Amy car rental (60), rent a car in Amy (60) between individuals – Ouicar, Citroën Friend: Driving without a license in five questions – Numerama

Citroën Friend: Driving without a license in five questions

Vehicle OUICAR Connect This vehicle opens using your smartphone and the OUICAR application. Click for more information.

Amy car rental (60), rent a car in Amy (60) between individuals

Vehicle OUICAR Connect This vehicle opens using your smartphone and the OUICAR application. Click for more information.

  • Average day price on a 1 day rental base with 100km
  • Multi -risk insurance and 24 -hour assistance from the vehicle in the event of an accident or breakdown.

Rent a private car in Amy

Save with a Amy car rental between individuals
With its innovative operation, Ouicar has created less expensive solutions for a car rental in Amy, for a defying price. We give you the opportunity to choose the brand and the car model, on your locality, to the time slot you want, and where you want, all this in a jiffy. Our idea: give individuals the opportunity to rent their own car !
It is thanks to this operation that you can benefit from a huge choice for the vehicle, concerning the place, even in the event of a mini budget. On average, an Amy via Ouicar car rental will cost you almost twice less than if you opt for a conventional vehicle rental agency. Why not test the service ?
Many possible choices thanks to our search engine
Day after day, Ouicar simplifies the formalities to plan a car rental. To find a car rental in the Oise department, our search engine will be very useful to you.
No matter where you live in Hauts-de-France, you can find a vehicle in line with your budget, simply select your criteria. Of the 345 inhabitants of your town, you will probably find a cheap rental car to meet your needs. You will of course have the opportunity to apply research to nearby municipalities, you put more likely on your side to find the vehicle sought.
We provide you during your Amy car rental
Specific insurance is offered, made available by Ouicar. No formality to be carried out, insurance is automatically activated when renting your vehicle. If an accident occurs, then you will be covered whatever happens.
Rent an old car in Amy or a utility
What makes a powerful service ouicar is the fact that you will have the opportunity to search for vehicles of all typologies.
Within your locality, you will be able to find a car rental for an unbeatable price, both for everyday life or for a particular trip. Need a minibus for a group trip ? It is also a type of vehicle hire by our members. If you move, requesting a utility rental will of course be possible, for a very small price. During an important event, nothing better than renting an old vintage car in Amy via Ouicar.
Throughout France, 30,000 vehicles await you, and many models are within 60310.
Our members can provide you with children’s headquarters !
By renting your vehicle in Amy, you will be able to call on various additional services, if offered by the rental company. To do this, test our advanced filter.
If you ride with children, don’t forget to ask if babies are in the car. You will be able to request chains or snow tires, if the weather requires it. Moving equipment is sometimes provided during a utility rental in Amy. You will also be able to request a provision of the car at the airport closest to Amy.

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Citroën Friend: Driving without a license in five questions

Aixam minauto // source car: Aixam

The Citroën Ami highlights the category of vehicle without a license. But who can lead them ? What are the restrictions ? Do you still need training ? What about insurance ? We take stock.

Citroën opted for a very daring approach with its new electric vehicle, baptized friend. Behind this attractive name hides a light quadricycle that can be driven without a license. With this product, Citroën targets as many people as possible, including young people who would be enough to take the bus to go to high school.

What is driving without a license ? Who is concerned ? How do you learn the rudiments of piloting ? What are the restrictions ? We take stock of this front door towards simple and very accessible mobility.

Citroën Friend // Source: Citroën

What are the vehicles without a license in France ?

In France (and Europe), certain vehicles can be driven without holding the driving license. Are concerned :

  • mopeds (50 cm3 engine),
  • Light motor quadricycles (two places, maximum power of 6 kW),
  • Low powerful electric cars (less than 1 kW)
  • and vehicles dedicated to sporting use (compulsory license) or used as part of an agricultural activity (whose speed does not exceed 40 km/h).

The Citroën Friend perfectly meets the criteria of light motor quadricycles: it is two -seater, the power of its engine does not exceed 6 kW, its cabin is closed and it cannot exceed a speed of 45 km/h. In France, we are used to calling these carts “yogurt pots” because of their cubic and tiny design.

Which can drive a vehicle without a license ?

In France, you can drive a vehicle without a license from the age of 14 (except agricultural vehicles, accessible from 16 years old).

Note that a vehicle without a license can take on a real interest in those who have lost their license due to one or more offenses. On this point, the public service specifies however: “You can drive a moped or a light quadricycle unless the judicial sanction has extended the prohibition to these vehicles (for example, in the event of a recurrence of alcohol)). »»

Obviously, if you hold a driving license (B), you will have the leisure to control these more limited vehicles.

Aixam minauto // source car: Aixam

Aixam minauto car

Is there training to pass ?

Please note, the name ‘car without license’ is slightly misleading, in the sense that it is still necessary to have the BSR (road safety certificate) to be authorized to roll – corresponding to the AM license. This obligation applies to all people born after 1988 and serves, in a way, as a security component before embarking on the big bath. “” Driving a car without a license does not exempt from learning to drive ! “, Procures the specialist manufacturer Aixam on his site.

The BSR consists of:

  • Theoretical training: this is either the school safety certificate (obtained during the college) or the road safety certificate (for those who do not have school equivalent);
  • Practical training of a minimum duration of 8 hours according to two options (light quadricycle or moped).

A driving school takes care of practical training, at a cost between 150 and 400 euros. It is used to learn the basics of driving (highway code concepts, risk awareness, driving without traffic then with). Minors must be accompanied by a parent or a legal representative to obtain the certificate valid for four months (the final title is only issued after).

The BSR, when it was obtained after January 19, 2013, is valid for 15 years and is proof in all countries of the European Union (attention, the minimum age can vary from country to country). A BSR obtained before this date has no end period but is only valid in France.

Citroën Friend // Source: Citroën

Should you ensure and register a vehicle without a license ?

To use a cart, it is necessary to go through the registration box (gray card whose cost depends on the region) – like a conventional car. To this end, a license plate is compulsory at the rear (optional at the front). On the other hand, there is no technical control to pass.

Regarding insurance, the vehicle without a license must be at least in the context of civil liability (for compensation for third parties in the event of an accident). Other options can be envisaged, but without bonus/penalty clause. If your cart is not insured, you risk a fine that can climb up to 150 euros.

For further

What are the restrictions of a vehicle without a license ?

As they are mainly led by people who do not have the license, the carts are very limited. Thus, they cannot drive at more than 45 km/h. This limited speed, largely sufficient in town, prohibits traffic on expressways and highways (it would be too dangerous for everyone anyway).

Cars without a license are based on simple operation with an automatic transmission that allows drivers to focus mainly on direction. This means that they are only piloted with the right foot (a brake pedal, an acceleration pedal). Of course, it is necessary to have responsible behavior, with regard to yourself and others.

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