Abusive phone solicitation, Voice or SMS spam: What to do? |, CAUTION: You are likely to receive fraudulent sms! |

SPAM message

The contract concluded with a consumer as a result of a phone solicitation carried out in breach of the registration on bloctel is considering invalid and may be canceled in short.

Abusive phone solicitation, Voice or SMS spam: What to do?

The Days, Times and Frequencies for Which Telephone Canvassing is authorized are specific by a decree of 13 October 2022.

These provisions Will Come Into Force On The 1st Er March 2023.

The information contained on this page remains current and will be fined as soon as the text entering force.

To Protect You Against Abusive Telephone Solicitation, Voice Spam or SMS (Unknown correspond prompting you to call back a premium-rate number), solutions exist.

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  • Abusive phone solicitation
  • Voice Spam

Abusive phone solicitation

What’s this about?

We’re Talking about Abusive phone solicitation when you receive a commercial commercial phone calls. For Example, A Company Calls You To Sell You A Telephone Subscription or to have You Carry Out Work to Reduce the Energy Consumption of Your Home.

A Purely Malicious Call (Insult, Threat. ) is the responsibility of the Telephone Harassment. It’s crime. If you are prompt to call back a premium rate number, it is voice spam.

Register on blocktel (list of opposition to telephone solicitation)

If you do not wish to be the subject of commercial telephone calls, you can register for free on a no-call list.

This is therefore on the blocktel website:

By registering on this list, companies will no long be able to call you to call you.

The following Professionals have the right to call you:

  • Survey Institute and Non-Profit Association If they do not carry Out Commercial Prospecting
  • Professional for the supply of Newspapers, PeriDicals or Magazines
  • Company with that you have a pre-existing contractual relationship. This company can call you if you have customer at home and onely if the commercial offered is noting to your contract. This includes Offers of Products or Services that are related to your contract or that are completementary to the subject of your contract or that are likely to improve its performance or quality.

The contract concluded with a consumer as a result of a phone solicitation carried out in breach of the registration on bloctel is considering invalid and may be canceled in short.

Obligations of the trader

The trader must ensure that his prospecting file comply with the bloctel do not call list.

To do this, he must contact the body that units Bloctel (Opposetel) at least icce a month if he usually does canvassing.

In Other Cases, it must do so before any phone solicitation Campaign.

Furthermore, at the Beginning of Each Telephone Call, The Trader Must Give His Identity or That Of The Person On Whose Behalf He is Calling, and the Commercial Nature of His Call.

This information must be given to you in a clear, precise and understandable manner.

Without indicating the identity and commercial nature, the trader may have to pay a fine up to € 15,000 .

The trader’s phone number must also be displayed or you may be fined up to € 375,000 .

Any contract concluded with an operator of electronic communications services (Telephony, Internet, Television) must include information about the possibility of registering for free on bloctel. Without this information, the operator may have to pay a fine of € 15,000 .

What if the calls go on?

You must report it on the blocktel website by filling out a declaration formed accessible from your personal area. Your declaration is feel to the departure services of the DGCCRF: Titlecontent Carry Out Such Investigations AS These Deem necessary.

Voice Spam

We’re Talking about Voice Spam If you receive a call with a type number of 089. 081. Gold 082. but it hangs up as soon as you take the call. It can also stay online for a few seconds. If you have not picked up, the number will be recurded as a miss Call. The purposes of these calls is to get you to call back a overhanged number. Such Practices May Be Attempted Fraud.

We are also Talking about Voice Spam If you get a call from a classic 01 40 Number. But when you pick up, you are encouraged to call back a premium-rate number. It is also an attempt to defraud.

If your corresponds Picks Up and Offers you a commercial offered, it is a phone solicitation and not a voice spam.

You can block the number of the correspondeent by Sending by SMS to the 33,700 A message containing the words Voice Spam Followed by the Number of your corresponds who prompts you to call Him back.

An SMS message will be feel to you by the 33,700 to confirm the correct receipt of your report.

Sending a text message to 33,700 is free if you are a customer with the following operators:

  • Auchan Telecom
  • Bouygues Telecom
  • Mobile CIC
  • COFIDIS Mobile
  • Mobile Mutual Credit
  • Free
  • Mobile NRJ
  • Orange
  • SFR

For Other Operators, The Service May cost the Price of A Normal SMS.

In addition, some Applications Offer to Block Voice Spam Themselves. Your operator can offer such an application.

You can identify and report Voice Spam online, Even if you have received a call on your landline.


SMS SPAM is a text message from an unknown CALLER PROMTING YOU TO CALL BACK A PREMIUM RATE NUMBER SUCH AS 089. 081. Gold 082. This text message can be used as an excuse to win a lottery, for example. Such Practices May Be Attempted Fraud.

You can also receive commercial offers by sms without undting to swindle you. The company usually offers to send stop to stop sms.

You can block the correspondent’s number by Sending Your corresponds’ SMS Back to the 33,700.

Who shall i contact

“Emergency number:” 33,700 – Voice Or SMS Spam 33,700 – Voice Or SMS Spam

By SMS 33,700 Use to report a phone number that is Sending Spam Free for Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR, NRJ Mobile, Crédit Mutuel Mobile, CIC Mobile, Cofidis Mobile and Auchan Telecom Customers.

Sending a text message to 33,700 is free if you are a customer with the following operators:

  • Auchan Telecom
  • Bouygues Telecom
  • Mobile CIC
  • COFIDIS Mobile
  • Mobile Mutual Credit
  • Mobile NRJ
  • Orange
  • SFR

For Other Operators, The Service May cost the Price of A Normal SMS.

In addition, some apps offered to block sms spam themselves. Your operator can offer such an application.

Statute and Miscellaneous References

  • Consumer Code: Articles L223-1 to L223-7 Opposition to telephone solicitation
  • Consumer Code: article L242-16 Opposition to telephone Solicitation: Sanctions
  • Consumer Code: Articles L221-16 and L221-17
  • Ministerial Response of 10 October 2019 on Doorstep Tendering
  • Ministerial Response of July 28, 2020 regarding Phone Number Spoofing


For several days, fraudulent SMS have been offering you to pay your fines on pirate sites.

Please note, the aim is to steal personal or professional information (accounts, passwords, banking data, etc.) to make it fraudulent use.

Do not click on the link (s) !

The only SMS sent for the payment of tickets concern immediate payment during a verbalization made by an agent of the police on the ground:

  • You receive the SMS in the presence of the verbalizer agent
  • The payment link received by SMS must point directly to the official website www.fines.gouv.Fr
  • You can also download the Application Fines.Gouv available on Google Play and Apple Store.

What to do in the event of receipt of fraudulent SMS or MMS ?

Never communicate sensitive information by messaging or phone: no administration will ask you for your banking data or passwords by electronic message or by phone.

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