Applications that identify read books, 10 best free reading applications for iOS and Android

10 free reading applications essential to download for book lovers

Book Village is The pleasure of digital reading while retaining the enchantment of the physical bookic.

Applications that lift books read

Application and website to identify, classify, organize your books and readings

You are looking for information on applications to identify and classify your books read? In this article we set up the list of apps Available in the AppStore and Googleplay as well as their differences, their advantages and their disadvantages, so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Why manage your library with a mobile application?

Managing your library with an application is simply practical and providing you with a significant time saving. Especially if you have many books. How many times have you lost you are looking for a book in your library ? How many times have you bought a double book thinking that you haven’t had it yet ?

Ranging a library is an art. And like any art, there is an infinity of ways to classify his books. By author, by publishing house, by collection, by size, by color or by series. The classification methods are countless and the least we can say is that readers do not lack imagination to innovate. And this is where technology can be formidable efficiency. Being able to sort your library in several different ways and in 1 click is a must have today !

What application to manage your library?

All the applications we report below in this article make it possible to list your books or to store them on virtual shelves on the basis of a series of criteria such as the literary genre, the author or the publishing house for example.

What application to follow your readings?

Mobile applications that allow you to follow your readings or set your reading objectives are Babelio and my library. The other applications offer other features, but almost all allow you to mark your books as read, in progress or to read.

How to note the books read?

Once your books have been added to an application dedicated to the books classification, it will be very easy for you to leave assessments and comments on your past readings or interact with other platform users. Babelio or Gleeph are the most suitable applications for this.

Applications that lift books read: what differences?

As explained previously, the main features offered by book classification apps are very similar (storage, follow -up, appreciation, sharing of readings). However, these applications differ in their approach. All the applications we analyze in this article are developed in France. Here we go !

The Book Village application, a circular model: buys, manages your readings and sell

Used book Books Book Village

How to list your books ?

Book village

The literary world is a limitless epic through imaginary regions, old and new civilizations. To sail in this vast universe, You need the right tools.

Book Village is The pleasure of digital reading while retaining the enchantment of the physical bookic.

This is why our library manager, fruit of support from our community, is accessible to all free via our application and our website.

Here’s how Book Village enriches your reader experience:

���� Digitalize your library.

A simple scan of barcode and hop, your book is in your biblio. No ISBN code ? No problem, manual addition is your friend.

�� Am your readings.

Am your reading progress thanks to the statutes: “to read”, “in progress”, “read”. For an overview, click on “everything”.

�� Explore effortless.

You are looking for one of your books ? Find it in 2 clicks. Sort your books easily by title, author, gender, state of wear, price or format.

�� Reorganize as you wish.

Move and regence your books. Gather them by author, title, collection, color, publisher, genre … It’s up to you to choose !

✏️ immortalize your emotions.

Capture the moment. Record your favorite quotes, your hot thoughts or your reflections. A confidential space for your reading notes, just for you.

�� Make yourself.

Displays a profile photo, write a presentation and share your literary preferences with the community.

The Book Village Mobile Application is a community platform, also available on a website, which makes it possible to build your personal library by scanning the bar codes on the back of its books. It is also possible to add books without bar code manually. For each book added, a book sheet is created. You also have the opportunity to choose what you want to do with your book: sell it or store it. Many features allow you to manage your library: in practice, you can sort your books by author, by title, or by literary genre, arrange your books, add readings or manage your reading statuses.

Book Village is also a market place in which members of the members are connected to each other. But you can very well use the library and reader manager without opening a shop or without making a purchase. And it’s completely free !

The collaborative catalog available on the application has more than a million books in all genres: from comics to classics of literature through contemporary novels and Dark Romance.

Book Village remunerates itself by taking a small commission from the books sold by the members. The application is updated regularly. In fact, recently, Book Village is also available in the form of a website .


The Babelio mobile application is also a community platform that allows you to list your books through a barcode scanner. You can also search for books and all the information relating to the book if you have the ISBN code of the book.

You can of course build your personal library and classify your books in different categories: read, to read. You can also note your books and those of other members, leave assessments or write criticism. If you have annual reading objectives, you can manage them on the application also.

The application has other useful features: the books of the moment, the possibility of managing your favorites, the opinions of readers to get an idea of ​​a book before buying it or the reading recommendations offered by the platform.

Babelio remunerates itself by broadcasting advertising on its site and its application. The application is updated regularly.

My library

My library is a very simple application to use with few features and a simple and somewhat dated design but that does not detract from the practical side. It makes it possible to reference all your books, to check those you have read and to build a list of wishes.

Unlike other application, my library is a tool in the strict sense of the term. There is therefore no community of readers or sharing possible readings.

My library is a completely free application. The application is updated regularly.


The Collibri application offers the possibility of adding your books, storing them on shelves in the following categories: owned books, read books and books to read.

Like Babelio or Book Village, you also have the opportunity to note your readings or publish your reading notices. Like Gleeph of which we will talk about a little lower, you can also follow and be followed by other readers.

Colibris is a completely free application. The application is updated regularly.


The Mobile Classbook application, like the previous ones, allows you to add your books manually or through an ISBN code scanner. She includes a follow -up of her books of books, the possibility of managing her list of wishes, awarding the “read” status to her books or to follow the amount of books read.

The list of wishes allows to compare the prices of books that we want to buy from different online sellers.

The design of the application is really nice and engaging.

Classbook is an application paid beyond 15 pounds added. That is to say fairly quickly. The last application update begins to date.


Gleeph is a mobile community platform which presents itself as a social network of readers. They offer roughly the same storage features as Babelio or Colibris thanks to a system of thematic shelves. For each book added, we have the opportunity to mark our appreciation. The members of the platform can subscribe to the libraries of other members. The application allows you to communicate live by messaging integrated into the application.

A bit like Book Village for used books, Gleeph has the advantage of making personalized readings recommendations. Its recommendation engine is to offer members to buy any books that would interest them or for which they have indicated that they had a crush. The application then redirects the member to an online book seller where to a bookstore near his home.

Little more for Gleeph: its barcode scanner which allows you to add several books at once.

Gleeph receives a commissions on the books purchased through it. The application is updated regularly.

Loved ones

The Mobile Books Mobile Application also allows you to reference all these books and offer them on loan. It is positioned as a book loan management tool. It allows you to navigate the readers’ libraries that have been added to your circle of friends and organize exchanges. It therefore has reminders and monitoring of current loans.

The books of loved ones are remunerated by offering subscription services to associations or companies. The last application update begins to date.

Book Village, Gleeph or Babelio ?

You will understand, among all the applications that make it possible to identify your books, some are exclusively dedicated to this while others combines this functionality with a community dimension, exchange tools or loans or even a market place dedicated to the circulation of books between individuals like Book Village.

Sharing your readings with other readers or with relatives or on social networks is possible with almost all these applications. The distinction to be made therefore relates more to the additional features.

If you are only looking for a simple management tool, my library can largely do the trick. If you are looking for inspiration to buy new books, Babelio or Gleeph may be more suitable. If you are rather interested in second -hand books and good deals, whether to buy or sell them, in this case the Book Village application turns out to be the most complete solution.

10 free reading applications essential to download for book lovers

Wearing heavy books and going to libraries can be very annoying these days. Fortunately, you can now read and download ebooks with your phone. This offers you maximum comfort and a reading adventure when traveling. In this article, we have listed the best Free reading applications To help you read your favorite book at any time and anywhere. Continue navigating to start.

Recommended free reading applications

Google Play Books

Google Play Books Reading Application

A Google product, Google Play Books is a free application for reading books with more than five million books and audio books available. These ebooks can be downloaded without costing you a single penny. In addition, he supports Adobe Digital Editions, a web browser and Google Home in addition to the Google Play Books section. You can enjoy up to 2,000 ebooks in PDF or EPUB file formats of this program. Without a doubt, it is considered the largest collection of electronic books in the world.

Amazon Kindle App

With the Kindle application, you have access to millions of books. It is an application for all readers that they prefer books, magazines or newspapers. As one of the best reading applications, it offers innovative features such as the Flip page functionality to access cards, graphics and tables. You can also synchronize your ebooks and read the same book on different devices. In addition, if you forgot where you interrupted reading, it will automatically synchronize where you left it.


GOODREADS Reading application

GOODREADS is another program for library rats. When you create an account, you can follow the books you read. In addition, this also allows you to leave criticism and follow friends or authors to see what they read. This is the best application for reading books for readers and book suggestions to discover and share your book preferences. In addition to that, you can search for authors or specific book titles, you can find new books to read.


Scribd Reading Application

If you like to read, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, audio books or digital books, consult Scribd. With thousands of ebooks, audio books, periodicals, news and free podcasts at any time. In addition, you can share your own content and freely browse a large number of documents shared in the community. It is considered one of the free reading applications because of its ease of use and its many types of digital content.


Oodles Reading Application

Oodles is free electronic book software that offers thousands of books to download and read. He has a friendly interface that book lovers will wait impatiently. In addition, you can search for the book using several categories such as the author, popularity, publisher, etc. You can also import any ebook in EPUB, Mobi or text format from your phone. In addition, this application allows readers to personalize the font size, style, and background for a better reading experience.



Access the list of the best playback apps is kobobooks. With him, you can have your book in the genre you prefer. And does not stop there because it has an integrated dictionary as well as features to take notes and highlight. Unlike other applications, it offers a day or night mode to help you enjoy reading without irritating your eyes. It also immediately synchronizes your bookmarks with the last pages you read.



Libby is a free program used by many public libraries to access online resources such as electronic books and audio books. It provides a modernized digital content portal with additional tools for personalized reading experience. In addition, this free book reading application offers a variety of layouts, lighting configurations and font size adjustments for electronic books. In addition, it allows highlighting, annotations and configurable bookmarks. It also provides readers with a glossary to explain the words they do not know.



One of the main reading applications is Wattpad. It allows its users to write and publish their own fictional works in all genres. In this area, a variety of creative fiction, poetry, action and adventure can be appreciated. What else? It also has a wide range of options to categorize stories and content forms. Over the years, it has established its position which should be listed as one of the best reading applications.



Litsy allows you to share and discover exciting books with your favorite people. His community is a wave of passionate readers, authors and influencers who share brief articles on their “moments of reading”. Each of them is linked to a specific book and includes presentation texts, images, quotes and critics. In addition, to follow someone, users must ask their friends user names and locate them manually using the search function.



To complete the list of the best books for books, it’s Inkitt. You can access thousands of free novels in a variety of genres, the majority of whom have been written by unknown authors. With him, you can read a wide variety of books, including love novels, mysteries, science fiction and many others. The friendliest feature of this software is the possibility of downloading books and reading them offline at your convenience.


Get a program where you can read your favorite book at any time is great satisfaction. With this, you can consider getting one of the best Reading applications free that we have listed above. Everyone has unique features that you can consider the one that suits you. Anyway, if you like our recommendations, do not hesitate to leave us a comment. And don’t forget to follow Gitmind.

Posted by: VOLATINE GREEN on December 22, 2022 in Advice and Resources. Last update on December 22, 2022

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