Bank account, bank card, bank app for € 2 -…, Discovered LCL: authorized or exceeding, amount, agios, student, online

Discovered LCL

No proof of purchase

Essential LCL

A simple and practical offer ! For a Monthly subscription of € 2, You benefit: a deposit account monoitular, of a Inventive MasterCard with systematic authorization (1), and theLCL Application My Accounts (2) .

Mono-tutorial without account holding (3)

Payment card with systematic authorization, inventive mastercard (1)

My 100% mobile banking operations with the LCL APP APP

Characteristics of the essential LCL bank account

Why subscribe to the essential LCL offer ?

Essential LCL allows you to benefit from the essential services of the bank to only € 2 per month ::

  • Opening of Mono-Titular deposit account without fees;
  • Supply of a debit card (map of payment systematic authorization) (1)): the Inventive MasterCard
  • Subscription to remote banking services (internet, landline, SMS, etc.): L’LCL Application My Accounts To manage your account, make transfers.

How it works ?

If you are not yet LCL customer, You can open an account and subscribe to the essential LCL offer via the channel of your choice:

  • Online, on LCL.Fr
  • On your mobile, via downloading the LCL my accounts application
  • in an LCL agency

You can choose the delivery of your card by mail to your home.

Your subscription is taken monthly from the month following your subscription.

If you are already a LCL customer, you can contact your advisor To take out the offer.

Can I subscribe to an essential LCL on a joint account ?

The essential LCL offer includes only a mono-turning deposit account. You can open a joint account by subscribing to the LCL à la carte offer.

Can I have a delayed debit payment card with the essential LCL offer ?

The essential LCL offer only includes the immediate debit card Inventive Mastercard (4) . If you want a delayed debit card you can subscribe to our offer LCL à la carte.

With LCL à la carte You have the choice on a wide range of delayed flow cards.

Can I subscribe to the essential and the authorized discovered service ?

The essential LCL offer is not compatible with the authorized discovered service. You can benefit from the service Overdraft by subscribing the offer LCL à la carte.

Essential LCL rewarded

LCL receives the

Best national offer for young people

Moneyvox information site on money and the budget, awarded the Prices trophies. LCL gets the first place in the classification for the “Best national offer for young people” thanks to offers ” Essential LCL “At 2 euros per month and the international option LCL Cityexplorer.

Simplified banking mobility thanks to a new device

How to do your accounts? LCL Bank and Insurance

Open a young LCL bank account

Banking mobility: a free service to facilitate your procedures in the event of a bank change

An individual who opens an account in a new bank can give him a mandate to carry out on his behalf all the steps related to this change of bank. The transfer to the new account of recurring direct debits and transfers is automated: the customer no longer has to intervene.

How to do your accounts ?

Doing your accounts regularly, according to your income and your financial situation, is a necessary task to control your budget. Here is …

Open a young bank account

How to open a bank account ? What are the conditions to open a bank account when you are young ? At what age can we ..

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The solution for your daily unforeseen events

(1) Payments and withdrawals are not allowed if the account balance is insufficient, except exceptional incident. Balance control is carried out from the 1st euro.
(2) Subscription to remote banking services (internet, landline phone, SMS, etc.))
(3) Account holding fees: account holding.
(4) Payment card with systematic authorization

Discovered LCL

Treasury solution of LCL is a Authorized discovery up to 6.000 €. The rate of agios perceived amounts to 19.65%. There Duration of the debtor account is limited to 30 days.

Consumption credit available in 24 hours. Answer 2 min.

Immediate answer 100% online without obligation.

The characteristics of the LCL overdraft

  • Types of LCL overdrafts : Authorized discovered, cash facility, overdraft and exceptional overdraft
  • Authorized overdraft amounts : from € 200 to 6.000 €
  • Alternatives to authorized overdraft : personal loan, revolving credit, micro credit

LCL overdraft

A bank account is uncovered for lack of sufficient provision to pay an operation. Treasury solution allows the account holder to have a debit balance for an amount and a duration defined by agreement.

THE Overdraft can reach a month’s salary within the limit of 30.000 € for a period of 12 months renewable. It gives rise to the perception of agios at the rate of 19.65% per year. They are taken in 4 times at the end of each quarter.

In practice, the overdraft is allowed for a period of 20 or 30 days.

However, several types of discovery must be distinguished:

Type of overdraft Duration
Overdraft facility Less than 30 days
Overdraft 30 days maximum
Overdraft Immediate regularization
Exceptional overdraft Less than 10 days

Fund ease: less than 1 month

Occasional open: from 1 to 3 months

Authorized discovered: permanent and agreed with the bank

Unauthorized discovered: exceeding the amount authorized by the bank

Discovered more than 3 months old: becomes a consumer credit

Unauthorized Discovered LCL

The unauthorized overdraft or the authorized overdraft exceeds additional costs supervised by law.

Summary table of unauthorized overdraft costs

Type of fee Amount
Intervention commission 8 €
Debtor account newsletter < 30j : 12.50€
> 30J: 15.50 €
Sample rejection 20 €
Prior check -up information 14.50 €
Check < 50€ : 30€
> 50 €: 50 €
Notice to third party holder 130 €
Attribution or administrative opposition entry 130 €

Increase your LCL overdraft

It is possible to increase the amount of its overdraft authorized according to the evolution of its income.

Increase your Discover LCL Application

It is not possible to modify your overdraft via the mobile application.


At LCL, the Authorized overdraft amount is between 200 € and 6.000 €. He can reach a month’s salary.

Example of banking overdrafts according to his income:

Salary Authorized overdraft amount
Up to 1.500 € Between 200 € and 1.000 €
1.€ 501 – 3.000 € Between 1.000 € and 3.000 €
3.001 € – 5.000 € Between 1.€ 500 and 5.000 €
6.000 € Up to 6.000 €

Know your authorized LCL overdraft

THE Authorized overdraft amount appears in the mobile application, section my accounts then characteristics button.

Edit Discovered LCL

The customer can modify the amount of his overdraft authorized by appointment or by calling his advisor to the phone.

How to recover your authorized LCL overdraft ?

There bank reserves the right to delete theoverdraft on the grounds ofPayment Incidents too frequent. This decision is not unacceptable. The customer can negotiate his replacement after improving the management of his accounts.

The best way to find accounts is to set a monthly budget not to exceed. People with fragile profile can request to benefit from reduced costs. To quickly clean up a difficult situation, it is also possible to contact your CCAS to request an emergency social loan.

If the bank still remains closed to the restoration of the bank overdraft, it is better to change the bank.

Discovered LCL Student

Students cannot benefit from a bank overdraft at LCL.

Authorized LCL -Authorized Insurance

There bank offers a Authorized discovered insurance via his Pacifica insurer. The contribution amounts to 1.50 € per month. It allows the beneficiaries to pay compensation in the event of accidental death equal to the amount of the overdraft registered the day before the death of the account holder.

Banking prohibition and Discovered LCL

There bank has the right to register the account holder on the Banque de France incident file Following an unpaid check. In the absence of regularization, the banking ban lasts 5 years.


The rate of agios is set freely by each bank. However, it should not exceed the wear rate set quarterly by the Banque de France.

Examples of the rate charged by competition:

Banks Amount Taeg
Agricultural credit Up to 50% of the salary 18%
Societe Generale < 1.000€ 0%
Purse < 100€ 0%
Postal bank Up to 50% Between 15 and 17%
Savings bank Depending on income Between 14% and 16%
BNP Paribas Depending on income 15.9%

Alternatives to LCL banking overdraft

THE Unconceived loans are alternatives to overdraft. Their rates from 0.5% are much less expensive. The borrowable amount can reach 75.000 € refundable up to 84 months.

Examples of Unconvised consumer credits ::

Consumer credit Borrowing Repayment period Taeg
Personal loan Between 750 € and 75.000 € From 12 to 84 months 0.50 € – 21%
Micro-credit Between 100 € and 2.500 € 4 months 2 € – 18%
Revolving credit Between € 500 and 6.000 € Up to 60 months 2.4 € – 21%

1. Micro credit

Accessible to everyone

Unlocking immediate funds

THE micro credit is a low amount loan unlocked in 48 hours.

Body Borrowing Duration Taeg Leadtime
Blood Cdiscount Floa Bank Between 100 € and 2.500 € 3-4 months From 1.4% 48 hours
Finfrog Between 100 € and 600 € 3-4 months From 3.3% 48 hours
Cashper Between € 50 and 199 € 15 or 30 days 18% 24 hours (payable)

Main functionality of the micro credit

It is possible to make an early repayment of your credit.

2. Personal loan

Between 2 months and 120 months

Rate between 0.20% at 18.49%

No proof of purchase

THE Personal loan can be released in 8 days at the borrower’s request. THE legal withdrawal period incompressible is 7 days.

Body Borrowing Repayment period Indicative taeg Transfer time
Floa Bank Between 500 and 50.000 € 6 to 84 months From 0.5% 8 days
Cetelem Between 500 and 75.000 € 12 to 84 months From 1% 8 days
Sofinco Between 1.000 € and 75.000 € 12 to 120 months From 1% 8 days

Main personal loan features

A personal loan can be reimbursed with anticipation at no cost and it is possible to postpone your deadline.

3. Revolving credit

Between 15 days and 60 months

Available between 24h and 48 hours

Rate from 2%

THE revolving credit is a reserve of money. It is reconstituted over the reimbursements, the money is then available again. It is issued by banks, of the financial organizations and Large distribution brands.

Body Amount Duration Taeg Leadtime
COFIDIS € 500 – 6.000 € Up to 60 months From 9% 8 days
Cofinoga € 500 – 4.000 € Up to 60 months From 6% 8 days
Baker 150 € – 21.500 € Up to 60 months From 9% Immediate in store

Main features of renewable credit

The monthly payments of renewable credit are modular. It is also possible to reimburse it by anticipation at no cost.

Consumption credit available in 24 hours. Answer 2 min.

Immediate answer 100% online without obligation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we benefit from an authorized overdraft when opening a bank account ?

It is entirely possible to sign an overdraft agreement at the time of the account opening formalities.

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