Android – Create a Google Play account (compulsory), how to create an account on Google Play Store? Step by step – IT Mania

How to create an account on Google Play Store? Step by step guide

On the first page of the App Store, go at the top right to click on the button ” Connection »» . Although it seems oriented towards connection, it also serves to open a new user account on Google Play.

Android – Create a Google Play account (compulsory)

If you want your application to be distributed on the Play Store, it is compulsory to create a publisher account on Google Play.
(This is necessary even if you want to distribute your application by another means than the Play Store).

Go to the registration page to Google Play:
https: //

Connect to your Google account (with your Gmail address).
This is the same address you used to create your Google API keys and generate your Android application.

Accept the developer’s contract

At the next step, check the box indicated above for Accept the contract relating to the distribution on Google Play (for developers).

By this step you validate the fact that this Google account will be associated with your developer account.
If you are connected with your personal account, and want to publish your application with a professional account, you will be able to connect with another Google account, or create a new one.

Once everything is in order, click on the button “Continue and pay“”.


Configure Google Wallet and adjust the registration fees

The registration fees for Google Play are a unique payment of € 25.

Select your country from the list and enter the requested personal information, so that the information is linked to your payment card.

Note: If you uncheck the box under the “Billing Address” category, an additional form will appear to allow you to enter your professional names and address.

Then click on the button “Accept and continue“To access the final stage.


Create your developer profile

The compulsory information to provide is the name of developer (this is the name that will appear under that of your application in the Play Store), your email address and a telephone number.

Once the information is entered, click on “Finalize registration“”.
Your Publisher Google Play account is now created.

You will then be redirected to your Google Play publication interface, where you can submit your Android application and publish it on the Play Store.
Know that you can publish several Android applications with the same Google Play account.

Publish your Android app on the Play Store

Solo mode:
Please follow the instructions for the following online help: Android: First submission of your Android app on the Google Play Store (solo)

Goodbarber service takes care of it:
Please follow the instructions for the following online help: the Goodbarber submission process takes care of it

How to create an account on Google Play Store? Step by step guide

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have spread at a dizzying pace around the world . Phones, for example, going from something to call or send and receive text messages to a complete device with which Perform all kinds of tasks thanks to the Internet connection , have left all their limits to open up to its users a field full of possibilities.

However, to be able to perform all these functions and take advantage of these advantages, You must first install applications . It is neither more nor less than programs that offer user services and through which we can, for example, make an inventory, make a purchase, watch a video or even fill in a document and prepare it for shipping via an Eemail or via cloud storage.

To facilitate the download of these applications for anyone, the main companies in the sector have opened digital stores. So we have Google Play on Android and the App Store on iOS . Since Google’s proposal is the most widespread on the market today given the wide variety of terminals compatible with it, we will focus here to explain it How to create an account in Google Play Store and download thousands of applications as much as you wish .

How to create an account in Play Store for Android or PC phones?

In this guide, you will learn what to do To complete this essential registration not only to enter the store, but also to take advantage of the many other functions and tools that Google offers via the Cloud. We explain everything you need to know step by step And with all the possible details so that the creation of your account is something easy and without complications. In fact, you will have ready and opened in a few minutes.

The opening of an account in the Play Store is a process that can be carried out both on Android smartphones and PCs or even on iOS if you wish . In this section, we will focus on the procedure to follow so that, in a few minutes, you have your ready to download applications.

1 – Enter the Google Play Store

Either with your PC or your phone, Open the web browser To access the Google digital shop. Enter the following URL: https: // . After that, you will access the Main page of the Play Store in Spanish.

2 – Start creating your account

On the first page of the App Store, go at the top right to click on the button ” Connection »» . Although it seems oriented towards connection, it also serves to open a new user account on Google Play.

The following screen that appears has a field to enter your profile; However, as this is precisely what we want to create, you must ignore it and click below “Create an account”.

3 – Enter your data

In this section, You must enter various personal data to create your profile on Google . Start by filling the first two spaces with Your name and first name , It is recommended that they are the real ones to avoid any confusion.

Afterwards, You must enter a username that will be used with your email account . It must be unique and has never been used before in the Google system, otherwise it will not let you follow. In addition, if you wish, you can click on ” I prefer to use my current email address »In case you don’t want Gmail account .

NOW, Continue to enter a key which contains at least 8 characters and combines letters, figures and symbols . Thus, you will meet the requested requirements and, in addition, you will make sure that it is as robust as possible to prevent anyone from sneaking in your account.

Continuing with the data to enter, After this first batch, Google will ask you for more information . You must establish both your date of birth and your gender and, if you wish, also add a phone number (which you will have to check with a code) and an email address. These last two are optional things , But recommended because they are used to find access to your account in case of forgetting the password or any other problem.

4 – Accept Google conditions

The last step is to Accept the conditions of use and the Privacy Policy of Google. To do this, you just have to go down the declaration that appears on the screen and check the boxes below.

“Update ✅ Do you need a Play Store account and don’t know how to do it? ⭐ Enter here ⭐ and enjoy it for free . Do you have problems downloading an application and don’t find the solution? Don’t worry, in this tutorial ✅ Step a step ✅ I will explain to you what is the fastest and easiest way “

When you click on ” Create an account », A pop-up message appears in which you can modify your preferences or simply click on« Confirmation »To conclude the process

With this, you will have already created your profile to access the store, even if you will also have access to many other services such as Google Drive, Docs, Youtube and many other tools and platforms that the company offers its users. You have Created a Google account , So you have all this for free at your disposal. Ready! .

Can I open a Google Play Store account without gmail?

The registration process is absolutely compulsory. However, You can open an account in the Google Play Store without gmail in providing a specific modification during the registration procedure, as the platform provides The creation of profiles using emails from other platforms , although you have to Create the Google account .

You must follow the same steps as those we have explained in the previous section; But, When you arrive at point 3 , You must check the option we mentioned, “I prefer to use my current email address . »» When you do this, the form changes slightly and, this time, instead of creating a Google email, it will allow you to Enter your email that you have recorded on platforms such that Outlook, Yahoo Mail Or any other you have used.

The rest of the process, before and after, is exactly the same that the one we have detailed earlier. Therefore, the only difference is to click on the place indicated to not have to have another email to add to those you already have.

The reason for all this is that in reality, What is necessary to use the Play Store is the Google account . This allows you to have access to many corporate services hosted in the cloud, one of them being the distribution of applications for smartphones and tablets. In the next section, we will also talk a little more about this question. Continue to read! .

Is it necessary to create an account in the Google store to download an application?

It is likely that you are trying to Enter the Google store without having registered before or having opened the corresponding user account. The platform allows you to access and take a look at its catalog, to the once free and paying, so that you can see what it has in terms of applications, books, movies and even songs. In short, so that you can check all the directory it has for anyone interested in the digital format.

But you can’t download anything . At the same time when You try to click on the button d ’ Installation or download of a product available in this online catalog, a message will appear YOU requesting from Connect with your Google account For the Play Store. Thanks to him, you can press the button that appears to connect, but also use it to repeat the process we indicated in the first section of this guide and create your account in this store.

Therefore, when asked If it is necessary to create an account in the Google Store to download an application, the answer is a categorical yes . You must have passed the whole procedure for Open a new account in the Google system beforehand To be able to download or purchase in your Play Store , Because this is the only way to access the buyer’s data to record the transaction such what. of.

If you refuse to create an account, You will not be able to go more than going around All fleas in this online store.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, we will answer you as soon as possible, and this will also be of great help for more members of the community. Thank you!

How to change your account in Google Play

If you have several Google accounts, you can easily switch from one to the other when you use Google Play. We will explain to you where this option is and what you need to click to go from one to the other.

How to change your account in Google Play

Héctor Hernández, June 26, 2020 (update August 24, 2022)

You can use different accounts in Google Play Store. If you have several, you can pass from one to the other practically And simple since application.

Open the Google Play application (sometimes also marked as play store) in your smartphone or tablet. To do this, search for it among shortcuts or in the general menu for applications of your device. On the home screen, click on the icon placed on the right side of the search engine. It is in the form of a bust, if you are not connected, or displays the avatar of the account with which you are currently connected.

Click on the user icon

Click on the user icon

A menu is displayed where you can see all the accounts associated on the phone and used to access Google. You can choose the one you want.

Choose your account

Choose your account

From the same window, you can add new accounts by clicking on Add another account. Obviously, you will have to enter an e-mail address and the password of the new account. Once it is done, it appears as one of the other accounts from which you can make your choice.

Add a new account

Add a new account

In addition, you can also change the user account from the Google Play website from a mobile device. To do this, you must open the page in the web browser of your terminal and click on the menu icon in the upper right corner, marked with three bands. The name and photo of the current user are displayed. Click on the editing button (symbolized by a pencil) and select the new account. If the account you want to use does not appear, you must press the option Manage accounts on this device and follow the different steps.

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