Airpods Max: Re-test, a year later, Airpods Max test: At Apple, silence is gold

Airpods max test: At Apple, silence is gold

On the other hand, these performances remain below the other general public helmets. WH-1000-XM4 for example provides 25 hours of listening with the ANC and 35 hours without.

�� Airpods max: re-test, a year later

At the end of 2020, I tested the Apple Airpods Max which I immediately referred to the sender. Today, this is the helmet that I use on a daily basis and a “re-test” allows me to explain to you what has changed.

Airpods Max, the reference helmet

It’s a bit of a tl; Dr but when I was preparing the article on the Sony Wh-1000XM5, I often met the Apple Airpods Max placed in reference, on several subjects. It obviously fueled my curiosity and what was to be a Sony test was transformed into Sony versus Apple comparison (here is my article).

The fact remains that at the end of this test, the Airpods Max stayed at home and the Sony Wh -1000xm5 – that I planned to keep – left. It is for this reason that today I offer you a “re-test”, more than a year later, because this helmet is so good that it would be a shame to do without it.

A heavy helmet (too) heavy

Let’s start to follow with the real problem of this helmet, which makes me send it back after a few hours of testing a year ago. Apple Airpods Max is too heavy ! I do not understand how the test teams were able to validate a product that triggers such a bad first impression due to its weight.

The whole weight of the helmet (385 grams) is in aluminum pavilions. The arch does not plate enough against the skull and we have the feeling that the arches are suspended at the end of a string, that they can evolve in space as they see fit. It is also easy to bring down the helmet by violently turning your head, for example (something you never do in real life, I grant you, it is only an illustration)).

There is nonetheless a very aesthetic helmet and the ventilation of the hoop or pavilions allow not to be hot by using it, unlike the Sony or Bose helmets, to name a few.

An incredible sound

Many things say here will echo what I have already shared in my article at the start of the week, but … the AirPods Max have an incredible audio quality for a Bluetooth helmet !

It is important to recall that this helmet offered at 629 EUR per Apple (EUR 475 at Amazon) is not a lossless helmet; He only deals with the good old AAC, which he improves on the fly, thanks to the two Apple H1 chips (one in each pavilion). It is therefore a compressed sound, modified to be more flattering in the ear. But frankly ?! We do not care.

Quality is crazy. Each musical element, each instrument stands out, the voices are clear, precise. The sounds arise in your ears as a succession of Photoshop layers in your eyes, clearly delimited. For lovers of Home Cinema, the parallel would be to watch a film with a central speaker: the voices stand out much better, because they are their dedicated speaker.

The treble is precise, the bass is heavy, but the helmet does not embellish music, as the competitors could do. Therefore, it may seem cold or at least metallic on certain passages, in the manner of monitoring speakers, provided to be fair.

Active noise reduction

At the time of my first test, I had no other use to the reduction of active noise than transport. No open space for me. Times are changing and this is a real subject today on which the AirPods Max excels.

Blocking a continuous noise of fan or plane, it is generally very easy. Block or strongly decrease voices, it is immediately more complicated and it is however the miracle that the AirPods Max performs.

When someone talks next to you, it is enough that the words are no longer identifiable as such so that your brain does not focus on it. This is exactly what’s going on; The Apple helmet will very much reduce the volume of voices, and make them unintelligible. I can now work quietly, and No need for music in the helmet to hide an ambient noise.

Note, the quality of the transparency mode, which may be more important. Someone is for you where you are in Visio ? Just press a button to forget that you have a helmet on the ears: the voices, the surrounding noises are perceived as they would be without the helmet, it is amazing !


Regarding autonomy, Apple announces 20 hours of listening with or without any noise reduction activated, which is a good point. The recharging is done in lightning, which is negative, but you benefit from1h30 additional autonomy in just 5 minutes of load.

The particularity of this helmet is that it does not have a “on/off” button. Immediately out of its bras in the form of a bra, it connects to all your surrounding Apple equipment – and remains connected as long as it does not return to its helmet. However, the impact on the battery is rather contained, the helmet seeming to stand in standby if it does not move (it remains very often static on my desk).

It is therefore not a subject for me, if not the charge in lightning… exceeded in 2022.


No surprise here: I indicate you in the introduction that I kept this helmet for its incredible audio quality and its noise reduction / transparency fashion. Its weight, however, could be a problem. He was also for me during the initial test, but leaving him a chance, we get used to it.

It therefore goes from “frankly not phew and it is too expensive” to “if you are looking for a top helmet and you are in an Apple environment, it is the one you need”. Especially with the price of 475 EUR offered by Amazon !

Article written by Lokan Sardari �� Ultralearner | ��‍�� Entrepreneur | ��️‍♂️ Athlete | �� Plant Lover | ✈️ Travel addict

Airpods max test: At Apple, silence is gold

After years of crazy rumors, the first Apple helmet is finally available. His shattering arrival is marked in particular by its very high price. The airpods max is worth the 629 euros displayed ? Answer in our test.

Posted on January 13, 2023 at 6 h 18 min

Airpods Max test

Each Apple entry into a new market is an event. After the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and the AirPods, the American is launching on the Helpses Market Noise Reduction.

As usual, Apple does nothing like the others. While the best-selling models (Bose QC 35, Sony Wh-1000-XM4) are marketed between 300 and 400 euros, the AirPods Max is displayed at 629 euros. Including at the start of 2023. And wham !

Should we indignant ? Not really. Apple may hammer that he offers consumer products, his positioning is closer to that of a luxury brand. Its products are regularly pointed out for their prices deemed excessive, which does not prevent stock breaks at each launch. Besides, this AirPods Max is no exception. “As long as there is embarrassment, there is no pleasure”.

Airpods Max is expensive, it’s a fact. The question is whether this price is justified. Or rather to determine if the price difference between this AirPods Max and the Sony or Bose models is really worth double the setting.

Price and availability of the AirPods Max helmet

The AirPods Max has been available since December 15, 2020 at a price of 629 euros – an initial price which has not changed until the start of 2023, even if it is possible to find the helmet for a little cheaper , in reconditioned. It is available in five colors: black, silver, blue, red and green (our test model).

Airpods Max Price test

This price positions the first Apple headset as an ultra-premium or even elitist product. Well Named ?

Airpods max at the best price basic price: € 629

Max AirPods design and ergonomics

As soon as the box is opened, the Max airpods sets the tone. Like the other Apple products, its first audio helmet is proved to be resolutely premium. The Airpods Max is beautiful, beautiful even. While its competitors dress mainly with plastic (quality), the headset consists of brushed aluminum (headphones) and steel (arceau).

Airpods Max Design test

If these materials sublimate it, they increase it considerably in relation to its counterparts. The Airpods Max still weighs 386 g Against 294 g for the WH-1000-XM4 of Sony for example.

This overweight does not really affect the headset outfit. The piston system of the hoop allows you to adjust its positioning, the headphones encompass the ears and the mesh net is comfortable well.

Airpods Max Arceau test

The AirPods Max is therefore very pleasant provided you do not extend its use. After two hours of listening, slight cervical pains appear and condensation appears behind the fabric cushions (magnetized) . After several hours, you can even observe thin droplets.

Airpods Max Test Builders Coque Interieur MAX AirPods Test Ecouteurs

Simple and effective, but ..

As often, Apple masters the art of minimalism. No touch keys, everything is controlled using two buttons positioned on the right earboard. The first allows you to activate/deactivate noise reduction or go into transparent mode. The second is a replica of the Crown of the Apple Watch doped with hormones. It allows you to control the volume or to break.

Airpods test Max Reduction Noise Airpods Test Max Crown

This same earphone incorporates the Lightning port which will accommodate a charger or connect an adapter (not supplied) to listen to the music in wired.

As with AirPods Pro, associating the AirPods Max with an Apple device is child’s play. To connect it just bring it closer to an iPhone, iPad or Mac. In a few seconds, the turn is played. That users of Android smartphones are reassured, the Apple helmet also works with their equipment, but pairing requires some additional steps.

Airpods Max Smart box test

If the AirPods Max seduces us, The same cannot be said about the Smart box. The protective cover provided in the box is neither a cover nor protection. Indeed, it only partially covers the helmet and does not protect the parts most likely to smash on the ground in the event of clumsiness.

Yet it remains essential, since in the absence of an on/off button it is impossible to turn off the airpods max other than by sliding it in this Smart box. We knew more practical.

Audio quality of the Max AirPods

With its AirPods Max, Apple promises a “high fidelity” sound, appellation used by very high -end headset manufacturers (sold at much higher prices).

To provide performance comparable to these helmets, Apple relies on 40 mm drivers as well as neodymium magnets, very expensive material partially justifying its higher price than consumer models. The whole is sprinkled with Computational AUDIO (powered by the h1 chip) for a “premium” sound rendering.

This concentrate of technologies is confronted with an inconsistency: Airpods Max only diffuses sounds in AAC format. He does not support any codec hi-res, Almost unforgivable for a product at this price (we will come back to it).

However, this choice seems logical if we consider that the helmet will be mainly associated with an iPhone, iPad or Mac. Starting from this postulate, we also understand why Apple does not integrate No 3.5 mm jack For wired use. Purists are obviously not Apple’s target, so they will have to get their hands on the wallet to equip themselves with Lightning adapters. Count 40 euros more at the bottom of the invoice.

Airpods Test Audio Quality

And audio quality in all of this ? In a word: impressive. If Apple takes little risks by offering a fairly consensual sound, we must recognize that the result is breathtaking.

The treble is perfectly controlled, the mediums impeccable and the bass very present without unbalance the whole. Thanks to Computational AUDIO, helmet adjusts mediums and bass according to its position on your ears. A delight.

Video lovers will also revel In front of their series and films. Compatible Dolby Atmos, The AirPods Max also inherits the spatialization of the sound inaugurated with the pro AirPods. Concretely, the sound is 360 ° broadcast (with compatible content, of course) and adapts to the movements of the head. Memory, We have never felt such immersion With a head -to -public helmet.

The quality of sound delivered by the AirPods Max therefore outperforms that of the models of Sony or Bose. Nevertheless, the difference is too light to justify such a price difference.

Noise reduction

The AirPods Max also inherits the noise reduction of AirPods Pro. In addition to the excellent passive insulation due in its format, the Apple helmet has an active noise reduction and a transparent mode.

To isolate us (or reproduce) ambient sounds, Apple is based on six external microphones (three per listener) responsible for capturing the surrounding noises, and two internal micro (arranged inside each earpiece) which analyze the sound arriving in our ears. The H1 chip – which can adjust noise cancellation 200 times per second according to Apple – takes care of the rest.

If the cancellation of noise bluff us, the mode Transparent definitively convinces us. It’s very simple, we have never heard anything like this since the advent of wireless headphones with noise reduction. Airpods pro surprised, Airpods Max impresses.

As good as they are, the helmets of Sony, Bose or Sennheiser never compete with that of Apple in this field. We expected no less than one helmet sold almost twice as expensive.

Autonomy and recharge

Apple promises that its airpods max is able to keep us company for 20 hours. A cautious estimate since We were able to continue an average of 23 hours of listening with the reduction of active noise. This autonomy improves very slightly without the ANC and goes to 25 hours. Apple therefore managed to limit the energy consumption of its noise cancellation as much as possible. An excellent point.

On the other hand, these performances remain below the other general public helmets. WH-1000-XM4 for example provides 25 hours of listening with the ANC and 35 hours without.

Airpods Max Lightning test

These differences can partially be explained by the absence of the ON/OFF button and the obligation to slide the helmet in its Smart box To turn it off.

Otherwise it will take several minutes at the AirPods Max to detect that we no longer use it. It will therefore remain in a statement of waking up which consumes a lot of energy. For example, we left the helmet placed on our bedside table overnight. When we wake up, the battery had lost 8%.

Apple catches up well with its recharge (Lightning of course) very fast. The brand promises to win One hour listening in 5 minutes of load. These estimates are this time just.

Airpods max at the best price basic price: € 629

Our opinion after the AirPods Max test

Is AirPods Max a better helmet than those of Sony or Bose in early 2023 ? The answer is yes. The design is much more luxurious, the audio quality a notch above and the cancellation of noise (as well as the transparent mode) much more effective. If it is also associated with an Apple product (which seems to correspond to the most widespread diagram), the experience is even more pleasant.

Technically, the AirPods Max therefore stands out as the new market reference. However, the 629 euros requested by Apple are difficult to justify. First of all because this first helmet suffers from some faults (too heavy, limited to AAC, average autonomy, no wired listening). Then, because the smart box delivered is absolutely not up to the product.

Finally (and above all), because the difference with competing models, sold almost half cheaper, is not obvious enough to justify such a price. For 100 to 150 euros less, we would have recommended it closed eyes. At 629 euros, it is better to think twice. But as we told you, it is still possible to find the slightly cheaper accessory in reconditioned, in early 2023.

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