the bank’s validation for the effective opening of your account.

Here is a comparison of the rejoined accounts without a bank card: ��

Joint account without bank card:
The banks


Hello Bank

✅ 180 € offered + Hello premium at 1 € for 6 months !


✅ 80 € offered + 4% on his booklet for 4 months !


✅ 120 € offered + 5% booklet !

BNP Paribas

✅ 80 € offered + 1 year free free spirit !


✅ 80 € offered and up to 20% cashback !

�� If you are already a customer of an online bank, you can generally apply for the opening of the attachment directly via your mobile application. Opening a joint account without a bank card is a simple and fast approach. This allows you to more easily manage your budget and expenses with your co -owner, while saving on your bank charges. If necessary, you can always associate a bank card later by getting closer to your bank.

Bank account without payment card: in conclusion !

Having a bank account without payment card is quite possible. The approach to open an account without a card is the same as for an account with an associated bank card. Just fill out the online subscription form, do not select CB and provide the necessary supporting documents. Having a card without a card is ideal for limiting bank charges, avoiding overdraft while enjoying the services of a current account.

Here are the services associated with a card without a card ::

  • Account opening and closing
  • Obtaining a RIB
  • Internal and external transfers
  • Account statements
  • Balance
  • Implementation of samples
  • Deposit and withdrawal of cash at the counter

A suggestion or a remark on the current account without a bank card ? Put us a little comment, we will be happy to answer you or bounce back on your remarks ! ��

Open a current account without bank card

Card without card

The bank card is a simple and immediate way to pay for purchases. Its detention and use generating costs, some customers refuse this card. In addition, for some individuals, the holding of a card is not useful. So it is compulsory to have a bank card associated with your account ? And how to make your daily purchases without a card ?

Is it possible to have a bank card account ?

The answer is yes, It is quite possible to have an account without any bank card is associated with it. To start, there is the deposit account. It is only used for usual operations – transfers, checks or withdrawal at the counter – and has no card.

Regarding the current account, the bank cannot force you to buy the bank card, traditionally offered when opening the account. 96% of people with a current account have an associated bank card. But what about the remaining 4% ?

The withdrawal of money at the counter has become a rare and impractical operation, due to the security measures that have been reinforced over time. Banks no longer have species available: they must therefore be ordered. On the other hand, it is never advisable to carry a significant sum in cash on.

However, since 2004, the financial sector Advisory Council (CCSF) has made arrangements to allow everyone to be able to withdraw cash at no cost in their agency. Each bank therefore offered a “cash service” system, or Makes a single withdrawal card for free. “Unique” in this case means that the card only authorizes money withdrawals to the Automatic Ticket Distributor (DAB) of the Agency where the customer is domiciled. Extended use to all distributors of the bank’s network is possible. This withdrawal card cannot be used as a means of payment in shops or on the Internet.

It is at the choice of the bank to offer one or the other of these services so that customers have free access to their liquid money. A customer with a bank card may also require access to these means, but that would not be useful.

Why have a bank account without means of payment ?

To avoid costs of the bank card in traditional banks

Less costs with bank card account

The first advantage of which we think is the Reduction of banking costs inherent in the possession and use of the bank card. The bank card has an annual cost that is estimated between 40 € for a conventional card, and € 140 for a high -end card. This corresponds to the contribution of the card, as well as withdrawal costs in distributors (different if they are in the euro zone or outside the area). Account holding costs further increase the invoice. Do not neglect them: banks without account holding are rare.

With a card without card, You can always carry out the basic operations: carry out or receive transfers, receive your salary, withdraw money in agency, program samples. It is advisable to negotiate a reduction in account holding costs since we have not subscribed to a means of payment.

A good way to never be uncovered

Without a bank card, you cannot make payment for merchants or online so you do not Do not take the risk of engaging in operations that could put you in the open. The money you withdraw with a simple withdrawal card does not allow the overdraft either.

THE Associated bank card account For example is perfectly suited to a self -employed person who is forced today to have a account dedicated to his professional activity. However, he does not need to withdraw from cash and can completely manage this account by using only transfers from his customers, for any suppliers and then from account to turn his earnings on His current personal account.

The option of free bank cards in online banks

The main brake relating to bank cards is their sometimes important price. But everything has changed since the advent of online banks. These generally offer free bank cards under conditions: income or outstanding condition, monthly payment condition or condition of use of the bank card.

To attract new customers, online banks challenges themselves by offering innovative solutions (Apple Pay. ) and economical (free bank card, few account holding fees. )). They thus offer welcome offers and free services or at least at reduced prices when opening a new account.

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