ADSL Internet box: inexpensive comparison and offers., ADSL Internet box: what is the best offer?

Find the ADSL Internet box adapted to your needs and your budget

Optical fiber offers the best quality of Internet connection. However, it is not available throughout the territory. In case of ineligibility, we are sometimes forced to turn to the ADSL. Although poorly efficient compared to fiber, the ADSL Internet box has several advantages. Its flow is suitable for work and leisure, it is accessible throughout the territory and the installation is not very restrictive. In France, all Internet service providers sell ADSL Internet offers. Our comparator helps you find the ideal box by comparing the offers available on the market.

Comparison of ADSL-VDSL2 Internet offers: what is the best box ?

on the platform

ADSL – or Asymetric Digital Surcord Line – is the most widespread internet connection technology among the French. How to find the best internet package at the best price ? Lelynx’s to find out more about ADSL and its operation.

What is the ADSL ?

ADSL means Asymmetric Digital Surcord Line. The French translation is “asymmetrical digital connection” (RNA) or “digital bond with asymmetrical flow”, but it remains little used.

The principle of ADSL is as follows: This technology uses high frequencies of telephone lines to transmit digital data at very high speed via copper wires. It allows subscribers to benefit from a broadband internet connection. With ADSL, the bandwidth is divided into 3 parts:

  • Part for telephone communications, voice transport;
  • A part for sending data;
  • Party for data receipt.

A little history

ADSL appeared in the late 1990s, but experienced a big boom during the 2000s. Even today, this is the most widespread Internet connection technology in French households, even if fiber optics gradually gain ground.

In 2018, according to ARCEP data (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts), there were more than 20 million high speed subscribers in France, against 8 million very high speed subscribers (fiber optics among others).

Adsl Internet box offers comparisons

Below, the list of offers for Internet suppliers for Internet boxes with ADSL:

Find your new ADSL offer in a few clicks !

You are looking for an ADSL Internet offer ? Lists for you the boxes offered by Internet access providers (Orange, SFR, Free, Bouygues Telecom, La Poste Mobile, Coriolis, Nordnet, Sosh, Red by SFR), their prices and their specificities.

On, compare the ADSL offers and find in a few minutes the contract adapted to your accommodation and your budget !

The best adsl boxes in a few clicks !

Comparatives of the 5 best ADSL/VDSL boxes

Below, a selection of 5 ADSL/VDSL boxes which are among the most interesting today:

Unlimited calls to the fixed to metropolitan France, DOM and

more than 100 destinations

Offers likely to change.

What is the best ADSL offer ?

Impossible to give a better offer in absolute terms, simply because everyone has their own criteria ! The best ADSL offer for a person will not necessarily be ideal for another person. For example: the best ADSL Internet box for a student will often be the cheapest, while for a family the services included and the quality of the connection will also be important criteria.

There Best Adsl box is actually the one that best meets your expectations and your budget. The good news is that once you have in mind the points that are important to you and the budget that you are ready to devote to it, it is very easy to find the ideal box for you !

Find the best ADSL box !

Supplier ADSL offers

Orange Adsl boxes

Over 150 TV channels

Unlimited calls to fixed

Over 150 TV channels

Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles from Metropolitan France, Europe, DOM, USA and Canada

Offers likely to change.

Sosh’s ADSL offer

Offers likely to change.

Bouygues Télécom ADSL boxes

Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France and fixed to more than 110 countries

Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France / Europe / Switzerland and fixed to more than 110 countries

Offers likely to change.

SFR ADSL offers

Unlimited calls to fixes in France

Unlimited calls to fixes in France

160 TV channels and services

Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France

Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France

200 TV channels and services

Offers likely to change.

Red by SFR ADSL offer

Offers likely to change.

Free ADSL offers

ADSL boosted by 4G

Calls to mobiles in mainland France, DOM and certain other destinations + to fixed to more than 110 destinations

Integrated blu-ray player

Offers likely to change.

ADSL: how to know if I’m eligible ?

Fiber, ADSL, VDSL… Not always easy to know what is the right technology for your accommodation ! Do not panic: if you want to know your eligibility, it’s very easy. Simply Take an online eligibility test, on lelynx.Fr. This is of course free, but also very fast. You only have to enter your address in our dedicated form, and you get the result in a few seconds to find out if you are well eligible for ADSL.

Test your eligibility in one click

The advantages of an ADSL package

ADSL is the most common Internet access technology in homes. It presents indeed real advantages ::

  • Multiplicity of services available;
  • Unlimited connection time;
  • Most of the time, unlimited calls to France and even to international destinations.

However, in terms of flow rate and connection speed, ADSL does not reach the performance of fiber optics. With fiber, the flow is 60 times faster than with ADSL. It is logical: the fiber was created after the ADSL, hence a more advanced technology.

Adsl and fiber packages, what differences ?

When looking for an internet box, not always easy to find your way between the different technologies available. Fiber, adsl, what differentiates them ? The main difference between the two technologies is due to the speed of the flow, the data downloading time.

It is indeed much more fast for fiber than for ADSL: around 100-300 Mb/second against 1 to 15 Mb/Second. We are talking about high speed for ADSL and very high speed for fiber. So, to download or send files, you will take much less time with fiber.

Example of a download time difference between optical fiber and ADSL

Download type ADSL (8 Mb/s) Optical fiber (500 Mb/s)
5 GB HD movie 1 hour 23 minutes 1 minute 20 seconds
250 MB music album 4 minutes 16 seconds 4 seconds
50 MB file 50 seconds 0.8 seconds

Another notable difference: the support used. ADSL uses an already existing network, that of telephone lines, via copper wires. With fiber, a new independent network has been created and data transfer is done via glass or plastic wires. Therefore, with regard to a new network, each accommodation must be connected one by one by involving a technician, which is not necessarily necessary with the ADSL.

Finally, it should be noted that an internet connection is more stable with optical fiber than with ADSL. With the ADSL, the distance from the box compared to the central can have an impact, which is not the case with the fiber. The fiber also allows you to benefit from symmetrical flows, that is to say from the same speed of emission or reception of data.


If you are looking for an ADSL Internet box, you will probably meet the terms vdsl and vdsl2. What exactly is it ? It’s simple :

  • L’ADSL is the most widespread technology, as explained above;
  • THE VDSL Also works via copper wires, but this technology is faster than ADSL: flow can reach 15-50 Mb/s. However, not everyone can take advantage of it: the copper line to which the accommodation is connected should not exceed a certain number of kilometers;
  • THE VDSL 2 allows you to benefit from a still higher descending flow, of approximately 80 Mb/s. However, the number of eligible dwellings is limited: these must be located within 1 km from the operators’ distributors.

What speed with an adsl subscription ?

With ADSL, it is possible to reach a maximum flow of 15 Mb/s. However, most of the time, the average flow observed in households is lower and amounted to 7.23 Mb/s with ADSL. However, average flow varies slightly according to internet access providers.

Internet service provider Average ADSL flow
Orange 6.68 Mb/s
SFR 6.67 Mb/s
Bouygues Telecom 7.16 Mb/s
Free 8.05 MB/

Test your eligibility for ADSL

If you want to open a line with an ADSL box, it is advisable to check your eligibility before you start. Many sites allow you to carry out this online test, such as:

  • of the Internet access provider sites (Orange, SFR, Free, Bouygues, Sosh, Mobile Post, etc.);
  • via our online comparison.

To test your eligibility, you will simply have to enter your exact address.

Your comparison in a few clicks

How to find the best ADSL Internet package ?

Today, Internet service providers offer almost a minimum an offer of ADSL Internet boxes, or even several. If we add to this the promotional offers that come out regularly, it can be difficult to navigate.

To find the best ADSL offer, there is a simple and fast solution: Compare Internet offers online, Thanks to a comparator like Lelynx.Fr ! Thus, you have a clear and synthetic vision of all the offers available for you and can quickly know the one that best suits your budget and your needs.

On, comparing internet boxes is free, fast and without commitment ! So you have nothing to lose and everything to win !

Bénédicte is the author of this page. To find out more about our editorial team, click here .

Find the ADSL Internet box adapted to your needs and your budget

Optical fiber offers the best quality of Internet connection. However, it is not available throughout the territory. In case of ineligibility, we are sometimes forced to turn to the ADSL. Although poorly efficient compared to fiber, the ADSL Internet box has several advantages. Its flow is suitable for work and leisure, it is accessible throughout the territory and the installation is not very restrictive. In France, all Internet service providers sell ADSL Internet offers. Our comparator helps you find the ideal box by comparing the offers available on the market.

Bouygues Telecom logo

Special Bbox ADSL/VDSL series

TV more than 180 TV BBOX 4K TV TV Record TV 100h
Tel Mobile phone and fixed internationally

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

Red logo

TV 35 channels + 8h recording with the Red TV application or on the TV (tablet)

Tel Unlimited calls to the fixeds of Metropolitan France and DOM TOM unlimited calls to the fixes of more than 100 countries
Calls to mobiles offered

Even after a year + a month offered

Free logo

Freebox Revolution ADSL/VDSL

TV by Canal TV by canal included

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

Free logo

Freebox Pop ADSL/VDSL

Canal+ series 1 year of Subscription to Canal+ series included
Disney+ included 3 months

For 12 months

Bouygues Telecom logo

Bbox Fit Adsl/VDSL

Spotify 4 months offered from Spotify Premium
Tel Unlimited calls to fixed in France and more than 110 countries

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

Sosh logo

Sosh box – ADSL

Orange TV TV TV (offered on request): 72 TV channels on mobile, tablet and PC/Mac

Tel Unlimited calls to the fixeds of Metropolitan France and DOM + 100 international destinations.

Even after a year

SFR logo

SFR ADSL Starter

Decoder TV with 160 channels offered

Tel Unlimited calls to the Fixes de France Unlimited calls to fixed to more than 100 destinations

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

Coriolis logo

Tel unlimited calls to fixed in France +75 destinations

12 -month commitment

Orange logo

Livebox Up Adsl

Recording up to 100 hours of your programs recorded with the Multi-Ecrans TV recorder (on request)

Paramount + paramount + included on request for 6 months then € 7.99/month

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

Bouygues Telecom logo

Bbox Ultym ADSL/VDSL

Disney + included for 6 months then € 8.99/month
Amazon premium offered 6 months then € 6.99/month

12 -month commitment

For 12 months

ADSL or Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line technology allows the reception and transmission of digital data using a telephone line. This communication method thus gives the home to receive the Internet. Operators have deployed it massively and in France, this technology is the most widespread today to access the Internet. To benefit from it, you must obviously have a telephone line and an ADSL Internet box. However, certain eligibility conditions must also be met.

ADSL Internet box: the eligibility test

The first criterion for having an ADSL Internet box is not to be eligible for fiber. This condition met, you have the choice between two methods to test your eligibility:

  • By telephone By calling a dedicated number provided by your Internet access provider. An advisor will inform you about your eligibility and the approach to follow to take out a subscription.
  • Online by filling out a form on the FAI website. In general, you will be asked to enter your address or fixed number. You will get the result in a few seconds.

Specialized sites offer tools to test your ADSL eligibility online. The advantage with these sites is that the result displays your eligibility for the ADSL offers of several ISPs at the same time. You will be able to compare and choose more carefully.

The different types of ADSL Internet boxes

Internet access providers diversify their ADSL offers in order to satisfy the maximum of customers.

Adsl Dual Play box, triple play or quadruple play

An ADSL Internet box can be offered alone or with other services. If you only need the Internet, an internet subscription alone will save you to save since it is generally cheaper. Depending on your needs, you can nevertheless opt for one:

  • Dual Play offer which offers fixed telephony in addition to the ADSL Internet;
  • Triple play offer that consists of the Internet, fixed telephony and television;
  • Quadruple play offer to have all options with a single subscription (Internet, TV, fixed telephony and mobile package).

The more the services included, the more the subscription is expensive. It’s up to you to choose the type of offer that suits you according to your needs and your budget.

Or without commitment

The operators offer their ADSL boxes according to two formulas: with or without commitment. An offer with engagement links you to an operator over a period of 12 or 24 months.

Evade this commitment before the end of the duration of the contract causes termination fees.

Without non -binding subscriptions do not include this drawback. You can change your plan or go from one ISP to another when you want. The change of offer does not cause any termination costs.

How to find the ideal adsl internet box ?

In addition to your ADSL Internet eligibility at an Internet access provider, here are the other criteria to consider when choosing your box:

  • Your budget : Choose an ADSL box that enters your budget;
  • The services offered: To save money, limit yourself to the services you really need;
  • Internet speed: Even for the ADSL, the flow is not the same for all boxes or in all operators. Choose the ADSL box whose flow allows you to meet all your needs;
  • Commitment: If you like to keep your freedom to be able to change your offer at any time, it is better to opt for an adsl box without commitment. However, you should know that boxes with engagement are often accompanied by more advantages.

The most interesting ADSL offers of the moment

Internet access providers who share the leadership of the ADSL market in France are: SFR, Red by SFR, Free, Orange, Sosh and Bouygues. Of course, prices and quality of services vary from one supplier to another. To illustrate this, let’s compare the lowest rates according to SFR, Free, Orange and Bouygues. The cheapest free adsl internet box is at 16 euros. SFR and Bouygues offer from 15.99 euros. At Orange, the cheapest offer is 19.99 euros.

Low prices do not mean that the quality of the Internet connection is less good. The absence of certain options or services may justify these prices.

As for the most interesting offers of the moment, we can cite the following:

The Bbox Fit de Bouygues Telecom:

  • 15.99 euros per month;
  • 12 -month commitment;
  • Flow of up to 50 Mbps for download and up to 15 Mbps in gathering;
  • Unlimited calls to fixes in France and to more than 110 countries.

Red Box Adsl from Red by SFR:

  • 17 euros per month;
  • Without engagement ;
  • Flower up to 20 Mbps for download and up to 1 Mbps in gathering;
  • 35 TV channels;
  • Unlimited calls to the fixeds of Metropolitan France, DOM and more than 100 countries.

The Freebox Mini 4K ADSL from Free:

  • 15.99 euros per month;
  • 12 -month commitment;
  • Flow of up to 50 Mbps for download and up to 8 Mbps in gathering;
  • Over 220 TV channels;
  • Unlimited calls to fixed to more than 110 countries;

The Freebox Revolution ADSL from Free:

  • 19.99 euros per month;
  • 12 -month commitment;
  • Flow of up to 50 Mbps for download and up to 8 Mbps in gathering;
  • 280 TV channels;
  • Freebox TV with 250 GB of storage and integrated blu-ray player;
  • Canal+ bouquet;
  • Unlimited calls to mobiles in mainland France and DOM, as well as fixed to more than 110 countries.

The Sosh Adsl box:

  • 19.99 euros per month;
  • Without engagement ;
  • Flow of up to 15 Mbps for download and up to 1 Mbps in gathering;
  • 72 TV channels with the Orange TV app;
  • Unlimited calls to the fixes of Metropolitan France, DOM and more than 110 countries.

Livebox is one of Orange’s solutions for ADSL. The operator has the reputation of offering the most expensive prices on the market. He justifies his prices by the number of options and services included in his offers, as well as the quality of customer service that he has. Accessible from 19.99 euros per month, its ADSL Internet box includes the following terms:

  • 12 -month commitment;
  • Flow of up to 50 Mbps for download and up to 8 Mbps in gathering;
  • 140 TV channels with latest generation decoder;
  • Second latest generation decoder or TV key (optional € 10);
  • Multi-ecrans TV recorder;
  • Unlimited calls to the fixed and mobiles of Metropolitan France, Europe, DOM, USA and Canada.

In order to take advantage of the cheapest prices for an ADSL Internet box, make your subscription during the promotion period. Prices can drop up to € 10 at some FAI.

All internet package offers have been selected and validated by Clic2Shop, partner of Le Point.

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