Assistance and troubleshooting of the Bbox de Bouygues, Bouygues Telecom network problem: how to remedy a Bouygues failure?

Bouygues Telecom network problem: how to remedy a Bouygues failure

If, after verification, you find that the problem you encounter does not come from a Bouygues breakdown, You have to ask yourself if your equipment is well configured. Of course, the configuration depends on the device used and its operating system. Usually your smartphone is already configured by default to access the Internet. First of all, check that your SIM card is well inserted into your device (if not, you can’t call). Then, if you still have difficulty connecting, try to reinstall the settings in a few clicks. It is essential to use your phone without problem on the Bouygues network.

Bouygues Bbox assistance and troubleshooting

Internet equipment is not free from defects. Thus, during your internet subscription at Bouygues Telecom, you may require customer service assistance or troubleshooting by after -sales service. Before you get there, you can carry out several checks or manipulations to try to solve the problem yourself without the intervention of Bouygues customer service. A solution that can save time.

Persistent problem on your BBOX The problem of your BBOX persists ? Contact it BBOX customer service by Bouygues Telecom To solve the fastest problem and ask to take advantage of the guaranteed internet service.

First of all, if you encounter the slightest problem with your Bbox services (Internet, TV, or telephony), you have to Check the BBOX lights, Starting with the feeder. This indicates if the box is well lit. If it is green, everything is fine in terms of power supply and it will be useless to call your customer service or EDF. Any other color requires special attention and means that an update is perhaps in progress (do not turn off the box). Flashing red, The feeder indicates that a problem was detected.

An incident on the Bbox Internet

To locate a problem, you have to trust the light of your Bbox before finding a way to put the connection.

Internet lights of the Bbox or Bbox Sensation

  • If the indicator adsl or @ of your bbox is extinguished or flashes, The Bbox indicates that Internet connection does not work.
  • If the indicator adsl or @ of your bbox is alight (and does not flash), your internet connection is supposed to operate. Otherwise, you can carry out some manipulations yourself to restore your connection.

How to restore your internet connection ?

  1. If you are connected in wifi, Connect your computer to the Bbox with an ethernet cable to check if the internet connection works. In the event that the problem comes from wifi, check your connection identifiers and check via the management interface that WiFi is activated.
  2. Restart your Bbox Using the on/off button on the back of the box. You have to wait a few minutes before turning it back on. It is recommended to also restart your computer.
  3. Check the connections, Between the box and the computer, and between the box and the socket (coaxial or telephone). Nearby electronic devices can disrupt its operation. In addition, it is important to put the box in an airy place to avoid overheating.
  4. Reset box. In order to restore the default BBOX settings, you can press the Reset button at the back of the Bbox Using a trombone. It is also possible for you to reset the settings of your BBOX via the HTTP: // Management Management interface.LAN/.

You can download the diagnostic application of Bouygues Telecom, on mobile or on tablet, to guide you in the troubleshooting steps: Android and iOS.

If you cannot restore your internet connection by following these steps, Check your computer settings. Certain parameters of antivirus, firewall, or browser can block internet connection. In the event that no attempt works, you still have to contact customer service. Depending on the scale of the breakdown, Bouygues Telecom customer service can offer you a Free Bbox exchange.

How to connect to the Internet in the event of a proven breakdown ?

In the event that your BBOX Internet connection takes several days to break down, several options offer you an extra internet connection: the Bouygues Telecom community WiFi network, your phone’s modem function, or the free loan of a Bbox Bbox Nomad 4G.

An incident on the BBOX fixed line

Bbox or Bbox sensation telephony

  • If the light such is extinct, This means that the Fixed Bbox line does not work.
  • If the light such is Green and fixed, The fixed line of the Bbox is supposed to operate. Otherwise, you can carry out some manipulations in order to help the line yourself, before using customer service assistance.

How to help your telephone line ?

  1. Restart your Bbox Using the on/off button on the back of the box.
  2. Check the connections, Between the box and the telephone, and between the box and the socket (coaxial or telephone).
  3. Reset box. In order to restore the default BBOX settings, you can press the Reset button at the back of the Bbox using a trombone. You can also reset the settings of your BBOX via the management interface.
  4. If possible, test the line With another compatible fixed phone, to check if the problem does not come from the phone itself.
  5. In case the problem is still not resolved, contact customer service.

Bbox TV decoder troubleshooting

The Bbox Modem does not have specific lights on television. However, your management interface indicates whether the TV service is active.

If you cannot access your TV channels or are of poor quality, you can try to solve the problem with the following handling. If this does not correct the problem, you will need to contact Bouygues Telecom customer service.

  1. Check From your decoder to your BBOX modem, and the connection to your TV.
  2. Check the image source Used on your TV. Depending on the connection (HDMI, AV1, etc.), it may be necessary to change the source with the television of the television or to modify the connection of the SIGLY or HDMI cable.
  3. Restart your Bbox modem, Using the on/off button at the rear. You will know that the box works again when the indicator adsl or @ will be turned on.

Updated on 08/30/2023

Former editorial manager, Marianne joined Selectra in 2014 in order to develop Telecom content. A graduate of a master 2 international media, she is now the manager in charge of all the contents of the Pôle Télecom.

Bouygues Telecom network problem: how to remedy a Bouygues failure ?



You are a Bouygues Telecom customer and frequently encounter network problems ? You are satisfied with the Internet but not your mobile network ? Before thinking of changing operator, there may be a simple solution to remedy your worries. Fixed internet or mobile network, let’s examine together how to direct yourself towards the fastest solution.

You want to take out a bouygues offer ?

What to do in case of Bouygues Telecom network problem ? Are the steps complicated ? What to start with ? Which address ? Discover it in this guide !

In recent years, all operators have become aware of the importance of good after-sales service. Thus, Bouygues Telecom has already been elected several times N ° 1 of customer relations. This award is awarded by the customer relationship podium, organized by the BearingPoint and Kantar TNS institutes. It has distinguished, each year since its creation in 2003, companies and organizations that best satisfy their customers on a daily basis. However, with the continuous increase in traffic, both in vocal communication and in exchange of data on the fixed or mobile Internet, incidents may occur, more or less durably. We will see together how to face it.

Bouygues mobile network problem: how to know ?

If you meet connection difficulties, The very first thing to do is to check if there is not one Bouygues network breakdown in progress. Operators regularly communicate on the state of their network and this information is generally easy to find. In its assistance pages, Bouygues Telecom puts online a page entitled ” Mobile network weather »». Indeed, access to the service can be assigned by climatic conditions, but also by the place where you are, as well as your position, depending on whether you are inside or outside buildings. The “weather” page allows you to consult thenetwork state Depending on where you are: you can indeed type an address or a postal code to discover an updated and detailed condition. This Local report precise :

  • L’networks 2G, 3G and 4G (degraded or operational) and even 5G.
  • there Weather for calls, Who tells you if incidents have been identified in the area and if you can fully enjoy your calls and SMS.
  • there Data weather (that is to say mobile Internet) which tells you if incidents have been identified in the area and if you can browse the Internet in 3G or 4G. However, the flow to which you access can vary at any time depending on the number of simultaneous users on the network, where you are located and your terminal.

Finally, you should know that access to services (calls and mobile internet) is measured outside buildings, in accordance with the methodology retained by the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts). It is obviously impossible to give this information inside the buildings: the results then depend on too many parameters, directly linked to the configuration of the building, the building materials used, the presence or not of windows, etc.

You wish to take out a Bouygues package ?

Bbox breakdown: where to find help ?

Bouygues network breakdown

Fixed side, Bouygues Telecom also provides you with an assistance page, entitled ” Have your Bbox by making a diagnosis »». This one invites you to make a online troubleshooting, guiding yourself step by step until the solution. We advise you to access this page from your mobile phone. It is just as simple and fast, but above all it will prevent you from being interrupted in full troubleshooting if a restart of your Bbox is necessary.

The BBOX customer area mobile application allows not only to check the proper functioning of your fixed line, but also to optimize the installation of the equipment in your accommodation. Depending on the diagnostic results and your BBOX offer, you can even receive free BBOX WiFi repeaters (with the Bbox Ultym).

Finally, if you want personalized help, Bouygues Telecom has set up a network of advisers, recruited both among customers and the staff of the operator staff. You can contact them by chat Or by email From the assistance pages of the official Bouygues website.

Bouygues network problem: it exists, independent opinions ?

There are also several independent sites which regularly check theBouygues network condition throughout France, depending on the different departments. Among these, let us mention in particular “ »who has the breakdown reports and draws up a card from their origin. The comments left by users (even if they are still taking with tweezers) also make it possible to learn about the nature of the Bouygues breakdowns or current concerns.

Another site to consult to inform you, the space dedicated to consumers by Arcep. His observatory regularly publishes very comprehensive and impartial reports On the coverage and quality of mobile services. The Arcep site also offers an interactive map of mobile coverage across the entire metropolitan territory, available at https: // Monreseaumobile.arcep.Fr/ . Note, however, that this information comes from official and dated sources: the latest data date from September 2021. They are therefore of no use to know the state of the network on D -day.

Finally, to conclude, a last tip: in case of concern with your Bbox or Bouygues network problem On your mobile, consult the Bouygues Telecom Facebook or Twitter pages: Most of the time, many unhappy users share and exchange messages that give you specific indications on the current failures.

You want to change operator ?

And if your device was poorly configured ?

If, after verification, you find that the problem you encounter does not come from a Bouygues breakdown, You have to ask yourself if your equipment is well configured. Of course, the configuration depends on the device used and its operating system. Usually your smartphone is already configured by default to access the Internet. First of all, check that your SIM card is well inserted into your device (if not, you can’t call). Then, if you still have difficulty connecting, try to reinstall the settings in a few clicks. It is essential to use your phone without problem on the Bouygues network.

In its assistance pages, Bouygues Telecom provides you with a page dedicated to Configuration of your device (Configure your email mobile phone -> Mobile internet -> MMS)). This is your starting point for Configure your smartphone step by step. After selecting the model of your smartphone, simply select the page ” Configure Internet and MMS access ” in the tab ” first steps »». You will then be guided by a very simple small animation, based on screenshots, which will take you step by step towards the right settings.

There is also a tab at this stage ” Internet and connection »Who offers five entries which can be very useful to take control of your smartphone: navigate the internet, access the Wi-Fi network, use the Modem mode by USB, share your Wi-Fi connection, activate 4G, Disable Internet connection.

And if at the end of these settings, you still can’t connect to the mobile internet, you have the solution ofstore See directly an advisor. Note that you can make an appointment to avoid waiting at “peak” hours.

What to do in the event of a 4G bouygues problem ? Above all, is your smartphone Compatible with 4G ? This is the first thing to check in case of Bouygues network problem. Then, if you still have a 4G Bouygues problem, Look if you have activated 4G in the adjustment menus of your device: it is not automatic, but it is sometimes enough for a single click !

Before leaving abroad to avoid Bouygues network problems

According to the Bouygues mobile plan that you have chosen, you may have blocked the use of the package abroad. At Bouygues Telecom, you can Disable this option In your subscriber space. You have a similar setting in your smartphone: a “blocking abroad” option must also be deactivated. On some devices, “roaming of data” must be activated and the telephone restarted after this configuration. Once communications abroad unlocked, you should take care to avoid off-form.

Without going into detail of the configurations that vary from one device and from one system to another, simply remember to check the parameters both in your customer area and in the settings of your smartphone before leaving. And in case of doubt, do not hesitate to call your customer service.

Discover the best Bouygues packages abroad

When and how to request compensation ?

Compensation Bouygues Package

Like all operators, Bouygues Telecom is subject to an obligation of result: a Bouygues breakdown which causes several whole days without connection can be very detrimental for a subscriber, calls and the Internet being now an essential means of communication on a daily basis. And who says damage says compensation. It seems reasonable to ask at least a refund corresponding to the period when network access has not been available. But beware, any breakdown that has a problem with your home, computer or smartphone will not be enough to obtain compensation. How to do ? At first contact customer service. If after a month, you have not obtained a satisfactory response (or no response at all), then contact the Consumer service By mail to the following address: Bouygues Telecom consumer service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex.

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