4G or 5G package: what differences? Orange, what differences between 4G and 5G networks?

What differences between 4G and 5G

You still hesitate to go to 5g ? Take your time ! Orange packages include non -binding offers that will allow you to go from a 4G package to a 5g package quickly when you decide to take the plunge.

4G or 5G package: what differences ?

What differences do we make between 4G and 5G networks ? Should we go to a 4G package or dare the transition to 5G ? Orange answers all your questions and helps you see more clearly.

The differences between 4G, 4G+ and 5G networks

Before questioning the question of your package, learn to differentiate the 4G, 4G+ and 5G networks to understand the advantages of each of them.

The 4G network

As its name suggests, 4G corresponds to the fourth generation of mobile network. Before her, 3G had already marked a deep evolution, insofar as it was five times faster than her predecessors. The development of this network has increased the popularity of smartphones, capable of easily navigating on the internet.

Inevitably, each generation experiences developments and an increase in performance. Up to ten times faster than 3G, 4G allows you to use the Internet on your mobile with a much more substantial flow. You can surf outside in a way as fluid as when you are connected to Wi-Fi at home.

The 4G network+

Even more efficient, 4G+ is an evolution of the 4G network. It has been developed to meet needs that have become increasingly common, such as musical or video streaming. 4G+ can simply be defined as Reinforced 4G coverage with greater download speed. Very fluid, it allows comfortable navigation, wherever we are.

The 5G network

Even faster, 5G currently offers up to three times more flow than 4G. When it is completely deployed, it can even offer up to ten times more. 5G is able to treat more data at the same time. It allows better coverage in densely populated areas or during sporting or cultural events. Cases where the cellular network is strongly requested.

Discover all the orange mobile packages

4G or 5G: which package to choose ?

Depending on your consumption, determine which package is best for you, while taking into account the transition to 5G.

The package you need

The important thing is above all to determine which package best corresponds to your consumption habits. If you only use data on your mobile, perhaps it is not necessary to go to an expensive 5g high-fee package, Especially since 4G and 4G+ still benefit from a powerful speed. A prepaid offer or a blocked package could, in this case, meet your needs perfectly.

You are more connected ? If you live in a moderately populated city or in rural areas, 4G and 4G+ remain suitable for your uses. Indeed, these two networks cover the vast majority of French and European territory. They offer, moreover, a fluid and fast connection completely capable of meeting your daily needs.

The Orange network covers more than 90 % of the metropolitan territory. You benefit from the best of 4G.

Conversely, if you resume a lot to the mobile data, in particular to connect various devices to the network and use video or musical streaming applications, 5G can offer you unequaled navigation comfort. Even more in major cities, where this network is deployed in priority and where the risks of network engorgement are more important.

The most than orange packages, it is up to 220 GB of Internet in 5g, with an advantageous price on your new mobile.

5G, an investment in the future

For the time being, 5G compatible packages and phones are more expensive than their 4G counterparts. In addition, 5G is not yet available everywhere in France. However, investing in a smartphone and a compatible package is nonetheless interesting.

Today, 5G can already connect everyone at the same time in a fluid and rapid way, especially in the densely populated areas. This network has also been developed to adapt to new uses. With a 5G package, you will be ready for the future.

Furthermore, the 5G has the advantage of being more eco-responsible. More efficient, 5G relay antennas consume less energy than 4G antennas to transport the same volume of data, more particularly in dense areas, such as large cities.

You still hesitate to go to 5g ? Take your time ! Orange packages include non -binding offers that will allow you to go from a 4G package to a 5g package quickly when you decide to take the plunge.

What differences between 4G and 5G ?

Margaux Couturier Editor Tech & Telecoms

Review 06/19/2023 by Margaux Couturier
3.6/5 – 42 votes – 2 comments

If 4G is still struggling to be deployed throughout French territory, operators around the world are currently preparing the arrival of the new generation: 5G. Between increased data flow, digital revolution, ultra-connected objects, discover the changes that await you by going from 4G to 5G.

4G 5G Differences @jacobmorch

  1. Reminder of what 4G is
  2. 4G+, a first step towards 5G
  3. What advantages of 5G ?
  4. When is 5G in France ?
  5. What about 6G ?

Reminder of what 4G is

Appeared at the end of 2011, 4G, 4th generation of mobile network quickly settled in France and overseas to replace the previous generations 3G, the 2G and 1G network. If it succeeds the 3G network, it is above all for its significant increase in its connection speed, going from 144 kbit/s for 3G to 75 or 150 Mbit/s for 4G.

This revolution has had many advantages of user lives: speed of download for large files, acceleration of the loading time of streaming videos, but also a better quality of the games in the games.

The objective of 4G or LTE was to remedy the delays that the deployment of 3G had experienced. For this, the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts) had determined a “priority deployment zone” to cover rural areas where only 18% of the French population resident.

Today, 4G continues its deployment on French territory and should reach 98% of it by 2024. But gradually, the 5G mobile network is deployed in France. You want to know if you have access to 5G ? Make the 5G test, it’s free and fast .

4G+, a first step towards 5G

If 4G continues its conquest on the French perimeter, the operators worked simultaneously on a more optimized version: the LTE-Advanced, better known as 4G+.

Launched in 2014, 4G+ stands out from 4G. 4G+ offers a flow between 200 and 300 Mbit/s. It is therefore twice as fast as 4G. How does 4G work+ ? 4G+ connects simultaneously to several 4G frequency bands. While 4G+ finishes starting its presence in France, it will face the arrival of 5G from 2020.

What advantages of 5G ?

While the 4G and 4G+ networks gain from the territory and offer an already important speed for consumers, the needs of individuals, businesses and governments are constantly growing with technological developments. All users want more speed, reduce latency and be ultra-connected. Recently tested by the army, 5G is preparing its arrival in France.

If the 3G and 4G networks have been designed to meet a speed need on the mobile Internet, 5G targets much higher. A fully connected future is its goal. To achieve this, members of the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) have already validated the characteristics of 5G to reach a demotivated environment where each object will be connected.

Your home or your car will also be connected to you for more security and optimal life comfort. Even if it is not for tomorrow, autonomous cars will be part of our daily life thanks to 5G. In the field of autonomous cars, the speed of the 5G network will limit braking distances because the information will be processed and transmitted much more quickly.

Another small revolution that will be made possible thanks to 5G: tele-medicine. During the mobile World Congress (MWC), which was held in February 2019 in Barcelona in Spain, the first surgical operation “telemonitoré”, that is to say remotely (the surgeon was 5 km from the patient and controlled robotic arms via A 5G) could be achieved thanks to the power of this new network.

5G uses millimeter waves to reduce latency and further increase flow. Finally, 5G is also a responsible network technology since it reduces the energy consumption of our mobile devices.

In summary, compared to 4G, the 5G network offers:

  • A connection speed 100 times faster than 4G, reaching up to 100 Gbit/s.
  • A very low latency: the latency corresponds to the time that flows between the request and the answer which marks the start of a download.
  • A great density, allowing the use of a greater number of users and connected objects in a small surface without overloading the network. Thanks to 5G, many users can thus be connected simultaneously without the connection speed decreasing.

What deployment of 5G in France ?

The first attempt to use 5G on a large scale was made during the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea, in Pyeongchang. In France, 5G has been deployed since December 2020. By 2025, if everything is going well, 5G must be deployed on the main axes of transport and the major cities of France.

The first 5G compatible smartphones have been available on the telecoms market since summer 2020. On the 5G mobile phones market, the competition may be promising with the announcement of several brands like Samsung Galaxy, Huawei Mate, LG, Sony, Xiaomi.

What about 6G ?

Faced with logically succeeding 5G, the 5th generation of mobile telephony, 6G should make its appearance in a few years. If we stick to the calculations, the 6G network should be created around 2030, even if no official information has yet been transmitted by specialized international agencies.

Differences between 4G and 5G

Mobile networks and very high speed coverage in France

What are the Differences between 4G, 4G+ and 5G ? What advantages does 5G present ? Discover all the answers on this page.

For users, it is often difficult to distinguish the difference between the names of the different mobile networks. SFR Business therefore presents the essentials to know for companies between 4G and 5G.

5G, the revolutionary mobile internet network

What is a ‘very high speed’ network ?

The telecoms sector very often uses the term “Very high speed“To designate mobile or fixed internet networks allowing” sending and receiving a large volume of data in a very short time. Concretely, we are talking about very high speed when a network has a Flower greater than 30 Mbps. We can then draw up a list of very high speed networks:

  • There 3G, d “a theoretical maximum flow of 42 Mbps
  • There 4G, d “a theoretical maximum flow of 112.5 Mbps
  • There 4G+, evolution of the 4G network, of a maximum theoretical flow of 187.5 Mbps But being able to reach the 300 Mbps and the 500 Mbps (1) .
  • There 5g, latest generation of mobile internet network, a theoretical maximum speed exceeding 1 Gbps.

SFR covers 99.8% of the population in 4G on January 1, 2023

There 4G is here 4th generation mobile networks. LTE (Long Term Evolution) is the technical designation of 4G. This network is a real improvement in the 3G network: it allows you to surf the internet until 112.5 Mbits per second, and until ” 500 Mbps for 4G+ On the SFR network. It therefore allows a Fluid and fast navigation, with very short charging times and little latency. The national deployment of 4G and its evolution 4G+ has made it possible to connect almost all of the French territory to the very high speed network. SFR still works today to develop its 4G/4G+ coverage in order to allow all its fellow citizens to have efficient internet access; As of January 1, 2023, SFR covered 95% of the territory in 4G.

5G, latest generation of very high speed mobile internet network

5G arrived in France at the end of the year 2020. This latest generation mobile internet network marks a real turning point in the telecommunications industry, but not only. It is all the sectors of the economy that will be able to benefit from the advantages of 5G, in particular its ultra speed, to transform their activities and provide citizens with products and services to the height of their expectations. 5G is now at the center of revolutionary technological innovations, and it carries the hopes of the digital transformation In the service of socio-environmental issues.

SFR covers 62% of the population in 5G in January 2023

L”5G coverage extension on the territory is one of the SFR Business priorities. On January 1, 2023, more than 62% of the French population A D “Ores-et-Déjà Access to this very high speed network, and the deployment will continue throughout this year (2) .

The operation of 5G

The 5G appellation refers to the New mobile communication standard (3), as defined by the 3GPP (standardization body) (4) . This standard has many ambitious objectives, and for that, 5G is made up of certain technical new products:

  • The use of active antennas, New generation of network antennas which makes it possible to “optimize the operation of the network and the navigation performance for users. They adapt the transmission of network waves to geographic areas of high user consumption, for better distribution of flows.
  • The deployment of much wider frequency channels. To increase flows, it is necessary to increase the width of the radio channels used for the transmission of the network. 5G is therefore the first generation of mobile network to use these large communication channels, thus allowing flows up to 10 times higher than 4G.
  • The use of millimeter. Arcep must still decide on the calendar of new frequencies (26 GHz band), but 5G is already able to use them. The proposed flows are extremely high on a short range. The 26 GHz band meets high capacity needs on a small geographical area.

4G and 5G: what differences ?

While 4G already made it possible to surf the Internet at high speed, 5G is pushing all records in terms of speed. The flow is very clearly improved: up to 10 times faster than 4G, Thanks to the use of the new 5G band (3.5 GHz). In other words, exchanges or viewing files of all kinds, including very heavy files like HD, UHD or 4K videos, are almost instant with 5G. Internet navigation, streaming or the cloud gaming are all made ultra fluid thanks to 5G. And the use of the 3.5 GHz band makes it possible to ensure optimal coverage of the territory.

Globally, 5G is much faster, more efficient and more intelligent than 4G. It is a guarantee of trust for users, and a source of reliability and infinite innovations for companies.

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