Ask for fiber or ADSL connection: procedures and advice |, fiber connection: how is a fiber installation?

Fiber connection: how is a fiber installation

You live in individual house ?

Ask for its connection to fiber or ADSL: procedures and advice

April 2019 update A more recent version of this article is available here !

To request your fiber connection, ask the 09 87 67 55 23 (Free reminder).

In which cases should I provide a connection to the ADSL ?

Two cases are to be distinguished:

  • If you are in a home where there has already been a telephone line and the latter has been inactivated

No intervention will be necessary within your accommodation. The connection will be done by a simple technical intervention at the NRA level (subscriber connection node) which is a building or converge all the lines of all suppliers. This is that the cables arrive in your accommodation. The connection inside the NRA is done by the technicians of the different ISPs which connect the copper pairs corresponding to your line.

  • In the case of new accommodation

The connection then requires road works in order to connect your accommodation to the nearest Plot France Telecom. The junction between the private network and the France Telecom network is called the adduction point. France Telecom only supports connection work until this point of adduction and leaves the customer the burden of building his network within his accommodation (follow our guide below). Secondly, it will also be necessary to connect within the NRA so that the line is definitively activated.

Procedures: for the connection of new accommodation

Steps within the framework of the building permit

The first step is to provide telephone line construction in your building permit. Building professionals are used to these steps but it is important to check that the request for line creation is well notified in the building permit in the same way as the water, electricity or even gas network.

Then, you must plan places of adduction to the entry of your accommodation. This is the meeting point between the public network and your network, often at the limit of ownership. Either the professional in charge of construction (electrician) of your accommodation determines it with you or you contact France Telecom at 1014 which will offer you a quote and will help you determine this point of adduction by moving a technician. It is important to think carefully about the point location because if it is too far from the France Telecom network, you may have to pay part of the work (if France Telecom needs to draw more than 30 meters of cables). Adduction is subject to certain engineering rules such as the format of the tubes, the cohabitation of the sheaths or the depth of burial of the sheaths. It is important to think of all these elements even before the construction of the accommodation and to respect the conditions of France Telecom under penalty of having to resume the work.

Physical connection

We advise you to contact France Telecom at 1014, at least two months before the desired date for connection. These two months allow France Telecom:

  • to assess the magnitude of the work necessary for connection,
  • to mandate an external company (because it is not France Telecom that performs the work but an external service provider),
  • to carry out the connection work (trench, extension of the air or underground network),
  • to connect your network to the place of adduction.

Connection within the NRA and the activation of the line

It should be noted that this connection to the network is not enough for you to have the Internet and the phone at home. It will then be necessary to activate the line in the NRA by subscribing to an offer with the Internet access provider of your choice.

Deadlines and costs

Connection time with France Telecom

For connection requiring adduction work, conventional deadlines are two months from the moment you have contacted the France Telecom services. Then it will be necessary to activate your line in the room NRA. This period varies from 9 to 15 days.

NRAs formerly exclusive property of France Telecom, often lack space and this sometimes leads to additional deadlines for activating the line because you must create new connectors that must then be connected to the existing network. This is often the case for alternative suppliers (other than Orange) who must create more and more lines.

Connection costs

For a connection, there must be two costs which will appear on the same invoice:

  • The cost of activating the line (or opening costs, or commissioning costs) is € 55. These costs cover the opening of the line with the France Telecom network.
  • Then, only if it is the connection of new accommodation, you will have to pay the technician’s travel expenses which are € 69. In cases where the technician’s appointment takes place after 6 p.m. or before 8 a.m., the costs are € 81.

Optical fiber connection

To request your fiber connection, ask the 09 87 67 55 23 (free service).

In which cases should I provide a fiber optical connection ?

Connection to optical fiber can be done in the following three cases:

  • If your building is already connected to the Fiber network but you have no coaxial socket in your home.
  • If you live in individual housing in the zone eligible for fiber.
  • If your building is not connected to the Fiber network but is part of the zone eligible for fiber optics.

The deployment of optical fiber is done gradually in France, but this requires major work and the construction of new infrastructures. Suppliers prioritize areas of high density in order to make these investments profitable. No need to ask to be connected to the Fiber network if you live in a rural area far from a big city. Since 2012, the law has forced manufacturers to equip new buildings in optical fiber, but this does not concern individual dwellings.

To find out if you are in an area eligible for optical fiber, you must contact a supplier of your choice. It will make an eligibility test which will determine whether or not you can have access to this network. You can contact 09 87 67 55 23 to do the eligibility test in your town.

– The case of connection to optical fiber within a building already connected to the network

This is the simplest connection. Optical fiber already arrives in your building. You just have to connect to this network by a simple appointment with a technician who will connect by cable the connection node of your building to your accommodation. You will therefore have a coaxial socket at home on which you will connect your box. The appointment with the technician is made when subscribing to an internet offer + TV + phone. It should be noted that the technician may have to pierce a hole to let the cable pass. It is therefore better to notify your landlord before making appointments with the ISP to prevent it from retaining part of the accommodation of the accommodation at the end of the lease.

To choose your offer and get a connection appointment with a technician, you can contact

This connection is fully supported by your ISP, so you have nothing to spend on your first bill.

Connection times vary depending on ISPs and the availability of technicians. In general, it takes between a week and 25 days for certain operators. ARCEP (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts) which give statistics on each operator has distinguished the FAI nummericable for its speed of connection with an average of less than 10 days. Bouygues Télécom arriving in last position for the 1st quarter 2013 with a deadline that can vary from 20 to 25 days.

-The case of connection for individual housing in the zone eligible for fiber

This case remains quite rare: the cost of the connection to the fiber being high, the individual housing rarely have access to it. The first condition is that your accommodation is part of an area eligible for the Fiber network. It is therefore necessary to be part of a high density area (large agglomerations). In certain new suburban residences, building entrepreneurs, in collaboration with certain ISPs, have already planned the fiber optical connection. On the other hand if your accommodation is isolated, or in a rural area, you will not have access to fiber optics.

To find out if you are eligible for optical fiber, you can address your manufacturer or contact us at If your accommodation is already pre-brief, the subscription to a subscription from an internet access provider will imply the passage of a technician for the connection.

If you are in an area eligible for optical fiber and your accommodation has been prevailing, the connection will not be billed to you. You will only pay the subscription to your FAI.

For a pre-wire accommodation, the deadlines are the same as for a connection to the optical fiber within a building already connected to the network, that is to say between 9 and 25 days depending on the supplier.

-Connection to optical fiber for a condominium building

The regulations forced promoters to equip new fiber optics buildings since April 2012. If your accommodation was delivered after this date, you should have the fiber. To find out, you can do an eligibility test by contacting You just have to subscribe to an offer later to benefit from ultra fast internet access (

On the other hand if your building is older, you will not be able to take the process individually. You will have to bring together the condominium during a general meeting on the agenda of which the request for connection to the Fiber network will be registered. It will then be necessary to contact an Internet access provider (ISP) to send him this request. He will study your request and will make a detailed quote from the work to be carried out. If you accept the quote, the connection deadlines vary between 1 and 2 months depending on the availability of its teams.

To find out the fiber optic connection costs for a condominium building, you must directly attach an access provider that will make you a detailed quote from services and work to be performed. We advise you to contact the maximum of ISP to be able to compare the various quotes and play the competition.

The regulations forced internet access providers to have the Fiber network set up within a period which does not exceed 6 months after acceptance of the quote. The deadlines are generally faster (1 to 2 months), because it is a significant source of profit for the FAI.

Updated on 05/10/2021

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Fiber connection: how is a fiber installation ?

You will soon receive the fiber optics at home and you have no idea how a fiber installation takes place ? Our Jechange experts explain to you bluntly how a connection is going to the fiber from A to Z according to your situation (home in house or building), the price of the installation or the principle of eligibility. Follow our step -by -step guide !

  • The essential
  • To be carried out, theFiber installation In a housing is divided into 4 steps: connection node, pooling point, connection point and optical termination point.
  • We distinguish the fiber connection in individual house of that in building.
  • The connection is only possible from the moment you are fiber.

You want to install the fiber at home ?
Test your eligibility by phone !

The steps of the fiber optical connection

L’Fiber installation understand 4 main steps ::

  • 1st step: the Optical connection knot (NRO). The operators must install this technical room, the entry point of the fiber network, in which they will store their equipment necessary for the reception and the delivery of the fiber optics. The NRO therefore plays an active transport role for fiber.
  • 2nd step: the Zone pooling points (PMZ). The NROs of the first stage of the fiber connection serve it to zone pooling points (PMZ). These optical sub-partys distribute and, precisely, send the fiber to the connecting areas, also called optical connections points. The latter constitute the third stage in the installation of the fiber.
  • 3rd step: the Optical connection points (PBO). Dedicated to the fiber connection of end customers and located close to housing, these boxes are capable of passing the fiber to more than a dozen dwellings at the same time.
  • 4th step: the Optical termination point or optical terminal socket (PTO). It is a white case located inside the subscribers’ home that connects the fiber from the PBO to their internet box.

Remember that stages 1 and 2, through the initiative of Internet access providers (ISP), allow municipalities to technically capture the Fiber networks thanks to the NRO first, then the Localized fiber connection In the districts is provided by the PMZ.

Steps 3 and 4 bring fiber directly to individuals, that they live in individual house or in a condominium.

You want to install the fiber at home but you do not know how to do ? Contact a JeCchange Advisor for more info at 01 86 26 53 94.

I test my fiber eligibility at home !

Installation of fiber according to the type of accommodation

Optical fiber connection in individual house

THE Work to install the fiber take place in two stages:

Home fiber installation schema

  1. The fiber is taken from the street to your home : this is done using a drawing cable, commonly called the needle, from the PBO located in the street outside the accommodation to be connected. The fiber takes the same path as the cable of the phone by entering a scabbard whose extremity often arrives at the level of the electric meter. The needle ends its way in the house of the subscriber, where the technicians immobilize it and protect it in ducts to prepare the passage of the fiber.
  2. The connection is finally carried out inside your home : From the PBO where it is connected, the fiber is transported by cable to the PTO, itself connected by cable to the Internet modem.

Count Between 2 and 4 hours For the duration of the house connection work, variable depending on:

  • of Fiber installation type retained (air or underground);
  • of the Distance between PBO and PTO.

You live in individual house ?

Fiber Connection in Building

After formulating your Apply to the trustee To have fiber in your apartment in a building (condominium), the fiber connection is free and hard Between 1 and 3 days. The request for connection, once accepted, is followed by Choice of FAI commissioned for connect your fiber network And, from there, can finally start the connection.

L’Installation of fiber in your building begins with the Location of the PM so that the HOS can connect its equipment. Then a Pbo is installed on each floor of the building, whose yours therefore. And, same process as for a Home fiber connection, The fiber optic cable is pulled from the PBO Until your Optical Terminal Getting.

Good to know: you do not have to connect your home during the work to connect your building. If you wish, you can completely wait until the end of the work to Subscribe a fiber box with another operator (subject to eligibility).

You live in an apartment ?

What is the price of installing fiber optics ?

Suppliers’ prices to connect a detached house

In the absence of connection, the Fiber installation price in a house East Between 149 € and € 299 According to operators.

In general, an underground fiber connection costs more than an aerial connection. Each Internet access provider (ISP) fixes its own prices for Connect your home to optical fiber. You can refer to the table below to Compare prices between FAI, with a distinction made between the underground method and the air method, and thus know How much does the fiber connection cost.

Who pays the fiber connection of your home ? When you live in a house, fiber connection is paying, either your charge or offered by some FAI. It is also sometimes possible to negotiate these costs with your operator.

Fiber connection costs in building: who pays between the owner and the tenant ?

Neither ! He is not the owner or the tenant which must pay fiber connection costs, including equipment, installation and maintenance. It is the operator, Responsible for the good performance of the fiber connection work, which covers these costs in their entirety.

As a tenant, the right to fiber Protects you, so that if your owner, once informed of your intention, cannot refuse to have the fiber optic installed in the accommodation you rent him. All you need to do is send a formal request by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to be submitted to your lessor. If, in the space of 6 months, the owner did not give a favorable continuation to your request or that he left it unanswered, you can take the lead and program the work without hiding it from the owner. THE two only valid refusal patterns For him are: accommodation already connected fiber or connection already programmed.

The right to fiber Approved by decree nº2009-53 of January 15, 2009, this right offers any tenant or owner the possibility of sharing his will toObtain access to optical fiber in housing that is not yet connected to this very high speed technology.

How to know if I can be connected to the fiber ?

Save precious time and do not embark on a fiber connection process until you have checked your Fiber eligibility. Due to the unequal coverage of operators and the long process of deploying fiber in the territory, all accommodation is not eligible for this technology. To have a quick response, the easiest way is to perform an eligibility test on the internet to determine the feasibility of a fiber connection at home.

THE best fiber eligibility test is below. The result gives you the operator (s) who have already set up a fiber network in your town, and from which you will be able to take out an offer. In the box, simply write your postal address, to select it once once our algorithm found it and then click on “Test”.

Fiber eligibility test ! Which internet subscription can I subscribe to my accommodation ?
Simple, fast and free test.

  • Once an operator has finished connecting a street, a neighborhood or even a whole town, it cannot yet sell you its fiber offers. He must first respect a 3 -month deficiency period.
  • It is only after these 3 months of waiting that you can initiate the discussion with your operator so that it dispatches a technician at your home to install fiber.
  • In one day, this technician puts into service and then Active your new very high speed internet line. As long as an operator covers your residential area, know that you are free to choose the operator and subscribe to the fiber offer of your choice.

The deficiency This is a legal framework, set over a period of 3 months, which aims to establish healthy competition between all Internet access providers. Once a supplier has made a fiber connection, he cannot operate it exclusively for commercial purposes and is constrained by the law ofOpen access to the network to its competitors. The operator must wait 90 days to give other suppliers time to connect their own networks to the NRO, so that everyone can market its offers simultaneously.

Nathan Parpinelli

Arrived at Selectra in early 2023, Nathan is an editor passionate about the universe of telecommunications. He devotes himself to the production of expert content on the thematic pages “Guides/approaches/comparison” and “multi-operator” of the Jechange site. He compares for you the best internet and mobile telephony on the market.

Ask us, we do it for you !

Call our advisers for your procedures (eligibility, change of operator. ))

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How to install optical fiber at home ?

Your accommodation is now eligible for optical fiber, and you will be able to switch to very high speed ? If you are wondering how to install the fiber, we reassure you: we take care of everything ! We show you ? Tadaaa ! You know that you will be able to enjoy very high speed in your home, and you wonder how to install the fiber ? Well since good news never arrives alone, know that the installation of the fiber to an eligible housing can be done quickly and free of charge. At Bouygues Telecom, we offer an installation appointment as soon as you subscribe to an internet box with fiber. Once the date and the intervention time slot has been chosen according to your availability, one of our technicians goes to your home to install. In most cases, you have nothing to pay: this installation is completely free. While you live in a house or an apartment, you are told everything you need to know about the installation of the fiber at your home.
Discover Internet boxes

How to install the fiber in a house ?

To install optical fiber in your home, you agree with an appointment with a Bouygues Telecom technician, when subscribing to one of our Internet boxes. Whatever place you live (a big town, a small village …), this service is completely free. The day of the installation, your presence – or that of an adult representing you – is essential. The technician will start by locating the best path to bring fiber from an optical connection point located in the street to your home. Connection to the fiber optic network can be done by air (via street posts) or underground (via existing ducts). If the connection is aerial, our technician will present himself with a nacelle. If he is underground, he will use a rigid cable to guide the passage of the fiber from the street to your accommodation. The technician will also analyze the configuration of your accommodation, and will validate with you the passage of the fiber. He may be led to unravel a small hole in one of your walls, to bring the fiber optic cable inside your accommodation. This cable, of ivory white color, will then be pulled and placed in a clean and discreet way, to the location of the fiber wall outlet. The intervention can last up to four hours. If you are a tenant, make sure you have the written permission of your owner. Once the intervention is completed, the technician will check that the fiber connection is perfectly functional. After the appointment, you will be invited to note the intervention of the technician via your Bouygues Telecom application.

How to install the fiber in a building ?

Like the installation of optical fiber in a house, the connection of an apartment with fiber first goes through the making of an appointment. This is made when subscribing to a fiber offer, and depending on your availability. Again, this intervention is completely free, regardless of where your building is. A few days before D-Day, you will receive an SMS to confirm and prepare your appointment on your Bouygues Telecom application. In particular, you will be asked if you can access the fiber room for your building. It is generally located at the bottom of the building, in the cellars, in the parking lot, or in a technical room. You can inquire with your goalkeeper, trustee or even the union council. During the installation meeting, our technician must be able to access this premises. If your building consists of less than twelve dwellings, the fiber network connection point is sometimes installed in the street, and can serve other neighboring dwellings. After analyzing the configuration of your apartment, the technician will fix a fiber wall outlet, near where you will install your box. It will connect this socket to an outdoor box, located in the common areas. This connection will be done using a cable, which it will place in a clean and discreet way, along the plinths and using the existing chutes or sleeves if necessary. Discreet drilling may be necessary: ​​you can agree with their location with the technician, and supervise their realization. Installation can last up to four hours. If you are a tenant, make sure you have the written permission of your owner. At the end of the appointment, the technician will check that your fiber connection works perfectly.

A summer is very high speed

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