Autonomous intelligent connected thermostatic head | Danfoss, thermostatic heads or connected valves: what is it?

Thermostatic heads or connected valves: what is it

Connected thermostatic valves therefore bring all the advantages of thermostatic valves, and much more, as we have seen through Examples of Tado ° valves and Netatmo valves.

Connected thermostatic head for radiator

Intelligent and autonomous connected and autonomous thermostatic heads Danfoss Eco ™ and Ally ™ offer you the possibility of easily and individually controlled each radiator of your home.

Danfoss Ally ™ works on the cloud, which allows you to control your radiator thermostatic tap wherever you are. Danfoss Eco ™ works with Bluetooth technology, allowing you to have easy control of your heating when you are at home. If you prefer to adjust your thermostatic heads manually connected, the cous wheel allows you to select the desired temperature.

Data protection between your smartphone and the Danfoss Eco ™ and Ally ™ intelligent connected thermostatic heads is ensured with the highest level of safety. We constantly monitor and improve our technical and organizational security measures to make your life quieter.

Characteristics and advantages

Simplified piloting of each radiator via a dedicated application installed on your smartphone. Works Internet for Ally ™ and via Bluetooth technology for Eco ™.

Up to 30 % energy savings thanks to the connected and intelligent heating regulation solutions

Low noise Eco ™ and Ally ™ smart connected thermostatic heads < 30 dB

Thermostatic heads or connected valves: what is it ?

Thermostatic heads and connected valves

Thermostatic valves have been existing for a long time, and they have not aged ! But with the arrival of home automation and ultraconnectivity in our lives, they ended up adapting and used somewhat differently to become connected valves, also called connected thermostatic heads ! Selectra reveals everything to the connected radiator.

Good connected thermostat plan: 20 € offered At Ecojoko
Save energy and monitor your consumption

Thermostatic valves, the bases to know before the connected radiator

Before talking about connected valves, it is important to Determine what the thermostatic valves are – also called thermostatic valves.

Thermostatic taps, what is it ?

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

A thermostatic tap, or thermostatic head, allows Take the ambient temperature of an area or part. By handling it, you can change the water flow of the radiator to which it is connected, and therefore its temperature.

The thermostatic tap is an auxiliary element, which allows independent control of your heating. Never, The thermostatic tap cannot control your boiler.

A thermostatic tap is therefore independently parameter. It allows you to control the room temperature in which it is installed. Thermostatic taps allow what is called the multizone : a different temperature per zone or per room, controllable one by one.

For optimal operation of your thermostatic taps – connected or not – they should not be embarrassed by anything. So beware of the curtains, furniture and other potentially embarrassing things.

Thermostatic valves and room thermostats, what a difference for my connected radiator ?

Thermostatic taps are not room thermostats, They are unable to turn off your boiler, for example. Only a thermostat – connected or not – can allow you.

Indicative correspondence of the graduations of a thermostatic valve in ° C

Position Temperature
* Freezing
1 12 ° C
2 16 ° C
3 20 ° C
4 24 ° C
5 Open thermostatic valve

General benchmarks for all the thermostatic valves presented above must be mentioned. Classically, each graduation, a costing which goes from 1 to 5, normally marks 4 ° C difference. Logically, position 3 is therefore that of the ideal room temperature: 20 ° C. The connected radiator and Connected valves upset this conventional graduation system By allowing you to choose the temperature directly on the connected thermostatic heads.

Connected valves or connected thermostatic heads, how it works ?


Connected thermostats – Info subscription

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Contact selectra to find a suitable connected solution

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Good connected thermostat plan – € 20 offered at Ecojoko

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Discover the Ecojoko connected assistant to save 25% of your electricity.

Thermostatic valves with connected valves, which has changed in the operation of this equipment ? Did their connectivity upset their mechanism ?

Inside thermostatic taps and connected valves

The first essential thing to know is that Thermostatic heads – connected or not – work with all types of water radiators, Regardless of the type of power of your boiler: gas, fuel oil, wood, heat pump.

Thermostatic taps are generally made up as follows:

  • The thermostatic head : it is thermosensible and therefore captures the room temperature,
  • The body of the tap : where the water passes, which, depending on the location of the stem determined by the dilation of the liquid, will reduce or increase the heat emission of your radiator.

Connected valves complete this with:

  • Of the ultra -developed sensors developed In the thermostatic head: it is of course thermosensible, but also often captures humidity and light,
  • The body of the tap is equipped with the same rotation system, no longer to adjust the graduation but adjust the temperature directly by rotation,
  • A Internet bridge provided in a starter kit to communicate your valve connected with internet remotely via router,
  • A Mobile application to connect and control your connected valves in real time and at a distance.

A number of modern hot water radiators are now pre -equipped from the body of the thermostatic tap. Gradually, manufacturers anticipate the requirements of the connected radiator.

Let’s dissect the connected valve

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

THE Connected thermostatic head mechanism is not very complicated, but it is necessary to understand it some essential elements. Once this information is known, the connected valve will have no secrets for you !

As can be seen on this thermostatic tap in illustration, the central elements are:

  1. The temperature probe (gas or liquid pocket)
  2. The adjustment handle to choose the instruction
  3. The transmission rod
  4. The recall spring
  5. The adjustment valve

The basic elements of a connected valve therefore remain the same as a thermostatic tap as presented above: the temperature probe, also called thermostatic bulb – The famous pocket of fluid or gas -, the adjustment handle to choose the setpoint, the transmission rod, the recall spring and the adjustment valve.

Generally, the head of a connected thermostatic tap also works on a water radiator thanks to the presence of a liquid a gel or a so -called incompressible gas. Because yes, if the thermostatic valves connect, The adjustment head is very often mechanical. Depending on the room temperature, liquid, frost or gas will more or less expand. These changes in dilation allow your thermostatic tap to operate.

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

The body of the tap is equipped with a valve, and a stem that will determine the waterproofing and move according to the expansion of the sensor. This is also what allows individualized use, since the regulation is specific to each room, which was generally going from 1 to 5 on the classic models of thermostatic taps. A system that the connected valves no longer apply, which allow you to directly choose the temperature !

Thanks to the probe and the sensors – temperature, humidity, light – which takes the thermal situation of the room, Connected valves can agree between the actual temperature and your settings.

Connected thermostatic valves can easily replace old thermostatic valves and offer you a connected radiator ! If you hesitate to go to the connected thermostat, do not hesitate to consult our practical guide.

Connected valves for total control of your consumption

A thermostatic tap therefore has the first function: Control of your energy consumption. And, in a second step, it allows the realization of substantial savings. Missions that are also those of connected valves, also called connected thermostatic heads, which try to go even further. But the operation to achieve these savings remains the same basically: The valve opens if the temperature decreases, so that your radiator increases the heating.

It is important to purge your radiators before installing connected valves. Make sure to cut the water supply of the home before. Without this, the optimal efficiency of your connected thermostatic valves is not guaranteed. By serving the radiators, you allow them to properly regulate the water flow when ignition.

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

If you increase the adjustment of your connected thermostatic tap, the temperature will not soar. This is linked to different parameters: the size of the room and the radiator and the configuration of your boiler, but also the sensors and functions specific to your model. The thermostatic tap and connected valves allow total freedom of action.

In the event that the temperature of a room increases, for example by the sun which hits on a window or a fireplace which heats the wall, Connected thermostatic valves will automatically decrease the water flow of your radiator and therefore the temperature. Connected thermostatic heads are not the same with switches. It is therefore essential to settle the desired instruction of your connected valves and to let the work be done without you.

  • To remember :
  • The central thermostat of the house must trigger the boiler, Not the connected valves,
  • Connected thermostatic valves have no control over your boiler, Unlike a connected thermostat,
  • The start of the boiler Allows the water supply to the connected radiator, and therefore heat your home using connected valves.

Connected thermostat and thermostatic valves, Tado ° examples and Netatmo

You equip with thermostatic taps is a good thing, but to achieve even more savings, the ideal is still Combine the use of a connected thermostat with thermostatic valves also connected.

Thus, you therefore have a real connected radiator. The actions of connected valves and connected thermostats are complementary. Two examples will allow you to understand that what way: Tado ° valves And Netatmo valves.

Connected radiator: Tado ° connected thermostatic heads


Connected thermostats – Info subscription

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Contact selectra to find a suitable connected solution

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Good connected thermostat plan – € 20 offered at Ecojoko

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Discover the Ecojoko connected assistant to save 25% of your electricity.

  • Intelligent thermostatic valve, starter kit : 199 €
  • Intelligent thermostatic valve : 79 €

In 2016, Tado ° launched its connected thermostatic heads. The German manufacturer thus made it possible to complete the use of its connected thermostat Tado ° using additional equipment. Tado ° gives meaning to the “connected radiator” formula, by showing thanks to the characteristics of its connected thermostatic valves Tado ° the new options available with the Internet.

As with its thermostat, Tado ° chose the LED display to give the indications for use. The great revolution of These tado ° valves are therefore that they communicate with each other and at a distance. Thus, you need to connect them to bridge to your Internet box, via WiFi or Ethernet. A radio signal is issued by the Bridge, which relays the information.

Tado ° connected thermostatic heads: how do they transform your radiator into a connected radiator ? They can in particular:

  • Detect Home residents,
  • Adapt the temperature Depending on the habits of each and everyone thanks to the geolocation of your smartphone. The connected thermostatic valve will automatically lower the temperature if no one is present in the house, and will go up for your return,
  • Remotely controlled thanks to the Tado ° application with smart schedules, especially,
  • Communicate, up to 25 valves connected by bridge internet,
  • Calculate the ideal temperature thanks to weather forecasts,
  • Take into account the characteristics of the home and residents of the home to heat you intelligently.

Each connected thermostatic valve Tado ° has an estimated autonomy at 2 years thanks to batteries, and can be adjusted manually.

Tado ° connected valves are compatible with Apple Homekit, Amazon Alexa, the Google Home and IFTTT assistant. The connected radiator is used and therefore adapts to all your home and equipment !

Connected radiator: Netatmo connected thermostatic valves


Connected thermostats – Info subscription

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Contact selectra to find a suitable connected solution

free call

Good connected thermostat plan – € 20 offered at Ecojoko

You want to save energy and monitor your consumption ? Discover the Ecojoko connected assistant to save 25% of your electricity.

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

  • Netatmo connected valve starter kit for radiator : € 199.99
  • Netatmo additional connected valve for radiator : € 79.99

Thanks to Netatmo connected thermostatic heads, the brand promises you up to 37 % energy savings. Their priority: getting you saving while reducing your carbon footprint. They create, like the thermostatic valves connected Tado °, Multizone heating and create in your home various connected radiators to be used independently.

Netatmo valves have a design side, since they can be personalized in four different colors and interchangeable. As with Tado ° valves, Netatmo valves operate with batteries and have a lifespan of about 2 years.

Netatmo valves allow you to visualize the room temperature live and take the relay on the temperature adjustment if necessary manually. Their operation is optimizing by combining it at the Netatmo connected thermostat.

Netatmo valves: how it works ? They can :

  • Remotely controlled thanks to the My Netatmo application,
  • Configure with a suitable schedule, area by area or room by room,
  • Detect if a window is open To turn off the heating,
  • Intelligently by analyzing the environment throughout the day and the night, and by adjusting the heating according to,
  • Momentarily heat a part With the Manual Boost to increase the temperature by a single room for 3 hours,
  • Stall on different modes : night mode, which saves while sleeping, comfort mode, eco mode or even comfort mode +.

Netatmo valves are very easy to install, replacing old thermostatic valves or not.

Netatmo valves are compatible with Apple Homekit and Google Home assistant.

Connected thermostatic valves and connected thermostat: a shock duo

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

Connected thermostatic valves therefore bring all the advantages of thermostatic valves, and much more, as we have seen through Examples of Tado ° valves and Netatmo valves.

The combined role of connected thermostatic heads and connected thermostats therefore allows you to regulate and limit any excessive energy consumption. This improves both your comfort and your bill, which will therefore decrease thanks to your connected radiator. More waste or unnecessary expenses. Although thermostatic valves, or intelligent thermostatic heads, can work independently, it is possible, in order to better control your heating, to associate them with a connected thermostat.

While The connected thermostat allows you to adjust maximum and minimum temperatures of your home, and the activation or deactivation of certain programs, the connected thermostatic valves allow you to diffuse a different temperature suitable for each part or zone.

Do not accumulate in the same room the use of a connected valve and a connected thermostat. Equipment could send contradictory instructions continuously.

Connected radiator, thermostatic valves, Netatmo valve, connected valve, connected thermostatic valves, connected thermostatic heads, Tado valve

The efficiency of thermostatic taps is well established. ADEME notedan average decrease of 5 % on the energy bill thanks to this equipment. And energy savings made thanks to the individualization of heating costs are estimated at 15% by ADEME. So, combined with a connected thermostat and all well installed, the connected thermostatic heads are very effective. Your savings can always go up with home automation equipment.

Connected valves are therefore far from simple accessories. They have a decisive role and ask for a real interview. Connected thermostatic valves are real regulators.

The connected thermostat is used to pilot your boiler, if you live in a large area, the equipment of connected thermostatic valves can quickly become essential since allowing you to modulate and adapt your room settings by room and thus, to gain in comfort.

Reducing the temperature in you can save you up to 7 % on your annual heating bill.

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