5G test at: a 5G antenna near my home?, A faster rate in 5G, of course! But which offers the fastest 5G connection?

A faster rate in 5G, of course! But which offers the fastest 5G connection

5G 2 antennas.1GHz

5G test

Do you have access to your work or at home at 5G ? Which operator ? And what 5g ?

Is 5G available around me ?

�� Our mobile network test: a unique, precise and innovative tool

The network test is currently based on an analytical method (3GPP model) of mobile signal propagation from 3G, 4G, 4G+ and 5G antennas of operators. It is powered by many Open Data datasets of the ANFR and Arcep in particular. Learn more.

Discover the best mobile packages of the moment.

La Poste Mobile 60 GB
La Poste Mobile 5G 60 GB
La Poste Mobile 5G 120 GB

5G, the ultra high speed network of mobile Internet

Revolutionary, 5G allows the improvement of existing uses and the development of innovative services thanks to flows ten times faster than 4G.

Package and phone: what should be done to take advantage of 5G ?

5G uses different frequencies from 4G. Therefore, it is essential to subscribe to a 5G mobile plan or a 4G compatible 5G package. Since October 2020, some operators have already launched the marketing of their new 5G packages. Discover them from our mobile package comparator. It is also essential to bring a 5G compatible smartphone to take advantage of this new technology.

Make a 5G debit test to complete your course

Our 5G test lets you know if you capture 5G from home. To go further in your approach, we provide you with a 5G speed test test that allows you to measure your real 5G connection speed from your smartphone.

500 Mb/s Download
150 Mb/s upload
5G speed in France in 2022
And you, what is your flow ? Take the 5G speed test. Debit

The deployment of 5G in France

According to the ANFR (National Frequencies Agency), in May 2023, 56,656 5G branches distributed throughout France, including 23,550 antennas compatible with the 5G 3 frequency.5GHz, were put into service by operators in France. This information is updated monthly.

5G branches in France


5G 3 antennas.5GHz


5G 700MHz antennas

6 283

5G 3 antennas.5GHz

10 179

5G 2 antennas.1GHz

6 142

5G 3 antennas.5GHz

5 977

5G 2 antennas.1GHz


5G 3 antennas.5GHz


5G 2 antennas.1GHz

If our 5G network test allows you to rule on your 5G eligibility, our 5G coverage barometer offers you the possibility of following its deployment in your locality by operator (Orange, Bouygues Telecom, Free Mobile and SFR).

Map of France Widget

What is 5G coverage in your city ?

New uses related to 5G

Ultra-fast flows, similar to fiber

5G, the fifth generation of mobile telephony, promises flows ten times faster (up to 1 Gbit/s) than those allowed by 4G (30 Mbit/s on average). Qualified as ultra high speed of the mobile Internet, 5G helps to considerably reduce latency and thus speed up the connection speed on mobile. With 5G, downloading an HD film becomes very fast (3 min against 17 min in 4G) Playing online or virtual reality video games takes place without risk of latency.

The emergence of industry 4.0

Offering better speeds, greater data transfer capacity in real time and better responsiveness, 5G technology represents a considerable opportunity for technological development for companies. Telemedicine, emergence of connected objects (Internet of objects, IoT), autonomous transport, etc., The 5G network will revolutionize the world of industry and science.

Avoid saturation of 4G networks

More than the simple extension of the 4G mobile network, the launch of 5G also aims to avoid supersaturation of existing mobile networks. By simultaneously using several frequency bands (3.5 GHz, 26 GHz and 700 MHz), the 5G network will allow the increase in data consumption and therefore, consequently, the possibility of a significant development of Innovative services.

Operation of our mobile network test

A signal propagation algorithm based on antennas

In France, 4 mobile networks are deployed by operators Orange, Free, SFR and Bouygues Telecom. In total, hundreds of thousands of mobile branches cover our territory.

Our R&D team (Yamen Alsaba and Bernard Sandouno), in partnership with INRIA and supported by the BPI, has developed a test suitable for each of the existing mobile networks.
It has thus defined the quality of the signal in every way of the territory by using:

  • The different characteristics of network antennas (frequency, technology, azimut, height),
  • The data of the areas in which they are deployed (population density, topography).

Inria Bpifrance

A method fueled by open data

We have chosen to develop a signal propagation algorithm from public data (antennas, topography. ) and calibrate this model with data measured directly in the field.

Our data come from different government organizations:

  • ANFR for mobile network antennas and their specific characteristics,
  • ARCEP for mobile flow data measured in the field,
  • IGN for topography data (altitude, LOS calculation) and taking into account infrastructure,
  • INSEE for population density data to estimate the loads of mobile cells.

Anfr mobile antenna

All of these databases are constantly updated by our data teams. They feed our model for calculating the quality of the mobile network and generating mobile network cards

Constant improvement technology

Our network test evolves and is constantly improving.

Several versions have already been published on our platform:

  • V1. Implementation of an analytical propagation model (3GPP) by calibrating the parameters according to the coverage of the arcep by operator and technology (3G, 4G). Maximum theoretical flow calculation.
  • V2. (Current) taking into account the burden of cells using population density. Addition of 5G. Calculation of average theoretical speed by calibrating with the data measured in the field by Arcep
  • V3. (In progress) Take into account the topography. Calculation of Line of Sight (LOS).
  • V4. (In progress) Integration of infrastructure data (buildings) and their impact on signal attenuation and los.
    The team aims to set up a so -called deterministic model capable of detecting with maximum precision the quality levels mobile networks in every point territory.

Want to know more? You are simply curious? Do not hesitate to contact us to chat with our teams and better understand this new technology.

A faster rate in 5G, of course ! But which offers the fastest 5G connection ?

5G is known to provide an ultra -fast and stable connection. But which operator offers the best connection speed in 5g ?

You want to subscribe to a 5G package to benefit from a better connection speed and you do not know which operator will turn you to have the best 5G ? We help you choose by comparing the figures !

Orange, first on 4G/5G in July 2023

According to our barometer of flow rates in 4G/5G, it is Orange which is first on 4G/5G in terms of flow. While he was the fastest operator in 4G/5G, the operator Bouygues Telecom loses its leadership in July. With 80 Mb/s in 4G/5G (-5 points compared to the previous month), It is now preceded by Orange which operates a spectacular rise And flies away from the ranking with a flow of 101 Mb/s (+24 points compared to the previous month).

Loins behind, SFR and Free cap at 69 Mb/s, ten points less than Bouygues Telecom and 30 less than Orange. These first figures already tell us that Orange and Bouygues Telecom are more efficient than their two competitors.

What operators say on their website ?

Operators must indicate on their standardized files the theoretical flows that can be reached in 5G on their mobile subscriptions. Let’s see what the different operators display:

  • Orange indicates that they can provide a theoretical rate in 5g going up to 2.1 Gb/s down the 3.5 GHz frequency strip
  • As for Bouygues Telecom, it indicates providing a theoretical flow descending in 5g of maximum 1.5 Gb/s on the 3.5GHz frequency band
  • At SFR, we can find a maximum theoretical speed of 2 Gb/s in 3.5GHz frequency band
  • Finally, Free, it communicates on a theoretical maximum speed in reception Up to 3 times 4G Free flows, without specifying figures

If we pool the figures of our barometer of the flows as well as the flows announced by the operators, we see that Orange confirms its first place. On the contrary, SFR should rise in the ranking, when you look at the 5G flows which it indicates on its website.

You benefit from a 5G package and You want to know what is the speed of your mobile connection ? All you have to do is do a mobile flow test.

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