5G deployed in France, 5G | Arcep


For the deployment of 5G, several frequency bands have been identified in a coordinated manner in Europe. Often identified in Europe as the “heart band” of 5G, the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band, by its physical properties and the quantity of frequencies available, offers a compromise between coverage and flow.

Understand everything of the deployment of 5G in France

New generation of mobile telephony, 5G is at the heart of the digital transformation of the company. It makes it possible to adapt to the exponential increase in digital uses, and thus to avoid saturation of the network.
Performance jumps allowed by 5G affect many sectors: transport, industry, agriculture, medicine, public security, waste management or smart cities.

Voice + SMS + Limited Internet (sending photos)
Voices + SMS + Internet (videos, applications)
Voice + SMS + Internet (augmented reality, connected vehicles. ))
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What concrete uses for 5G ?

Better flow, lower latency, the opportunities offered by 5G to professionals are numerous.

Meeting with Christophe Carniel, CEO of Vogo, Sportch specializing in the video multiplex for real -time sports events. So far, retransmissions in stadiums have come up against the limits of Wi-Fi, but the situation is quite different thanks to the arrival of 5G.

Meeting with Olivier Leroux, President of Oasis Smart SIM, a French pioneer company in terms of ESIM manufacturing, the new generation of SIM cards whose features offered will find all their boom in 5G.

Meeting with Hacène Larhèche, SNCF Connectivity Director. He explains how 5G, thanks to its performance far superior to 4G, will allow new “wireless” equipment and open new horizons to the group in terms of industrial transformation. The arrival of 5G in stations will also improve the experience of travelers and strengthen the security of data exchange.

Meeting with Laurent Benet, In charge of the development of the Paris2Connect project. This ambitious experimentation of ‘Smart City’ with reduced size takes advantage of urban digital infrastructure installed in the Paris-Bercy area to offer various innovative services. These uses will be even more maximized in 5g.

What technological developments 5G represent ?

5G promises flows to 10 times upper To those of 4G, which allow ultra -outhoaded connections: video and entertainment, gaming, augmented reality and virtual reality.

Divided by 10, Latence (response time) opens up prospects, especially for professional uses: autonomous cars, remote control, telechurgyurgy, industrial automation, etc

5G offers a connection density that allows multiply by 10 The number of objects connected simultaneously to the network, to promote uses such as product traceability, energy optimization, etc

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Adjustable beam antennas for using data on demand

5G allows the use of “on demand” data, Unlike the continuous exposure caused by 4G, thanks to the use of adjustable beam antennas.

Current infrastructure
Smart antennas

On which frequency band 5G is it deployed ?

A gradual deployment on the different frequency bands

In France, it is planned that 5G is deployed on several frequency bands : those already used for current 2G/3G and 4G networks (called “low bands”) and two new bands hitherto not attributed to mobile networks, that of 3.5 GHz and that of 26 GHz.

The auctions for the 3.5 GHz band ended in October 2020 and the ANFR began to authorize sites of sites following the requests of operators in November 2020. Auctions for the 26 GHz band are not yet planned and should not intervene before 2 or 3 years.

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The different 5G frequency bands and their characteristics

What 5G deployment calendar and what coverage obligations ?

First part 5G standardization and publication of the government roadmap.

Implementation of 5G pilots in France and first terminals put on the market.

October: auction on the 5G band, the 3.5 GHz band.

November: issuance of 5G operating authorizations.

December: commercial opening of the first 5G services.

Each operator must have deployed 3,000 5G sites.

Each operator must have deployed 8,000 5G sites (including 2,000 in small zone and in industry territories, outside the main agglomerations).

Cover of large urban centers and highway type axes (16,642 km).

Access to 5G must be possible for two thirds of the population.

Each operator must have deployed 10,500 5G sites (including 2,625 in the small area and in industry territories, outside the main cities).

Coverage main roads (54,913 km).

Second step on the implementation of obligations and on needs.

The network must be 100 % 5g.

Deployment and coverage obligations are set by ARCEP.
More information: Arcep.Fr

How to know the location of 5G antennas ?

To find out the location of 5G antennas in your town or elsewhere, go to the site www.cartoradio.fr, developed by the ANFR.

It is an interactive free access card which allows you to find the location of radio antennas, including 5G antennas, everywhere in France. This tool even allows you to view the authorized stations but not yet put into service.

To understand the functioning of the Site Step by step, see this video tutorial.

What are the ANFR controls in public exposure to the airwaves ?

The ANFR has published an analysis relating to more than 3000 public exhibition measures to the waves made in 2020 and 2021. Half of these measures were carried out near identified sites to accommodate 5G branches, before their commissioning. The other half of the measures was made in the same place, after commissioning 5G, thus making it possible to identify precisely the evolution of the exhibition linked to this new network. All frequency bands currently used in 5G have been studied. The results show that The exhibition is comparable before and a few months after the introduction of 5G.

At the end of September 2021, the ANFR publishes an intermediate assessment of DAS controls (specific absorption rate) carried out on 46 mobile phones taken from points of sale in France since early 2021. Among these, 13 5G phones were checked and appeared in accordance with the regulations. Of the 46 phones taken, two of them exceeded the regulatory limit and have already been the subject of communication when implementing software updates by their manufacturers.

Other studies and reports

  • The government’s report on the deployment of 5G in France and worldwide: technical and health aspects (September 2020)
  • Simulation of the evolution of the public exhibition created by mobile telephony in very dense urban areas (Paris XIV) (August 2020 – Step report)
  • Evaluation of the public exhibition at the 5G electromagnetic waves – Intermediary 2 component: First results of measures on pilots July 5, 2019 (July 2019)

How to better know the exposure to waves in your town ?

One of the essential missions of the ANFR is Ensure compliance with the public exposure values ​​of the public to the waves and manage the national monitoring and wave measurement system.
As such, anyone can ask the ANFR to have the exposure to electromagnetic waves measured, in dwellings or public places. This approach is free.
As mayor, you can also ask the ANFR to have the waves exposure to public places in your municipality.

The Cartoradio site.fr also allows you to have access to the results of the measures already carried out in your territory.

What is the instruction ?

  • The person who wishes to have a measurement Completed a request form On the measurement site.anfer.en or download it from service-public.Fr.
  • She must do sign this form By an organization authorized by decree n ° 2013-1162 of December 14, 2013: local authorities (municipalities, groups of municipalities, etc.), regional health agencies, certain associations approved by the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Health ..
  • It then transmits the request to the ANFR which educated it and requests an accredited and independent laboratory to carry out the measurement.

5g and health

5g and health

On April 20, 2021, the National Agency for Food, Environment and Labor Health Safety (ANSES) published expertise work on the effects that 5G on the health of the population could have.
To date, operators have mainly deployed 5G in 3 frequency bands:

  • 700 MHz bands and 2.1 GHz, already used for several years by 3G and 4G. That the antennas emit 3G, 4G or 5G signals, levels of exposure to waves vary very little.
  • As for the 3.5 GHz band, ANSES indicates that it seems unlikely that 5G in this frequency band is a new health risk.

In a cross interview, Olivier Merckel, head of the risk assessment unit linked to physical agents and new technologies at ANSES, and Emmanuelle Conil, radiofrequencies engineer at ANFR, return to this study and the scientific program common implemented by the 2 agencies to assess public exposure levels to the waves.

Presentation and missions of the ANFR

As part of the deployment of 5G, the ANFR retains its role for all technologies linked to electromagnetic waves:

The establishment of relay antennas for the deployment of 5G.

The ANFR publishes an observatory for the deployment of mobile networks, which promotes transparency vis-à-vis strategies and investments carried out by the operators on their respective deployments each month on their respective deployment.

The levels of exposure to the waves generated by the antennas in order to ensure that the regulatory limits are well respected. It is planned that the ANFR triples its controls by 2021 (10,000 controls planned).

Exposure to mobile phones waves to ensure that the DAS -related limit values ​​are well respected. The ANFR is expected to check more than 85 % of the products put on the market by 2021.

Consultation, dialogue and transparency on the deployment of 5G: bringing together in particular the National Dialogue Committee and participating in local consultation bodies on the public exhibition to promote exchange and strengthen public confidence.

The ANFR answers your questions about 5G

Frequently Asked Questions

Will 5G cause a proliferation of antennas ?

The 5G which will unfold on traditional frequency bands does not require any additional development. It can indeed be deployed by a simple update on a site already used for 2G, 3G, 4G networks.

5G in 3.5 GHz band requires at least the addition of an antenna to existing sites. First, operators will focus on the extension of existing antennas because 5G needs 4G to deploy (5G non -standalone).

In a second step, new sites will probably be implemented according to the demand of operators. The 26 GHz band will request the installation of new antennas in well -identified areas (hot spots) but its deployment is not yet planned in France.

Will all territories benefit from 5G ?

Telephone operators decide the sites on which they will deploy 5G in a priority way. The state and the arcep, however, imposed the following measures to them:

– At least 25% of new sites equipped with 5G on 3.5 GHz frequencies will have to be in the small area and in industry territories, outside the main cities, from 2024.

– Operators must have deployed 3000 sites by the end of 2022, 8000 sites by the end of 2024 and 10,500 sites by the end of 2025.

In terms of territory coverage, 4G and fiber will continue to be developed in parallel to absorb white areas.

The deployment of 5G will be transparent ?

Yes. All the branches of more than 5 watts located in the territory as well as all the exhibition measures carried out by the ANFR and its accredited partners are available publicly on the Cartoradio site.Fr.

What is the role of the ANFR in the establishment of 5G sites by mobile operators ?

As well as for 2G, 3G and 4G, the ANFR grants implementation authorizations for each of the sites deployed by operators in the territories. This authorization makes it possible to verify electromagnetic compatibility with the other existing networks. The frequencies being increasingly used with the multiplication of wireless uses and the densification of networks, this mission appears more essential to guarantee a proper functioning of the links to users. The authorization granted by the ANFR also makes it possible to verify that the installations projected by operators respect the public exposure values ​​of the public to the waves.

The town hall information file (Sun) is necessary for a 5G establishment request on a site already provided with 4G antennas ?

To promote consultation with communities and elected officials, the government has asked mobile operators to transmit DIM for each project to set up 5G sites: whether for low bands (bands already used for 2G, 3G, 4G ) or for the 3.5 GHz band, operators must inform the town halls of their 5G antennas project beforehand before.

The 5G in low band is it from the false 5G ?

There is no real or false 5g. 5G in low band will be 5G. On the other hand, the strip widths being lower in low band, the reached flow rates cannot be as high as those in the 3.5 GHz band. Nevertheless, as for 4G, it all depends in particular on the number of network users present in the same place at the same time: in a low dense area, a user can theoretically have a very good speed in low band if the number of users remains very weak. On the issue of flows, operators will soon publish, in connection with ARCEP, specific cards on the quality of their networks available in 5G.
Finally, low bands have more interesting properties than the high bands in terms of reach and penetration in buildings.

Is it necessary to complete 5G in low bands with 5G 3.5 GHz to consider the service as really 5G ?

The objective of 5G is to reach 100 Mbit/s real per user in dense zone. This “improved broadband” depends of course on the number of users in a cell. If there are too many users, flows may weaken and the operator will need the 3.5 GHz band to continue to offer this quality of service.

What are the possible flow rates of a 5G broadcast in low bands, in comparison with the 3.5 GHz flows ?

If an operator has a block of 2 x 10 MHz in low strips and a block of 80 MHz in high band, the maximum theoretical flow is approximately 4 times higher in high strip. However, it all depends on the number of people using the 5G network at the same time. Available speeds can indeed be shared between users.

Can we make two technologies coexist on the same frequency: 4G and 5G ?

Yes, this is one of the features offered by 5G. It facilitates the transition from 4G to 5G for operators who do not wish to dedicate certain bands to 5G. It is the “Dynamic Spectrum Sharing” or DSS, which makes it possible to divide the available resource between 4G and 5G. Depending on the demand of users, the distribution between 4G and 5G adapts and can vary: it is in this sense that it is called “dynamic”.

Having 5G in low band will have the consequence of degrading the networks already distributed in these bands ?

No, if an operator chooses to use a band for 5G that he already exploits for 4G, the possibility of making the two technologies live on the same frequency makes it possible to avoid this degradation by gradually changing the share of the capacity Used for 5G. This is what the “Dynamic Spectrum Sharing” or DSS allows. This configuration is possible when the network has enough capacity available. Indeed, the share of the capacity used for 5G is no longer available in 4G !

What is the average range of an antenna diffusing 5G in 700 MHz band, 3.5 GHz band and 26 GHz band ?

According to data from the International Telecoms Union (IUT), the signal scope depends on the frequency band used but also on the environment:

  • For the 700 MHz band, the range is on average 2 km in urban areas and 8 km in rural areas.
  • For the 3.5 GHz band, the range is on average 400 m in urban areas and 1.2 km in rural areas.
  • For the 26 GHz band, the range is on average 150 m in urban areas.

Will the arrival of 5G involve the deployment of new emission sites or only the addition of new antennas on already existing sites ?

In the short term, the arrival of 5G does not necessarily mean new antennas and new emission sites.
The deployment of 5G in low bands, already used for current networks, implies neither new sites nor new antennas if those which have been deployed by operators in recent years are evolving. Software evolution will be enough to go from a 4G antenna to a 5G antenna.

For 3.5 GHz band deployments, new antennas must be installed, but in most cases, they will be on already existing sites when possible. Ultimately, new sites may be deployed to densify the network.

Finally, when 5G will be deployed in 26 GHz band (not before 2022-2023), new kinds of lower power antennas (the “Small Cells”) will be deployed in very specific areas-the “hot spots” or places of strong crowds such as stations, shopping centers, etc.- to issue an ultra-high flow connection.

Do 5G antennas are a threat to the reliability of weather forecasts ?

Some meteorologists are concerned about the influence of the frequencies emitted by 5G in the millimeter bands (26 GHz) on digital forecast models: indeed, the 23.6-24 GHz band is used by satellite exploration of the land and is essential to them for weather forecasts. Without precaution, the deployment of 5G in this millimeter band could create disturbances on satellite observations used for weather forecasts and, beyond, for the analysis of climate change. This is a global problem because these forecasts depend on observations on the entire surface of the globe.

This subject was the subject of intense debates at the last global radiocommunications conference in November 2019, European countries defended an adequate protection of these observations vis-à-vis 5G. Europe, which specified its regulation for 5G in this band in March 2020, remains more protective than the rest of the world.

Indeed, in Europe, the regulations require equipment manufacturers to provide 5G issuers with more demanding filters by 2024 at the latest to avoid any risk of disruption, that is to say before the implementation of many emotional frequents. For the record, the deployment of 5G in this band in France and in Europe is not yet planned.

Apart from Europe, the deadline so that the equipment manufacturers integrate these filters is set at September 2027.

By its regulations, Europe will therefore lead manufacturers to accelerate the design of more efficient equipment which will enhance the overall level of protection of the band 23.6-24GHz well before 2027.

In addition, beyond these regulatory measures, attentive monitoring is implemented on 5G deployments in the 26 GHz millimeter strip and on the characteristics of the stations5g which will be deployed in this band. This will identify whether the reality on the ground diverges with the assumptions taken and, if necessary, to take corrective measures before the scrambles are detrimental.


The fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) presents itself as a generation of rupture, that which is no longer interested only in the world of general public mobile operators, but which opens up new perspectives and allows the cohabitation of applications and extremely diverse uses , unified within the same technology.

5G must allow a performance jump in terms of flow (which must be multiplied by 10), transmission time (which must be divided by 10) and reliability of the communication.

It should be a real “facilitator” of the digitization of the company, by authorizing the development of new uses: virtual reality, autonomous and connected vehicle, intelligent city (road traffic control, energy optimization), industry of the future (remote control industrial tools, machine connectivity).

  • 5G: a new technology for mobile networks (technology, perspectives, frequencies, challenges) : A presentation made by ARCEP for the Connected Territories Workshop of June 26, 2019. (pdf – 882ko)

5G and arcep

Prepare the arrival of 5G in France

As of 2017, Arcep played a sting role in preparing the arrival of 5G:

In July 2018, the state has acquired a roadmap to facilitate the development and deployment of 5G, including the Arcep work program.

Among the public bodies mobilized, let us quote the Directorate General of Businesses (DGE), which coordinates the sites of the 5G roadmap, the National Frequencies Agency (ANFR), which works for the identification and harmonization of new bands of frequencies 5G, supports the deployment of antennas on the territory and ensures compliance with the public exposure values ​​of the public to the waves; Finally, the National Agency for Food, Environment and Labor Safety (ANSES), responsible for assessing the health impact associated with the deployment of 5G.

What frequency band for 5G ?

For the deployment of 5G, several frequency bands have been identified in a coordinated manner in Europe. Often identified in Europe as the “heart band” of 5G, the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band, by its physical properties and the quantity of frequencies available, offers a compromise between coverage and flow.

The use of this heart band is supplemented by other bands, with different properties, which each contribute to giving its full measure to 5G. The 700 MHz band, already allocated to operators in metropolitan France, are identified in particular, and the 26 GHz band, which will be the subject of a subsequent allocation.

5G pioneer bands and other bands allocated to operators

Assign frequencies for the deployment of 5G

In 2020, ARCEP organized the attribution in mainland France frequencies of the 3.5 GHz band, 5G coke. The powers of authorization to use frequencies in this band have been an opportunity for ARCEP to introduce new obligations in favor of digital planning of the territory.

Subsequently, ARCEP will prepare the allocation of 26 GHz frequency band, which has properties intrinsically different from other frequency bands, less than 6 GHz, used by mobile operators. Some services with very strong needs of bandwidths are envisaged as for example multimedia services increased with multiple shots during sporting or cultural events or even the management of industrial tools in factories.

Promote experiments

ARCEP promotes experiments by issuing authorizations for using experimental frequencies within limited time and at a lower cost. The privileged frequency band for 5G user experiments is now the 26 GHz band.

From January 2019, the government and the arcep jointly launched a call for the creation of 5G experimentation platforms, open to third parties, in the 26 GHz frequencies that gave rise to 14 projects. The objective was to promote the appropriation by all the actors from the possibilities offered by this frequency band, and to identify the new uses of 5G. Since then, the experiments are always possible and the arcep invites all the actors who wish to manifest themselves in order to promote innovation

The big dates of 5G

  • July 26, 2023: ARCEP publishes a public consultation on a decision -making project modifying decision n ° 2022-1062 of the ARCEP, relating to the terms allowing coexistence between the 5G networks in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band and the land stations Fixed satellite service in the 3.8 – 4.2 GHz band in mainland France. The consultation is open until September 26, 2023 / public consultation
  • July 20, 2023: ARCEP publishes the decision setting the conditions of use of radio frequencies in order to provide a mobile communications service on board the aircraft circulating in the French airspace.
    Following the public consultation conducted from January 26, 2023 to March 1, 2023 relating to the transposition at the national level of the technical conditions defined in the decision to execute the European Commission (EU) 2022/2324 of November 23, 2022, the ARCEP publishes Decision No. 2023-1141 dated May 25, 2023 setting the conditions of use of radio frequencies in order to provide a mobile communications service on board the aircraft circulating in the French air space. This decision notes in particular technical conditions for the exploitation of 5G connectivity on board aircraft.Arcep’s decision was approved by decree of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty dated June 22, 2023 / Decision No. 2023-1141 / The approval decree (PDF – 125Ko) / The contributions of actors to public consultation
  • April 13, 2023: ARCEP publishes the update of mobile coverage data in the fourth quarter of 2022, in France and overseas / news
  • April 6, 2023: ARCEP publishes its telecom market observatory in the fourth quarter 2022. As of December 31, 2022, nearly six out of ten internet subscriptions were in fiber optics. Two years after the commercial launch of 5G, the number of users active on 5G networks is 8.2 million, and continues to increase / the last figures
  • January 26, 2023: ARCEP publishes a public consultation on a decision -making project aimed at transposing the European decision on mobile communications services on board aircraft. This decision project specifies in particular how 5G can be used on board aircraft. The consultation is open until March 1, 2023 / public consultation
  • December 19, 2022: Industrial uses of 5G: ARCEP extends the opening of its 3.8-4.0 GHz strip window and recalls the possibilities of 26 GHz / press release possibilities by a year
  • December 15, 2022: ARCEP publishes the 5G mobile coverage data in the third quarter of 2022, in mainland France and overseas and changes its tools to better meet the needs of users / news
  • October 20, 2022: ARCEP publishes the results of its 2022 measurement campaign: the quality of mobile service remains stable, despite a drop in flows observed in 2022 / press release
  • October 13, 2022: ARCEP launches a public consultation on the terms allowing coexistence between future mobile networks in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band and the land stations of the fixed satellite service in Guyana / press release
  • October 12, 2022: Experiments window for companies and industrialists in the 3.8 – 4.0 GHz band: ARCEP achieves a first press report / press release
  • October 6, 2022: ARCEP publishes the figures for the 2nd quarter 2022 of the Observatory of electronic communications / news
  • September 29, 2022: Update of the Observatory for 5G commercial deployment 5G with updating the mapping of 5G sites and 240 Mbit/s sites by operator on June 30, 2022. On this date, the arcep counts 33,158 sites 5g including 14,457 in 3.5 GHz band .
  • September 16, 2022: The arcep specifies the methods allowing coexistence between 5G networks and fixed service by satellite in mainland France (3.4 – 3.8 GHz bands and 3.8 – 4.2 GHz) / press release
  • August 31, 2022: “The promises of 5G” – Laure de la Raudière, president of ARCEP, is the guest of the program “Culture Médias” broadcast on Europe 1, presented by Philippe Vandel / The Interview
  • July 25, 2022: Following the public consultation launched on December 10, 2021, ARCEP publishes a series of modifying decisions changing the technical conditions for the use of frequencies in the 2.6 GHz and 3.5 GHz bands to implement the national level New European Framework. Regarding 900 MHz frequency bands, 1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz, the authorizations to use these frequencies, which refer in particular to the new European framework concerning the applicable technical conditions of use, do not require being changed. / News and published decisions
  • March 31, 2022 : ARCEP updates its observatory for 5G commercial deployments by updating the mapping of 5G sites and 240 MB/s sites per operator on December 31, 2021. On this date, the arcep counts More than 28,000 5G sites including 10,600 in 3.5 GHz band.
  • March 15, 2022: The Government and the Arcep launch two new measures intended to promote access to industrialists and other “vertical” users at 5G / press release
  • January 14, 2022: 5G and environmental imprint of networks: new work from ARCEP to clarify the debate and identify levers of action / press release
  • October 15, 2021: Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployments observatory with operators’ data on June 30, 2021 / the observatory
  • July 27, 2021: ARCEP is launching a public consultation on the terms allowing coexistence between 5G networks and land stations of the fixed satellite service in mainland France / Press / public consultation press release
  • June 17, 2021: Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployments observatory with operators’ data on May 31, 2021 / the observatory
  • May 28, 2021: “5G has a promise to improve direct improvement in capital productivity” Maya Bacache, member of the Arcep college, signs a platform in the world / the gallery
  • May 18, 2021: Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployments observatory with operators’ data on April 30, 2021 / The Observatory
  • April 14, 2021 : ARCEP updates its 5G commercial deployment observatory with operators data on March 31, 2021/ The observatory
  • April 9, 2021: The Council of State validates the prior authorization regime for the operation of the antennas of the operators of operators 5G / the press release of the Council of State / The decision of the Council
  • March 18, 2021: Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployment observatory with operators’ data on February 28, 2021 / the observatory
  • February 22, 2021: Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployment observatory with operators’ data on January 31, 2021 / the observatory
  • February 16, 2021 : “Operators must be very clear about the quality of the 5G experience offered. The consumer must be able to know what performance he can benefit from thanks to his mobile subscription and according to his geographic location ”. An interview with Laure de la Raudière, president of ARCEP, in Digital /The interview
  • January 14, 2021: The Arcep updates its 5G commercial deployment observatory with operators’ data on December 31, 2020 / the observatory
  • December 18, 2020 : “The rejection of 5G took everyone short”. Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, answers questions from the Gazette des Communes / Interview
  • December 16, 2020: First publication by arcep of the 5G deployment observatory / press release / 5G deployment observatory
  • November 19, 2020 : “Arcep and government, we have invited 5G operators to be in dialogue with local elected officials. These elected officials have a role to play.”Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, is the guest of the 12:30 p.m. newspaper on France Culture.
  • November 17, 2020 : “Mayors have an important role to play in the appropriation of 5G by citizens”. Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, answers questions from the mailors.
  • November 13, 2020: ARCEP delivers to the winners the authorizations to use frequencies in the band 3.4 – 3.8 GHz / press release
  • November 4, 2020: ARCEP publishes the final result of the procedure for allocation of frequencies of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band with the positioning / press release auction. To account for the progress of deployments and inform elected officials and citizens of its arrival in the territory, the arcep creates an observatory dedicated to the deployments of 5G / press release
  • October 22, 2020: ARCEP presents its recommendations to operators in terms of coverage / press release / the recommendations of ARCEP (PDF – 126Ko)
  • October 1, 2020: The auction for the allocation of frequencies of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band is finished / press release
  • September 30, 2020:
    – The auction for the allocation of frequencies of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band continues / press release
    – Auction, health impact, deployment: the development of the arcep on 5G. Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, answers questions from the newspaper Le Parisien / the interview
  • September 29, 2020:
    – The auction for the allocation of frequencies of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band continues / press release

  • December 31, 2019: The call for candidates for the allocation of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band, as well as the decree launching the award procedure were published in the Official Journal. ARCEP invites the actors wishing to be a candidate to submit an application before February 25, 2020 / Press release
  • December 17, 2019: ARCEP gives its opinion to the government on the financial terms attached to the frequency allocation procedure in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band and is ready to conduct the procedure / press release
  • December 17, 2019 : the government makes known the financial conditions of the call for candidates / press release
  • December 7, 2019 : Publication at Official newspaper of the decree of implementing the law on the security of 5G (decree n ° 2019-1300 of December 6, 2019) / The decree (PDF – 162Ko)

• November 21, 2019: The Arcep transmits to the government its proposal for award and obligations for candidates for 5G frequencies in the 3.4 -3.8 GHz band in mainland / press release

  • October 7, 2019: The government and the arcep present the first eleven projects selected as part of its call for the creation of 5G experiments platforms in the pioneer band of 26 GHz. Objectives: promote the appropriation by all actors from the possibilities offered by this frequency band, and to identify the new uses of 5G / press release

• August 1, 2019: publication at Official newspaper of the decree approving decision n ° 2019-0862 of the ARCEP dated July 2, 2019 relating to the synchronization of land networks in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band in mainland / the decree (PDF- 140ko) / Arcep’s decision

  • September 14, 2019 : “5g: we are a neutral, impartial referee. What interests us is the interest of the French ”. Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, is the guest of the program “We do not stop eco” on France Inter.
  • September 6, 2019 : ARCEP invites European telecoms regulators to react on the French project for allocating the frequencies of the 3.5 GHz band in an unprecedented format of “peer review” / Read the press release
  • July 29, 2019 : ARCEP extends the opening of the THD Radio counter and finalizes the redevelopment of the 3.4 3.8 GHz band for frequency release for 5G / Read the press release
  • July 17, 2019: “Two thirds of the population will have access to 5G in 2025” Sébastien Soriano, president of ARCEP, answers questions from the newspaper La Croix / The Interview
  • July 15, 2019: ARCEP consults the actors on the procedures and conditions for the allocation of 5G frequencies in the 3.4-3.6 GHz / press release band / press release
  • June 26, 2019: During a Connected Territories Workshop, ARCEP presents local authorities, community associations and operators its work to prepare for 5G frequencies in France / Presentations:
    – 5G, a new technology for mobile networks (PDF – 882Ko)
    – Assignment of frequencies for 5G: calendar, frequencies, procedure, bonds (PDF – 546Ko)
  • June 11, 2019: ARCEP publishes its orientations on the release of the 1.5 GHz / press release band
  • May 27, 2019: Arcep is launching a public consultation to identify Thd Radio network projects with a view to release of 5G frequencies / press release
  • May 16, 2019: From the perspective of the allocation of the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band for 5G, the Committee of Experts created to enlighten technical questions related to mobile networks examined the stakes of coexistence between networks in this band. The report published today presents the result of this work / the report
  • May 10, 2019:
    • ARCEP puts in public consultation a decision-making project on the synchronization of networks in band 3.4-3.8 GHz, to ensure their coexistence / press release
    • The government communicates to the arcep its orientations with a view to the development of the next frequency attributions for 5G / the press release and the government’s framing letter (PDF – 754Ko)
  • April 29, 2019: “” Companies are not yet ready for 5G (. ) Our bet is that telecom operators will modify their way of working and tailor-made to meet the needs of companies An interview with Sébastien Soriano, president of Arcep, for the newspaper L’Opinion / Read the interview
  • April 18, 2019: By a letter dated January 17, 2019, the Director General of Businesses asked for the advice of ARCEP on a text project aimed at establishing a prior authorization scheme for the operation of radioelectric network equipment on the territory national. This draft text was submitted on January 25, 2019 by the government in the Senate as amendment No. 874 to the Bill growth and business transformation bill (PACTE). ARCEP’s opinion is rendered on the basis of this amendment / opinion n ° 19-0161
  • April 15, 2019: The ANFR publishes an update of the National Table for the distribution of frequency bands (TNRBF) taking into account 5G. The purpose of the modifications adopted is to give the arcep access to the 26.5-27.5 GHz band with priority status, in order to allow the introduction of first 5G mobile services in this range of frequencies.
    • The Prime Minister’s decree modifying the TNRBF
    • ARCEP’s opinion
    • The new TNRBF
  • April 10, 2019:
    Hearing by the Senate Economic Affairs Committee Sébastien Soriano, president, and Joëlle Cottenye, member of the Arcep college, on 5G and recent work of ARCEP / Audition
    • The Secretary of State for Telecoms reveals, for the daily ” The world », The framework of future auctions for frequencies 5g / Interview
  • February 14, 2019: ARCEP joins Epitech for a hackathon intended to prepare future experts in the 5G trades / the press release
  • January 31, 2019: The government and the arcep appeal to the creation of 5G experiments in the 26 GHz band / the press release
  • December 20, 2018 : ARCEP publishes a dashboard for 5G experiments in France. It presents the authorizations for using frequencies issued to experiment with 5G, as well as the experiments in progress or completed, in the form of a panorama of all cases of tested uses, a map of France of experiments 5G, and a recall on the availability of new 5G frequency bands (3.5 GHz and 26 GHz) / The dashboard
  • October 26, 2018: What methods and conditions of allocation for frequencies 5G ?
    > ARCEP is launching a public consultation and calls for operators, communities and economic players to respond before December 19, 2018 / Press release> Interview: Sébastien Soriano, President, and Pierre-Jean Benghozi, member of the Arcep college, answer questions from Nextinpact:
    → ARCEP details its consultation on the allocation of new frequencies 5G
    → Arcep in the face of technical choices, a possible unique actor
  • October 25, 2018: The Arcep updates its battle plan for the arrival of 5G in France / The Battle Plan of the Arcep (PDF – 159KO) / English version (PDF – 180Ko)
  • July 27, 2018: ARCEP prepares the future use of 26 GHz bands and 1.5 GHz from the perspective of 5G networks. She launches a public consultation / press release
  • July 16, 2018: Delphine Gény-Stephann, Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, in charge of digital and Sébastien Soriano, President of ARCEP presented this Monday, July 16 The 5G roadmap for France / The press release / The Arcep / 5G work program in France, the Battle Plan of the ARCEP / The press kit
  • June 9, 2018: publication at Official newspaper of the decree of June 7, 2018 relating to the national table for the distribution of frequency bands gradually releasing the frequencies of the 3400-3600 MHz band by the Ministry of the Interior, in particular for the development of 5G / Order / ARCEP opinion / CSA opinion
  • May 22, 2018: Opening of a public consultation on the release of the 26 GHz frequency band, “pioneer” band for the kick -off of 5G / press release networks
  • May 18, 2018: International conference on 5G in Mumbai (India): Sébastien Soriano, president of ARCEP, calls on India and Europe to work together for digital sovereignty / Speech (in English)
  • March 15, 2018: “” It is important not to be late on 5G »Interview with Sébastien Soriano, President of ARCEP for Next Inpact / Interview
  • February 23, 2018: ARCEP has allocated 3.6-3.8 GHz band frequencies to Orange and Bouygues Telecom to conduct technical experiments on 5G / ARCEP’s decision concerning Orange / Arcep’s decision concerning Bouygues Telecom
  • January 18, 2018: “” Nine pilot sites for 5G in 2018-2019 ” – An interview with Sébastien Soriano, president of ARCEP, for the new factory / interview
  • January 16, 2018: In order to allow the actors of the value chain 5g to appropriate the cases of use and the issues of this new generation, the Arcep opens its “5G” pilots: [email protected] . The authority can thus, as of now, deliver authorizations for the use of frequencies, on a transitional basis, to deploy 5G pilots, especially in the 3,4-3.8 GHz band. Nine sites are already identified: Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lille, Le Havre, Saint-Étienne, Douai, Montpellier and Grenoble. Returns of experience on these pilots will feed the preparation of the procedure for the allocation of future authorizations 5G / press release
  • December 14, 2017: The Minister of Economy and Finance and the Secretary of State for Digital Lames Public Consultation in order to build a national strategy in the field of 5G / press release technologies
  • June 22, 2017: ARCEP publishes the summary of the 66 contributions received to its public consultation of January 6, 2017 on “new frequencies for territories, businesses, 5G and innovation”. In view of the contributions, ARCEP wishes to initiate preparatory work now to launch the 5G mobile networks in the 3.4 – 3.8 GHz band. She also wishes, without waiting for the course of these redevelopments and the allocation of 5G frequencies, quickly allow actors who would ask them to be able to carry out 5G / press releases

March 21, 2017: ARCEP publishes a Report to share his understanding of the challenges of 5G.
5G will be a polymorphic, even protean technology, capable of responding to uses that will send the different “vertical” of the economy: energy, health, media, industry, automobile, ..
Depending on the sector (or use), the characteristics of the network and the requested features will not be the same. / Press release / The report

  • January 6, 2017: Arcep launches a public consultation “new frequencies for territories, businesses, 5G and innovation” / press release
  • September 14, 2016: In addition to the publication of its legislative proposals for the overhaul of the telecom package and a communication in which it details its ambitions for the “Gigabit Society”, the European Commission announces a5G action plan / Commission press release / Proposals on 5G
  • September 30, 2015: ARCEP authorizes Orange to conduct a first 5G experiment in France / the press release
  • September 28, 2015: The European Union and the China sign a partnership on 5G and undertake to promote reciprocity and openness with regard to access to funding for research on 5G networks, access to markets and participation to sectoral associations 5G Chinese and European / The press release from the European Commission
  • July 1, 2015: The European Commission unveils the 19 technological projects selected to support the construction of 5G as part of the 5G-PPP-PPP partnership. The validation of these projects marks the opening of phase 1 (technological research phase) of the calendar set in the 5G-PPP project. The development of this phase 1 will be supported by an envelope of 128 million euros / Find out more
  • June 19, 2015: The International Telecommunications Union (IUT) defines a project and a roadmap for the development of 5G mobile systems, called “IMT-2020” / The UIT press release
  • May 29, 2015: The European Union and Japan strengthen their cooperation on 5G technologies and their collaboration in research and innovation. The agreement will allow the European Union and Japan to work on a definition and common standards for 5G, to designate new harmonized frequency bands to be allocated to 5G and to cooperate on future 5G applications in fields such as the connected car or online health. Over the first two years, they will take together 12 million euros together in projects related to 5G which will help develop the Internet of Things, Cloud IT or megadata platforms / The European Commission press release
  • May 5, 2015: The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) will study the needs of networks in terms of standardization for “5G”. A new group opens to determine the needs of future normalization networks / ITU press release
  • March 3, 2015: The European Commission and European companies in the technology sector presented the vision of the European Union concerning 5G technologies and infrastructure, during the 2015 edition of the Mobile World Congress / Find out more
  • June 16, 2014: The European Commission and South Korea sign an agreement in the 5G / the European Commission press release
  • February 24, 2014: “” 5g for the Connected Continent ” – Speech by Neelie Kroes, vice -president of the European Commission in charge of the Digital Society / Speech
  • December 13, 2013: The European Commission is launching a public-private partnership on 5G (5G-PPP). By 2020, the European Union will invest 700 million euros in this partnership, through the 2020 horizon, its research and innovation program / the press release from the European Commission / ‘Information on public-private partnership published on the European Commission website
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