Annual production of solar panel: complete 2023 guide, solar panel yield | Calculation and explanations (2023)

Solar panel yield | Calculation and explanations (2023)

A solar installation posed under optimal conditions will thus produce Over 4,000 kWh In the Arcachon basin against 3,600 kWh for the same installation in Bordeaux.

What is the annual production of solar panels ?

You want to install solar roof panels but you are wondering how to anticipate the annual production they can provide ? Find in this guide everything you need to know to estimate the production of a photovoltaic installation and optimize its efficiency.

The various factors for the annual production of a photovoltaic installation

You are looking to estimate the annual production that your future solar installation could reach ?

If you are looking to get an idea quickly, You can refer to power in kilowatt (or kwc) that manufacturers indicate.

But be aware that it can only be an indication: indeed, This measurement corresponds to the maximum power of your photovoltaic panels, obtained in optimal production conditions.

However, in real life, many elements disturb these forecasts: the irradiation of the panels is irregular for example (period of darkness at night, lesser sunshine on bad weather or in winter …).

Let’s see together the criteria you need to take into account to estimate the solar production of your modules as accurately as possible.

The size of your photovoltaic power plant

The size of your installation, of course, has an impact on the overall production of your power station. Logically, the greater the number of panels, the more your annual production will also be.

The power and performance of your photovoltaic modules

Other factors obvious influencing the annual production of your photovoltaic installation are the power and performance of your panels.

According to the technology present in your photovoltaic modules (silicon, so-called “thin layers” technology, so-called “organic” technologies) but also according to the manufacturer’s brand and the way the panel uses semiconductive material (monocrystalline, polycrystalline, etc.) , their yield and therefore the power they develop vary.

The sunshine of your roof

A solar panel needs sun to operate ! It is therefore obvious that The region in which you live will count when it comes to assessing production What could your solar installation reach.

You should indeed know that with equal solar panels, the amount of solar energy produced will not be the same in Marseille as in Lille.


If the sunshine in your region is a factor to take into consideration in the production calculation of your solar power plant, it should not however be considered an absolute brake. A well -configured installation in Brittany can be as efficient than a powerful unit in Corsica ! On this subject, we must know that Germany is for example one of the countries most producing solar energy !

Does your installation suffer from projected shadows ?

The projected shadows can constitute discomfort on the productivity of solar panels installed on your roof. Before calculating your production, try to estimate if trees or nearby buildings may shade your solar installation at certain hours of the day.

The annual production of an installation depends on the orientation and inclination of your roof

To assess the annual production of your photovoltaic modules, you must also take these two factors into consideration: the orientation of the roof which will receive the installation as well as its inclination.

The ideal orientation is obviously the south -facing exhibition. Thus, your modules will receive as much sunshine possible. Other configurations are possible even if they are less efficient: west, southwest, south, south-east or east. Alone A roof -oriented north is not adapted to the installation of solar panels.

The inclination of your frame is also a determining factor for calculating the annual production of your solar modules. The maximum level of yield will be reached for example with a roof tilted at 30 °.

Annual production photovoltaic panel

The annual production of an installation depends on the temperature of the photovoltaic panels

You should know that the peak power East calculated on the basis of panels with a temperature equal to 25 degrees. However, under normal conditions of use, the temperature of the panels fluctuates according to the time of day and the season. When it is greater than 25 °, THE yield of panels tended to decrease. It is estimated that you have to withdraw 0.4% per additional degree for the average yield of an installation. This is one of the reasons that solar facilities have an average year -year return in Brittany than in Corsica !

Sign of the panels and solar production

Of the enclosure solar panels can see their yields fall, since solar cells do not receive as much light as they should. The energy loss of a dotted module is estimated at 5%.

The potentially regular deposit of dust, snow, dead leaves etc … are therefore a factor of variation to be taken into account in the production calculation of your solar installation.

Efficiency of solar inverters and production of the photovoltaic installation

Your solar production can also depend on the quality of your inverters. These essential accessories to convert the current product into alternating current capable of feeding your electrical devices do not all have the same performance.

The age of your modules influences the annual production of your solar installation

Finally, The age of solar modules is a factor to consider If you want to calculate the annual production of a photovoltaic installation which is already several years old. The loss of power of the modules is evaluated at 0.5% per year.

How much electricity produces solar panels a year ?

In France, it is estimated thatA medium -sized photovoltaic installation (or about 3 kwc) will produce 3,200 kWh annually, If it is installed in good conditions.

However, this estimate must be balanced according to the factors set out above. A power station installed in the south of France will be able to produce about 5% more than a power station installed in the northeast of the country.


We classify the average productions of a photovoltaic installation by KWC in 4 major geographic areas in France

Geographical area Annual production by KWC
Northeast 800 to 1,000 kWh / kwc
Diagonal Brittany/Haute-Savoie 1,000 and 1,100 kWh / kwc
South West/North Part of the Rhône-Alpes 1,100 and 1,200 kWh / kwc
South 1,200 and 1,400 kWh / kwc

How to calculate the production of a solar installation ?

For Calculate annual production of a solar system, you need first know the electricity production that a photovoltaic panel can provide alone.

To do this, you must take into account two elements:

The power of the panel (expressed in kilowatts-key or kwc, that is to say the possible production by a new panel under optimal conditions of sunshine, temperature, orientation, inclination etc …). In general, this unit crest power is estimated between 280 and 450 toilets.

The yield of the panel, that is to say the quantity of solar energy that it will be really capable of converting to electricity. As a rule, the latter is between 7 and 24 %.

Then, to determine the total power of your photovoltaic installation, two solutions are possible.

Solar installation production

You know the number of panels that your installation will be composed

You know the number of panels that your installation will be composed ? In this case, the maximum annual production of your photovoltaic power plant will be equal to unit crest power multiplied by the number of solar panels in your installation.

Take an example, for an installation of 25 panels of 375 WC. The maximum annual production will be equal to 25 x 375 WC = 9375 WC

You know the number of M2 roofs allocated to solar installation

You want to determine the maximum power of a power station according to the number of m2 of roof on which you can install your panels ? In this case, you must bring back The crest power of a panel per m2 then multiply this result by the number of M2 available.

Imagine that we are in the presence of a 1.2 m2 panel for a peak power of 375 WC, and a space available in roof of 35 m2.

The maximum annual production will be equal to = (375 WC/1.2 m2) x 35m2 = 7720 WC.

The weighting of crest production

Attention ! With crest power, you only get a maximum estimate : in no case can you count on such an annual electricity production once your installation is in function. The calculation of the maximum power is only the first step !

To assess the actual annual production, you must weigh this result by different coefficients. For example, depending on the orientation of your panels and the inclination of your roof, you will not get the same result.

If we resume our second example. Your roof is facing south, but the inclination of your roof is at 45 ° (and not 30 °).

You must weight your optimal production by a 96%coefficient, or 7720 WC X 0.96 = 7411 WC.

In the same way, you will need to apply weighting rates if you live in the northeast of France etc ..


Insofar as the number of factors influencing the annual production of your solar panels is important, it is preferable to request the advice and advice of a professional in the sector.
The energy advisers of my solar kit are at your disposal to help you estimate your photovoltaic production according to the characteristics of your region, your accommodation, its environment, etc
You will then have the most reliable elements to determine if a photovoltaic installation is really profitable for your home !

Is the production of solar panels the same every year ?

Over the years, the production of solar panels as well as their yields tend to decrease. It is estimated that losses of efficiency accused by a photovoltaic installation are of the order of 0.5 and 1 % per year.

Thus, according to the manufacturers, a power plant in operation for 25 years produces 80% of its initial capacities, if it is properly maintained.

In question: the opacification of the glass covering the photovoltaic cells of your solar panels. Over time, cells are less sensitive to solar radiation and therefore lose their yield.

However, given the longevity of photovoltaic panels, this drop in yield does not bother the long-term profitability of such an installation. Likewise, with gains on your energy costs, either by self -consuming your production, or by reinjecting your production in the network (resale in addition or total), it is reasonable to think that you can reach a return on investment before the end of life of your panels.

Annual production of solar panel

How to optimize the production of my solar panels ?

You want to place solar panels in roofing ? Here are the elements to be checked first to optimize the production of your panels:

  • The potential sunshine of your roof (Is it well oriented, are there areas of projected shadows ? Like a rather sunny area ?))
  • The inclination of your roof (Does she have a degree of inclination around 30 ° ? Do you have a flat roof or on the contrary a very steep roof ?))

Once these observations have been made, you can try to correct what can be: if a tree projects a shadow damaging to the profitability of your project, perhaps it would be useful to prune it.

In any event, do not hesitate to ask for advice from experienced professionals. With their experts, they will tell you if your project is feasible, profitable, under what conditions etc ..

When your installation is in operation, think of the maintenance. To optimize the annual production of your solar panels, it is important to ensure that the trees that could project a shadow on your building are cut. Likewise, pay attention to the dead leaves, dust, snow and any other element that can be a bit of your panels are cleaned regularly. To do this, a simple passage of a clear water jet is sufficient.

Finally, replace the used equipment in time. For example, you should know that the lifespan of the inverters is approximately 12 years. Likewise, a battery has a lifespan of 10 years. To enjoy a correct performance, don’t forget to change them !


Because Each project to install photovoltaic panels in roof is unique, It is impossible to compare projects between them. Also, to estimate as finely as possible the annual production on which you can count by installing photovoltaic modules on the roof of your home, call on professionals.

They will help you determine the best location for your power station, but also the optimal size of the solar installation to respond to your project, the arrangements to consider, the type of panels adapted to your situation according to their price etc ..

With their advice, you will have all the cards in hand to assess whether the production of a photovoltaic power plant can cover your needs, if it allows you to make your investment profitable … and they will also be solid partners for the maintenance of your installation !

Frequent questions about the annual production of solar panels

What a kWh production of a solar panel ?

In France, more than 85 % of solar installations are 3 kwc or less. An installation of 3 kWc will generally produce around 3,200 kWh of electricity per year.

What is the yield of a solar panel ?

Polycrystalline panels have yields between 14 and 18 %. Monocrystalline panels have the best performance on the market with yields today reaching 24 %.

Solar panel yield | Calculation and explanations (2023)

The performance of current photovoltaic solar panels is between 7 and 24 %, depending on the model.

But what is the yield of a solar panel ? And how to improve it ?

We explain to you !

✅ The yield of a solar panel corresponds to the amount of electricity it produces, compared to the energy of the sun received;

✅ You will get the best yields thanks to monocrystalline solar panels;

✅ The yield of your solar installation depends on the sunshine, orientation and inclination of your roof, temperature and cleanliness of your panels;

Get your personalized offer for solar panels with the best performance by entering your address below:

Contact details not necessary to access the results.

Summary :

Click on an element below to consult directly what interests you:

  • Definition and calculation of the yield of a solar panel
  • Yield of different types of panels
  • Power and surface of an installation
  • Factors influencing the yield of a solar installation
  • Faq

What is the yield of a solar panel ?

Yield of a solar panel: definition

The yield of a photovoltaic panel corresponds to the amount of electricity it produces, compared to the solar energy received.

The yield of a solar panel is therefore expressed as a percentage: the higher it is, the more efficient the solar panel.

You can find this information on the technical sheets of your solar panels:

For example, on the above technical sheet, we see that the yield of the solar panel in question is 19.6 %.

Which means that the solar panel transforms 19.6 % of solar energy electricity.

Today, the yields of solar panels vary between 7 and 24 %.

You ask yourself without a shore which explains such a difference.

It is simply the technology used and the quality of the photovoltaic cells of the panels: I explain it to you in a few moments.

Calculation of the yield of a solar panel

To calculate the yield of a photovoltaic panel, the following formula is used:

The best yields thanks to the monocrystalline

If you have already done some research about solar panels, you must have heard about “Monocrystalline” and “Polycrystalline” panels.

These are two types of photovoltaic panels made from crystalline silicon, a semiconductor material extracted from silica.

Little known, silicon is however the most present chemical on earth, after oxygen.

It is therefore from this material that the photovoltaic cells of the solar panel are manufactured, whether monocrystalline or polycrystalline.

What about yields ?

Polycrystalline panels have yields between 14 and 18 %.

As for monocrystalline panels, they display the best performance on the market by far with yields reaching today 24 % ! We are gradually approaching the theoretical maximum yield of 31 %.

Their cost and incomparable yield often make it the best solar panels for a solar installation in self -consumption.

This is why at Otovo, we only offer monocrystalline solar panels.

In terms of price, we offer the installation of 3 kWc (7 monocrystalline solar panels) from:

There are also Amorphous solar panels, Composed of only 1 % silicon.

Their yield is between 6 and 9 % only, which explains that this type of panels are very little used today.

Power and surface of an installation

Calculate the power of a solar panel

You now know what the yield of a solar panel is.

But be careful not to confuse it with his power.

The maximum electrical power of a solar panel is expressed in Watts-head (abbreviated wc).

It is determined by subjecting the panel to the following conditions, called STC conditions (for standard test conditions) ::

  • Sunshine of 1,000 watts/m²;
  • Ambient temperature of 25 ° C;
  • Orientation to the south;
  • Inclination of approximately 30 °;
  • Shade.

Thanks to technological advances, the power of solar panels is constantly increasing.

At Otovo we offer solar panels with powers ranging from 360 to 410 toilets.

Link between power and surface

Today, a monocrystalline solar panel measures on average 1.7 m per 1 m, For a crest power of 375 toilets.

If you want to carry out a 3 kWc solar installation, or 3,000 WC, you need (3,000/375 =) 8 panels.

This represents a surface of solar panels of about 16 m² on your roof.

Now let’s take a monocrystalline panel also measuring 1.7 m by 1 m but with a power of 425 toilets.

To obtain a 3 kWc installation, you will then need (3000/425 =) 7 solar panels, or about 14 m² of surface.

So what should we remember ?

  • An installation of 3 kWc composed of panels of 375 WC produces as much electricity as an installation composed of panels of 425 WC;
  • The power of a panel plays only on the number of panels that will be installed to reach a desired installation power.

How to get the best
yields ?

Several elements can impact, at the hause or downwards, the yield of a solar panel:

  • The type of technology used (monocritalline, polycrytalline or amorphous)
  • The sunshine level of your house;
  • Microclima effects;
  • The orientation of your house;
  • The inclination of your roof;
  • The type of integration (integration into the building or superimposed);
  • Shades from close or distant obstacles;
  • The outside temperature;

Here is Our tips for getting the best performance and produce maximum electricity.

Your level of sunshine

It’s simple: the more your home has a prolonged sunshine, better will be the production of your solar installation.

However, installing solar panels is not reserved only for the inhabitants of the south of France.

Despite popular belief, you can produce enough electricity to cover up to 50 % of your electricity consumption, Wherever you live in France.

To help you see more clearly, we have made an indicative card.

It indicates the average annual potential production in kWh per kilowatt-crew (KWC) of photovoltaic panels under optimal conditions (inclination of 30 ° and orientation facing south).

A 3 kWC photovoltaic installation in the Bordeaux region will have an annual production of 3 x 1,200 = 3,600 kWh.

Microclimat effects

To calculate solar energy production, it is important to also take into account Microclimat effects.

These are climatic conditions specific to a limited geographical area and different from the general climate of the region.

The Arcachon Basin benefits, for example, from a higher sunshine rate than the rest of the region: summers are hot and mild winters.

This microclimate has notable effects on the yield of solar panels in this region.

A solar installation posed under optimal conditions will thus produce Over 4,000 kWh In the Arcachon basin against 3,600 kWh for the same installation in Bordeaux.

Orientation of solar panels

In France, your solar panels will capture the most light throughout the year If they are facing south.

But even if your roof is not south oriented, your solar installation will be profitable !

You will simply produce a little less electricity than if your panels were facing south.

Just remember that all guidelines are interesting, apart from the north, northwest and north-east : production will indeed be too low for an installation to be profitable.

Now let’s see what it is about tilting solar panels.

The inclination of solar panels

To produce the maximum electricity, the sun’s rays must reach your photovoltaic panels perpendicularly.

But the sun race varies over the seasons.

The optimal inclination of your solar panels is 30 to 35 ° compared to the horizontal, which allows you to produce as much electricity as possible throughout the year.

Again, these are optimal conditions: the inclination of your roof does not influence the yield of your solar panels drastically.

To realize the impact of orientation and inclination on the yield of solar panels, take a look at this table:

It provides correction factors to be applied to the production expected according to its orientation and its inclination.

For example: we have seen it just before, an installation of 3 kWc in Bordeaux whose panels are tilted at 30 ° and facing south will produce 3,600 kWh per year.

The same installation facing west will produce 3,600 x 93% = 3,348 kWh.


If one or more of your solar panels is shaded at one point of the day, this impacts the production of your solar installation.

Because a solar panel in the shade produces less electricity.

So the best is to install your solar panels so that they are never in the shade.

The influence of temperature

The temperature also has an impact on the yield of your solar panels.

A solar panel undergoing a temperature above 25 ° C lose up to 0.5 % yield by additional degree.

For example, your solar panels are exposed to a temperature of 40 ° C.

It then does (40 – 25 =) 15 ° more than the optimal temperature of 25 ° C.

The yields of your panels will therefore be degraded by 15 ° x 0.5 % = 7.5 %.

If your panels have a yield of 24 %, it will therefore be (24 % x (100 % – 7.5 % =) 22.2 % during this period.

Fortunately, You can drastically limit these losses yield:

  • By choosing recent and quality solar panels, which limit losses to only 0.25 % per degree above 25 ° C;
  • By installing your suilimoition solar panels. This type of installation allows the panels to better evacuate heat than with an installation in integration into the frame, thanks to the space between the solar panels and the covering element of your roof. Your solar panels thus maintain a high level of production, even in case of high heat.

The cleanliness of your solar panels

Finally, it is important to take into account the propetation of your solar panels.

Indeed, various German studies have shown that regularly cleaned photovoltaic installations produce 2 to 7 % more that those not maintained.

So don’t forget to have a soft sponge on your solar panels once a year.

To do this, you can use a telescopic broom from the ground.

Evolution of yield in time

Like any object, the solar panels wear out as time.

Due to natural wear, the yield of solar panels decrease very slightly each year: we are talking about a drop in yield of only 0.2 % per year For solar panels made today.

Now, it is your turn

So here is everything you need to know about solar panel yields Before you get into your project.

Now I would like to give you the floor:

Did you know that there was a difference in yield according to the type of solar panel ?

Would you like us to deepen a particular point ?

In any case, share this guide and leave me a comment below !


�� What is the yield of a solar panel ?

Polycrystalline panels have yields between 14 and 18 %. As for monocrystalline panels, they display the best performance on the market by far with yields reaching today 24 % !

❓ What production with 3 kwc per day ?

In France, a 3 kWc photovoltaic installation produced between 3,000 and 4,200 kWh per year, either 8.2 and 11.5 kWh per day.

☀️ What is the production of a solar panel per year ?

In France and under optimal conditions (southern orientation and inclination of 30 °), 1 kwc of photovoltaic panels produced from 800 to 1,400 kWh per year, Depending on the geographic area.

�� Is it really profitable to install solar panels ?

Yes, installing solar panels in France is profitable, both in the north and in the south.

A solar installation is profitable on average in 10 to 15 years old.


Yann on September 4 2022

Hello, I have an installation carried out by you in January 2020 and I am very satisfied with it. Technical info: 6kW (facing south).
I think about an increase in power because I also have a free roof west. So I have a few questions:
Is this authorized in relation to my resale contract and my installation ?
Is this financially interesting ?
thank you for your

Laura d’Otovo on September 30 2022

Good morning,
A big thank you for your comment.
My colleague Marie, solar expert, will contact you to answer all your questions, it will be simpler so ��
See you soon, Laura d’Otovo

Boudvin on July 13, 2022

I have just had a study by a supplier and installer of solar photovoltaic panels.
For a 60 m² home, the company offers me the installation of 10 panels of 330 WC. Or a power of 3300WC.
Supply+installation = 22,900 euros including tax, which seems very expensive to me. What do you think ?
In addition, technical realization does not seem possible to me. After my checks, it is only possible to install 7 panels, which will reduce the power power. What do you think?

Laura d’Otovo on 1 August 2022

Good morning,
€ 22,900 for an installation of 3.3 kwc (= 3,300 WC), it is an overpriced quote !
To give you an idea, we offer the solar installation of 3 kWc from € 6,300 and that of 6 kWc from € 9,900.
I do not recommend signing your quote with this business whose business practices seem very doubtful to me ..
If you want to obtain an Otovo solar offer, go to our site and enter your address in the search bar of our free simulator ��
See you soon !

Patricia on June 26 2022

Good morning
Is it more interesting to install 22 panels for example on a roof or divide the number of panels on two roof sides per.Example 14 and 8 panels in order to benefit from the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the first roofing section and from 3 p.m. on the other side. By dividing on two sides of roof produced the same amount of electricity as if we had installed the same quantity on a slope ? Do we have to install a inverter or two in case the panels are on two roof slopes ? Can we combine a standard inverter with micro -waves ? Thanks in advance. Patricia.

Laura d’Otovo on 5 August 2022

Hello, there is no absolute answer to this question, it really depends on the orientation of your roof.
If you have a roof -oriented roofing and another full east, it will be more interesting to install solar panels on your 2 roof sections.
It will then be necessary to choose between a chain inverter with optimizers or microwilers (a single inverter will not be at all interesting in this configuration). See you soon, Laura d’Otovo

Turkish Magali on 19 April 2022

Hello, I learned about your explanations and I learned a lot.
I am offered the installation of 16 solar panels or 6 kWc with a virtual battery that allows me to store unused energy. I consume 15,000 kWh/year. Will this installation be enough to cover all of my needs. Thanks.

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 6 May 2022

Good morning,
Without more information on your electricity consumption and your solar project, it is difficult to respond with certainty.
It seems difficult to me that your installation is enough to cover all of your needs because in winter, your solar panels produce little while your electricity needs are important.
It would therefore be necessary to have a very significant production in summer which allows you to cover all of your summer needs and to store enough electricity to cover part of your needs in winter, which seems difficult to me.
See you soon

Jean on 11 March 2022

Hello thank you for all these details, however, it seems to me that reasoning in M2 would be simpler and more accessible despite the different size of the panels . Note you say: ☀️ What is the production of a solar panel per year ?
In France and under optimal conditions (southern orientation and inclination of 30 °), 1 kwc of photovoltaic panels produced from 800 to 1,400 kwc per year.
I guess you have to read kWh per year.
In the installation you are talking about how much produces 1 m2 per year in kWh thank you. Jeans

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 15 April 2022

hello Jean,
First of all, thank you for your very fair remark: there was a typo.
You had to read well: 1 kWc of photovoltaic panels produced from 800 to 1,400 kWh per year.
I just corrected it.
As you point out, the size of solar panels can vary depending on the model.
That said, here is an idea of ​​the occupied surface according to the power of the installation:
– 3 kWc (8 panels): 16 m²;
– 6 kWc (16 panels): 32 m²;
– 9 kWc (24 panels): 48 m².
I hope that answers your question.

Mauran on 2 December 2021

Good morning,
Thank you first for all the information indicated on your site.
I miss one that I can’t find. Is there an equation to calculate the variation in the sensor yield as a function of the irradiance. This type of equation exists for thermal solar collectors. And for PV ?
I have indeed recorded the solar irradiance in a horizontal plane as well as my electrical consumption (at 1/2h thanks to Linky) over a whole year that I suppose representative. I can calculate the irradiance that PV panels of inclination and orientation Data would have received. I miss the yield according to normal irradiation to be able to estimate my solar coverage for a given PV surface. Do you have this type of equation ?

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 13 December 2021

Good morning,
Thank you for your comment ��
Your calculation is very interesting ! Unfortunately, we do not have this type of equation, sorry.
Good luck and see you soon !

Francis Florimont on June 22 2021

Let’s take the example of our 3 kWc installation in Grenoble.
It is pipo 74581 kW /year for 3 kW posed impossible 6 kW barely possible
Investment € 8,000
Total production 74,581 kWh
Purchase rate 0.1779 €
Duration of the resale contract 20 years
Total income € 13,268

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on June 22 2021

Good morning,
As we specify in the example, this is total production.
In other words, it is the production of the installation over the duration of the contract (20 years).
We have just added precision to raise any ambiguity.

Marc Stengel on 3 April 2021

Good morning,
Maison 2012, 160m2, flat roof, Elec heating 22 °.
23000kWh annual in Alsace.
How to make a profit in self -consumption if I heat in winter? 3000kw/m
In summer I consume 300kw/m
You have 3 hours.

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 9 April 2021

good morning Marc,
In fact, your consumption profile corresponds to the standard consumption profile of a household of the northern half of the country.
In other words, your consumption peak is in winter (due to heating), while the peak of production of the panels is in summer, period when you consume less electricity.
But rest assured: with such a profile, a self-consumption installation is perfectly profitable (on average between 10 and 14 years).
For what ? Because in summer, you will produce a surplus sold to EDF OA more important than in winter.
While in winter, almost (or even all) your production will be self -consumed.
And during mid-season, the share of your self-consomed electricity will also be very high.
On average over the year, we estimate that you can save up to 50% on your electricity bill.
Besides, we have accompanied many individuals in eastern France, such as M. Schoeb, of which We detail the project here.
If you want to know more, and possibly carry out a detailed study of your project, let me know by responding directly to this comment ��
See you soon !

Michel Morel on 10 February 2021

Hello, having worked on solar panels, I take a hat off for the quality of your study . I installed a 3kW station at home, and I harvest 3100kwh per year with a 60 ° west without shadow orientation ! But at the time in 2010 self -consumption was not offered. Since I think about it and your study has made me think. But I sat so solar not to make business but by personal conviction.

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 26 Februry 2021

Good morning,
Thank you for your comment ��
If you wish to exchange by phone with one of our solar experts, simply indicate your contact details in this questionnaire: https: // www.insunwetrust.Solar/Ask up
We will be able to study your project together.
Good day ��

Gredy on 25 January 2021

Small question, you write ”We made an indicative card. You will find there the average potential production (in KWH) by KWC […] ”It may be obvious but it is not specified, it is over a year ?

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on January 28 2021

Hello Gredy,
Indeed, you are absolutely right to specify: this is the production of a KWC over a year !
I just updated the guide.
Thank you for your return ��

Jérémy on 6 October 2020

Hello, with regard to the temperature coefficient for yield. The temperature of 40 ° C is the ambient temperature or the temperature of the cells ?

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 2 March 2021
Good morning,
This is the room temperature ��
Good day,
Philippe on 29 August 2020

Hello, What would be the right choice for a photovoltaic installation of 6.6 kWc, knowing that I want to put on microphone of 295 go out, but I hesitate on the choice of solar panels (300W, 330W or 400W).
Can you advise me?
Is it relevant to put more powerful panels? What advantage?

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 11 September 2020

Good morning,
The easiest way is to chat by phone, we will be able to advise you best for your solar project.
I therefore invite you to fill out this quick form so that one of my colleagues contacted you by phone and answer all your questions: https: // www.insunwetrust.Solar/Ask up
By wishing you a good end of the day, cordially.

Ernest d’Angelo on 16 August 2020

Good morning,
I have just installed panels for a power of 3000kw for 10 300WC monocrystalline panels each with southern oriented microwilers in the Vaucluse .
How can I calculate annual production in KWH ?

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 11 September 2020

Good morning,
Generally, Internet users ask us this question before investing in a solar installation, to find out if the investment is worth.
In this case, our detailed study allows you to know your future production and the savings that this represents.
To obtain a detailed study, simply indicate your contact details here: https: // www.insunwetrust.Solar/Ask up
If you want to know your production Once your solar panels have been connected, you can consult the production monitoring of your inverters or your microwilers.
I hope this answer your question ��
By wishing you a good end of the day, cordially.

Daniel on July 8 2020

Good morning,
I had panels installed for a power of 2400W in fact 8 300 W 300 W mono panels each with south west -oriented micron at 30 ° in the Gard
To date, I have a maximum instant production crest of 1800 W this seems to you coherent.
Thank you in advance for your return and expertise
Is it for you this

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on July 29 2020

Hello, could you give us about the annual production in kWh of your solar installation ? We will be able to answer you more �� I wish you a nice evening.

Leroux on June 4 2020

Why the 100% sale installation is more expensive than the installation self-consumption + sale-surplus. A priori it would seem cheaper to send everything to the network. .

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 5 October 2020

Good morning,
The price of a solar installation, whether in total sale or self -consumption with sale of surplus is the same (€ 8,000 at Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust)))). On the other hand, the connection costs are much higher for total sale (between 500 and 700 €) than for an installation in self -consumption with sale of the surplus (only € 50 for installation costs).
I hope this answer your question ��
I wish you a good day.

Alain on 28 May 2020

Good morning
You forget a few costs that will eat the benefits. Netoring in the roof if you bring someone to take place every year and the additional cost to deposit your installation if you have to redo the roof during the 30 years on the other hand you will have made a gesture for the planet

Yann d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 29 May 2020

Hello, thank you for your comment.
Cleaning does not require the intervention of a professional in the vast majority of cases.
Besides, we wrote an article about cleaning the solar panels, you can consult it by clicking here. Regarding the repair of the roof during the lifespan of the installation, this is a case that has never arrived at the some 3,200 individuals that we have accompanied for the moment.
In general, if the roof should be redone, the installer will note before the installation, a solar power plant that cannot be placed on a roof in “bad” condition. I hope this answer your questions ��

Fabrice on 12 May 2020

The profitability calculation is false:
The cost is missing the inverter (lifespan approximately 10 years prices between 1000 and 2000 EUR according to Engie) and the price of the battery 7 to 10 years (according to Engie too)

Florian Gabriele on 13 May 2020

Hello Fabrice, In the examples of this article, we take into account microwilers (guaranteed 20 years) and we do not integrate battery (still too expensive). That said, it is true that we have not specified it. We will correct it ! Good day to you !

Poulalier Gérard on 3 March 2020

Your comments are very interesting except as always essential things do not appear to calculate a yield, for example, the imposition of income and also less yield when the panels age?

yann.Colnot on 4 March 2020

Hello, Thank you for your comment �� We approach the questions relating to the taxation of solar panels in this article: https: // www.insunwetrust.Solar/Blog/Conso/Tiscalite-de-Lenergie-Solar-Photovoltaique/.
As for the loss of yield of the panels due to age, we approach it here: https: // www.insunwetrust.Solar/Blog/Le-Solar-et-YOU/DURATION-VIE-PANNEAU-SOLAR/.
Manufacturers are now able to ensure that after 25 years, solar panels will still produce at least 80% of their initial production. I wish you a very good evening.

Thank you Yann for the quality of the topo (simple, concise, efficient) and for the courtesy of your answers.
The order of magnitude that you give (1000 kWh per year for 1kwc installed) facilitates the calculation of profitability ..
For my part, I live in the mountains (1500 m in Savoy) with a 17% SE/NW roof. Is the yield significantly better at 1500 m than at sea level (radiation quality) ?
Apart from that, there are special precautions to take in the mountains, especially with the snow ?

Laura d’Otovo (previously in Sun We Trust) on 23 December 2021

Good morning,
Thank you for your answer, and sorry for my delay.
You are absolutely right: air quality in (high) mountain allows modules to produce more electricity than in the plain.
In addition, solar panels do not like heat. With a lower average temperature for the year, this limits the loss of yield linked to the hot weather.
That said, I unfortunately have no specific figures to give you, because there is no (to my knowledge) of studies on the subject.
Otherwise, no particular precautions concerning snow, because the panels are designed to withstand a significant weight.
That said, it is likely that you have to snow the panels by hand in case of strong falls.
This answers your questions ?
See you soon !

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