Background: Simple and easy definition of the dictionary, counterattack: definition of backlight

Counter -day

Facing the sea and the sun, a backtime Silver blinds me, from which the statue of freedom emerges, while on the horizon, hidden in the fog, a great liner in a hurry to arrive before night requires the pilot with roars of beast in love. Morand , new York, 1930, p. 23.

against the light

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Day -to -day money Meaning: Use money earned daily. Origin: Money day by day is a financial expression from English call money rate. This translation has been widely used in popular language since the 1970s with the appearance of traders vocabulary.

Live day to day Meaning: To have to live only what we earn every day. English translation: hand to mouth. This expression can also mean: do not worry about the future, not put anything aside like the cicada. Origin: This expression is attested, in its current sense, from the 1820s. It is used in everyday language to signify that we live with what we earn every day.

Official agenda. Meaning: problematic which will be discussed during a meeting.
Appear on the agenda. Meaning: subject that will be treated during a meeting.
Come back to the agenda Meaning: Return to the starting issue.

Lucky day Meaning: day everything succeeds, when we are lucky. Origin: This expression of the 20th century is used in everyday language to designate a day when it is estimated to be more likely than usual, where lucky events are happening.

Bring back complexity Meaning: Reveal the difficulty.
Keep accounts Meaning: Make accounting regularly.
Bring the relationship to light Meaning: Reveal the correlation.

emerge Meaning: revealing yourself, appearing. Origin: dating from the Middle Ages, it has a warlike origin. Indeed, the time was punctuated by wars and in particular the crusades. During these, the Christian knights considered themselves the (religious) glow going to unravel the darkness and the obscurantism of the enemy. Men “were” day “through the opposing troops. This expression has continued, but its meaning has gradually evolved towards “making your way”.

“”Day After day, It is good day.”” Koan Zen
“The one who does not progress each day, back down each day.”” Confucius
“Every day Enough the search for day.”” Boris Vian
“Each day To live is a victory. – Each day lived, a defeat.”” Frédéric Dard

“Each day has its share of thoughts, words and actions. Live in tune with day.”” Albert Camus


HAS.- – Lighting such that light strikes objects on the side opposite to the direction in which we look:

Facing the sea and the sun, a backtime Silver blinds me, from which the statue of freedom emerges, while on the horizon, hidden in the fog, a great liner in a hurry to arrive before night requires the pilot with roars of beast in love. Morand , new York, 1930, p. 23.

– – P. meton., Photon. Photography taken in front of the light source.

B.- – Against the light, loc. ADV. In a position such that the light source is located behind the object or the person we look at. Counteract.

– – Rare. Backtime. We only saw a few silhouettes backlight on the windows of the “” Matterhorn Weinstube »», lit from four or five hours (Peyré , Matterhorn, 1939, p. 247).

Pronounced. and orth. :: [kɔ ̃tʀ ə ʒu: ʀ]. Ds AC. 1694 in a word; ds AC. 1718-1932 with a link. For the Plur. see. Dupré 1972, p. 527: the form counter-days is logical, if they are “days arranged against something”, therefore speaking of the light itself, but speaking of photographs taken “against the day”, the form backlight is only aceptable ”. Etymol. and Hist. 1615 painted. (Try on the wonders of nature and the most noble artifices by René François – Étienne Binet – Due. Tolmer DS Fr. mod., t. 14, p. 284). Composed of against-* and of day*. Frog. abs. literal. :: 100.

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