4G bouygues coverage: what should we know?, Quality of mobile services | Arcep

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4G bouygues coverage: what should we know ?

What are the advantages of 4G ? Can we benefit from it everywhere in France, even outside of urban areas, when you are Bouygues customer ? Bouygues Telecom’s mobile 4G network has still extended ? Let’s take stock to see where the mobile network of the 4th French operator is.

You wish to take out a Bouygues package ?

  • The essential :
  • Today, in addition to the freshly deployed 5G, Bouygues Telecom uses the 4G (LTE technology).
  • Since 2014, 4G+ (LTE Advanced) has arrived, for Average flow rates up to 300 Mbps.
  • How to know if you are eligible for 4G ? Consult our interactive card or that of ARCEP !
  • To benefit from 4G, Bouygues Telecom offers Two ranges of mobile packages : B & YOU’s non -binding packages and the Sensation range.

Bouygues Telecom 4G coverage: point on the mobile network

4G with Bouygues Telecom: an effective network ?

When we take stock of 4G sites put into service in mainland France, we see that Orange retains its role as number one number one with 28,999 sites, in front of SFR who counts 24545 sites and Bouygues Telecom, nearby with 24645 sites. Thus, in February 2023, Bouygues put 305 new 4G sites in service against 280 for SFR and 24 for Orange.
Free Mobile is the least present operator with 23859 4G sites in service, but with a good progression of 335 new branches in January.

Number of 4G ROODS SITES per operator in February 2023

Data Existing sites Progression compared to January 2023
Orange 28999 + 24
SFR 24545 + 280
Bouygues Telecom 24645 + 305
Free 23859 + 335

Updated on 08/09/2023.

Bouygues Telecom, which does not benefit from a higher number of transmission equipment compared to its competitors, has chosen to favor rural areas In the installation of its relay antennas.

We can also say that the 4G Bouygues network is particularly efficient since he manages to be very close to the 4G deployment of SFR, and better placed than free.

You are looking for a bouygues offer ? Discover the available offers and let yourself be guided in order to take advantage of the partner offer most suited to your needs.

The Bouygues network coverage in 4G

ARCEP regularly publishes updated data on Fixed and mobile networks operators working on French territory, in particular the Bouygues Telecom 4G cover card.

More specifically concerning mobile networks, she publishes on the site Monreseaumobile.Fr A detailed map of national coverage. This interactive card is very convenient to use because you can:

  • Zoom in on the part of the territory that interests you : not only metropolitan France but also Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion and Mayotte
  • Choose to view the operator’s network of your choice : basic, the 4 are activated but a small window at the bottom right of your screen allows you to select only the one (or those) that interests you (NT).
  • Choose between telephone cover, in other words voice and SMS, and mobile internet coverage, And inside the mobile internet 3G or 4G cover, by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the dashboard on the left of your screen
  • Instantly obtain comparative data Updated for the two types of coverage which are usually measured: the coverage of the population, which lists the number of people with access to the network and the coverage of the territory, which lists the geographic areas where we can access the network.

Thus, we discover for example that 4G Bouygues Telecom covers 99% of the population, But 93% of the territory. Orange and SFR cover 92% and 94% of the territory respectively. But above all, this card allows you to know precisely if your home is covered by the mobile internet, 3G or 4G.

Echos of the Net has set up a Bouygues network cover card In 4G similar to that of ARCEP in order to allow you to consult the deployment of 4G Bouygues in your town directly on our site.

here is our Bouygues network coverage in 4G ::

This Interactive cover card on 4G Bouygues Telecom is very easy to use. Indeed, you just need to click on the geolocation button To see if the operator is available in your town. Thanks to the “antenna” icons, you can see precisely if you are near a 4G bouygues antenna. You can also cut this information on the 4G cover with the card provided by Bouygues Telecom on its site on the following page: Bouygues Telecom.FR/Network/covers-coverage-reseau-mobile.

Data from the National Frequency Agency

The operators, who include access to 4G in most of their mobile packages, are not always very explicit about their network and their 4G equipment. In subscription offers, the difference is mainly on Limits of use more or less pronounced. Indeed, the amount of data that can be downloaded in 4G is often limited. But unlike a installation for a fixed line, it is very difficult for them to tell you if you benefit from 4G at your home. This is obviously inherent in mobility: difficult to criticize Bouygues Telecom, no more than other mobile operators. We know that theessential population has access to 4G. For more detail, and in particular to obtain encrypted data, you must question theNational Frequency Agency (ANFR). This one publishes an observatory of the evolution of Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile Network in very high speed mobile mobile networks each month. According to his latest report, published on February 1, 2023, the ANFR counts 55,033 4G sites in service, all operators combined, and 59,677 -authorized by the agency in France.

4G in mobile packages Bouygues Telecom

B & You Mobile Packages without obligation

Now that we know how far 4G goes, what package to choose ? THE B & YOU Mobile Packages start from € 4.99/month with unlimited calls and SMS, as well as 5 GB of mobile Internet included on the Bouygues Telecom 3G / 4G / 4G network +, also usable in Europe and DOM. Beyond this 5 GB envelope, each additional MB is billed 0.01 €. Be careful, because the supplement can quickly reach a high amount. Good to know: you can also choose to be in reduced debit, from your customer area on the operator’s website.

The range of Mobile Sensation Packages

Bouygues Telecom mobile packages offer a whole range of offers with a 12 -month commitment. To date (August 2023), the packages include mobile internet envelopes from 100MB to 240GB depending on the formula chosen. A Blocked formula for teenagers is also available, beginner at € 6.99/month and ranging from 1 to 20 GB.

The 100GB, 130GB, 200GB and 240GB sensations packages are compatible with the 5G network of the operator and can be subscribed with a new mobile (with 24 -month commitment). You will find the different possibilities in the comparative table below.

You wish to take out a Bouygues package ?

Which mobile internet envelope for what uses ?

Why choose 100 GB rather than 100 MB ? Good question ! The answer depends above all on mobile uses Who are yours:

  • For occasional use Apps of your smartphone, a basic formula is sufficient: a mobile internet envelope of 100 MB is sufficient.
  • For daily use From your smartphone, a 5 GB monthly mobile internet envelope (or 5,000 MB) is recommended for not having to restrict its uses or pay a supplement generally. dirty !
  • For intensive use With network games, video and frequent downloads, no hesitation: choose the 50 GB monthly mobile internet envelope or 80 GB, which will meet your needs.

Bouygues Télécom 4G box

Bouygues 4G box allows you to benefit from an ultra-fast internet connection thanks to the own 4G network of Bouygues Telecom. On the other hand, this offer is reserved for people who cannot yet benefit from an internet connection by optical fiber, with an ADSL flow less than 5mbit/s. 4G box does not include No fixed telephone or television service, But it gives you access to theApplication B.TV with more than 70 channels. This offer is sold at the cost of € 36.99/month.

You are under 26 years old ? Take advantage of theoffer -26 years which allows you to benefit from the 4G box at € 22.99/month or 5g box at € 27.99/month, The whole without engagement ! In addition to this advantageous rate, you can also take advantage of 12 months offered on Amazon Prime Video, And you will be free to suspend your subscription during 2 months once a year.

4G: a real plus for smartphones

Much faster flows

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It is a fact that everyone can check daily, the 4G brings a lot of fluidity and comfort mobile internet. And at a time when no one leaves without their smartphone, this is particularly important ! Indeed, you should know that the vast majority of applications of your Apple or Android smartphone, whether information, weather, geolocation, games, practical services or other, need the Mobile internet to function properly.

Fourth generation of mobile networks, 4G is designated technically by the LTE abbreviation, resulting from English “Long Term Evolution”. While 3G, in its most advanced version called 3.75g or H+ allows a best 28 Mbps download flow In practice, 4G allows you to surf up to 150 mbps on average, almost 5 times faster.

As for 4G+ (or LTE Advanced), it squarely offers average flows up to 1 gigabit per second (in theory) and at least 500 Mbps (in practice). Bouygues offers 4G+ on its network since 2014 and announces flows close to 500 Mb Mbps thanks to the aggregation of 4 frequency bands, which allows the operator to increase the available band available.

More fluid uses

Who still thinks of his mobile internet speed by consulting a weather app or starting a game part ? We no longer think about it, but smartphones apps permanently use mobile internet And therefore 4G, wherever it is available. I

4G allows more fluid use than 3G for all mobile apps. 4G offered the possibility of crossing a Real Cap In terms of comfort comfort, opening up new perspectives in the use of mobiles: Read your emails, surf the web, listen to music, watch videos or TV, download files are now almost instantly and without hesitation.

Here are some examples:

  • The download : Receiving by email a document of 4 MB only takes 2 seconds, against approximately 12 seconds in 3G. Downloading a 2GB video only takes 15 minutes, against more than an hour in 3G.
  • Content viewing in 4K : 4G LTE offers sufficient flow to ensure a fluid ultra HD reading flow, something that a speed in 3G or H+ would have trouble achieving.
  • Sending documents or photos : sending by email a document of a few MO takes only 4 or 5 seconds, against more than half a minute in 3G.
  • Video streaming / videoconferencing : 4G improves image and sound quality, without “freeze” effect or untimely blocking: discussions can be made in real time, without removal of sound or image.

Which really influences the quality of your connection

You should know that beyond the transmission technique used, many factors can influence your smartphone flow ::

  1. The distance between the smartphone and the 4G relay antenna.
  2. The number of users sharing the bandwidth of an LTE antenna.
  3. The width of the local frequency band attributed to your operator.
  4. The types of antennas used, both by the network and by your smartphone.
  5. Depending on whether you are motionless or fixed when receiving, knowing that the useful flow is reduced for a smartphone during a quick trip.

All these criteria explain in particular the differences between Theoretical flows promised by operators and Really measured flows by users.

Bouygues Telecom classified n ° 3 in France

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The operator announced it last October through a press release: for the second consecutive year, Bouygues Telecom was classified n ° 3 for the quality of its mobile network in rural areas by Arcep, regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts. Thus, the mobile network of the 4th French operator was designated as the best for all cities and all villages of less than 10,000 inhabitants.

The telecoms regulator organization has also distinguished Bouygues Telecom as Mobile network n ° 2 at the national level. This second ARCEP ranking takes into account the quality of the network in large cities, transport axes and tourist places. These results were published at the end of the 20th Annual Survey of Evaluation of the Quality of Service of Metropolitan Mobile Operators.

If the 4G is not directly cited, it is that it is not the subject of this investigation. Nevertheless, it is obvious that without a powerful mobile network based on 4G, Bouygues Telecom could not have obtained these two good rankings.

Updated on 08/09/2023

Hervé is a experienced freelance editor who writes on all subjects related to telecoms

Mobile quality of services

ARCEP publishes the results of the 23rd edition of its annual survey of assessment of the quality of service of Metropolitan Metropolitan operators. The quality survey of the mobile service is based on more than a million measures carried out in 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G in all the metropolitan departments, from the end of May to the end of August 2022, at the place of life – interior and outside buildings – and in transport.

There are significant quality differences according to places and operators: the arcep invites everyone to compare them, on the tool “ My mobile network “, Depending on the area (dense, intermediate or rural) where he lives, and depending on the transport lines he borrows.

Mobile internet measures, which ?

  • Regarding mobile Internet services, the four operators provide high quality of experience in dense areas. Orange has the best quality of experience in intermediate and rural areas.

About the Web navigation in 2G/3G/4G, In dense zone, the four operators have very high results to the web pages display test: they are displayed in less than 10 seconds in 98% of attempts for Orange, 97% for Bouygues Telecom, 95% for Free Mobile and 94 % for SFR; In rural areas, Orange (90%) is followed by Free Mobile (86%) then Bouygues Telecom and SFR (81%).

As for the viewing of video (streaming), in orange dense areas (with 98%of videos viewed in perfect quality), and Bouygues Telecom (97%) are followed by Free Mobile (94%) and SFR (93%). In intermediate zones, Orange is leading (96%), with an advance of more than 5 points on Free Mobile (91%), Bouygues Telecom (90%) and SFR (88%). In rural areas, Orange is also first (89%); Free Mobile is second (85%), ahead of Bouygues Telecom and SFR (78%).

In 2G/3G/4G/5G, for these same uses, the user experience appears similar to that obtained in 2G/3G/4G/4G. 5G is indeed still being deployed by operators and its immediate benefit lies mainly in the additional capacity it brings where mobile networks are strongly requested or even saturated. In addition, in the current state of 5G known as ” Non stand-alone “, Or” NSA “, 5G still depends strongly on 4G [1]. In the coming years, 5G aims to be deployed in ” stand-alone “, Or” SA “, and become independent of the 4G network. Finally, 5G deployment will continue to be optimized by operators, like the 4G network which has been the subject of permanent improvements and settings for almost 10 years. This will improve comfort for new uses of the general public.

  • 3G/4G/5G descending speeds reach an average of 94 Mbits/s for all operators and are significantly superior to 3G/4G flows (63 Mbits/s).

Average descending speeds 3G/4G/5G are significantly higher than these obtained in 3G/4G; This improvement is more marked than in 2021:

Average descending speed, in Mbit/s, all operators and all strata combined

For 2G/3G/4G/5G users, Orange offers the best descending speeds, with an average of 143 Mbit/s on the whole of the metropolis and 217 Mbit/s in dense zone. It is followed by SFR, with 84 Mbit/s on average throughout the metropolis and 163 Mbit/s on the dense areas alone, at the same level as Bouygues Telecom (84 Mbit/s in Metropolitan France, 167 Mbit/s in dense zone). Free closes walking throughout the metropolis with 64 Mbit/s on average, with few differences between dense areas and intermediate zones; but is placed second in rural areas.

This classification is similar for 2G/3G/4G users, for which Orange offers the best average speeds (89 Mbit/s), followed by SFR (57 Mbit/s), Bouygues Telecom (55 Mbit/s) and Free Mobile ( 49 Mbit/s).

Average descending speeds (in Mbit/s) for users who do not have access to 5G (2G/3G/4G) and those with a mobile and a 5G compatible package (2G/3G/4G/5G) , by operator and stratum (dense/intermediaries/rural areas)

Note this year, the protocol of the arcep of measuring downward flows has evolved to test different congestion avoidance algorithms. In order to better reflect the evolution of user use, 75 % of the tests were carried out with the Cubic algorithm and 25 % with the BBR algorithm [2].

  • After years of regular increase, several indicators measured in 2022 are set back compared to 2021: the after health crisis and the summer period of carrying out the survey may explain this decrease

Evolution of several “mobile internet” indicators in 2G/3G/4G in dense, intermediate and rural areas, all operators combined, since 2018: web page rate displayed in less than 10 seconds (left), video rate viewed in perfect quality (center), medium descending flow (right)

The difference between the performance observed in 2021 and 2022 can be explained by two phenomena:

  • On the one hand, the 2021 measurement campaign was carried out between the months of May and July, after a containment period, during which the population movements were still restricted and the mobile network less stressed. The 2022 campaign was carried out in a “usual” year in terms of network load.
  • On the other hand, the 2022 measurement campaign was carried out between the months of June and August 2022: in summer, the networks undergo localized frequentation peaks, especially in tourist areas, which can lead to a lower quality of experience For users.

Focus: heat peaks and 5G terminal behavior

The mobile internet measurement campaign took place from June to August 2022, during a period which experienced strong heat peaks. To avoid overheating and reduce the internal temperature of the device, some 5G terminals are capable of passing all applications in the background on the 4G network, and thus automatically switch from 5G to 4G, modifying the performance of the device. This phenomenon is particularly marked when the temperature of the mobile exceeds 42 ° C.

To take into account this phenomenon of protection of 5G terminals, the arcep implemented preventive measures in the field during the survey by favoring the realization of measures in the morning in the agglomerations undergoing the periods of heat wave (temperatures above 35 ° c), and shifted some of the measures in non-air conditioning transport to make them outside the hottest weeks.

In addition, to better reflect the quality of service provided by 5G, ARCEP has chosen to remove the measures from the 5G compatible channel as soon as on the same measurement point, the mobiles of the operators exceeded the threshold of 42 ° C. The measures made with the 2G/3G/4G measurement channel, on these points, were not deleted.

“Voice and SMS” measures, what to remember ?

The quality of service in 2022 progresses compared to 2021

On a national level, Vocal quality progressed in 2022. Regarding the call rate maintained for 2 minutes and without audible disturbances, in dense areas, orange (93%), Bouygues Telecom (93%) and SFR (91%) are very close, ahead of free mobile (87%). The trend is the same in intermediate zones (92% for Orange, 91% for Bouygues Telecom, 90% for SFR and 85% for Free Mobile) and in rural areas (83% for Orange, 80% for Bouygues Telecom, 79% for SFR and 75% for Free Mobile).

In terms of average quality of calls, operators obtain very close results: the differences are very low between the MOS [3] notes from SFR, Orange, Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile (3.9 on average on all zones )).

For calls for calling for calls, it takes an average of 2.8 seconds between the issue of the call and obtaining the ringtone for SFR and Bouygues Telecom, 2.9 seconds for Orange and 3.3 seconds for free mobile.

All operators allow you to receive an SMS in less than 10 seconds very frequently, with few differences between Orange (98%), Bouygues Telecom (98%), SFR (97%) and Free Mobile (97%).

“Transport axes” measures, which ?

The quality of service is progressing on all axes

On average, all operators combined, the quality of internet service on the roads is high, with almost 95% of the web pages displayed in less than 10 seconds on the measured roads measured. The situation is more contrasted on the ferred axes: indeed, it is possible to display a web page in less than 10 seconds in only 81% of cases on average in TGV, intercités and ter. Navigation is more fluid on RER and Transilians (90%) and metros (95%)

If we are interested in operator operator results, Orange presents the best rates of Web navigation on all roads and ferres.

To the display test of web pages in less than 10 seconds on the roads, Orange (97%), Bouygues (96%) and SFR (95%) are followed by Free Mobile (92%).

Orange has the best performance on long -distance ferred axes, with, on TGVs, 88%web pages displayed in less than 10 seconds, ahead of Free Mobile (80%), Bouygues Telecom (79%) and SFR (78%). And on Regional intercity and express networks, Orange displays a success rate of 86%, followed by Bouygues Telecom (81%) SFR (79%) and Free Mobile (78%).

On the Ile -de -France ferres axes (RER and Transiliens), Orange also presents the best performance with 95%success rate on the web, with a less marked advance, ahead of Bouygues Telecom (92%) and SFR (91%), and free mobile slightly distant with 83%. On the metros, The operators display all four of a good performance with Orange (96%), SFR and Bouygues Telecom (95%) ahead of Free Mobile (92%).

Concerning the calls, Orange and SFR are both in the shoulder to shoulder roads With the best performance (95%) for calls maintained for two minutes, compared to 93% for Bouygues Telecom and 89% for Free Mobile.

For the calls In the trains, The trend is the same as on the mobile Internet with Orange which has the best performance on long -distance ferred axes with 81% communications maintained on TGVs, Against 71% for Bouygues Telecom, 68% for SFR and 61% for Free Mobile. On the RER and Transiliens network, Orange with 91% and Bouygues Telecom with 90% are ahead of SFR (85%) and Free Mobile (82%).

In the metros, Bouygues Telecom leads to communications maintained with 96%, ahead of Orange (94%) and SFR and Free Mobile (92%).

Find the open-data measures

ARCEP provides the measures made during this Open Data campaign on its site and data.gouv.Fr.


  • Appendix 1: Surimate of the 2022 survey
  • Annex 2: Summary of results 2022

Connections :

  • The cartographic visualization tool: Monreseaumobile.arcep.Fr
  • Open data: https: // www.data.gouv.FR/FR/DATAETTS/MONRESEAUMOBILE

[3] average on the maintained call of the note “mos” (Mean Opinion Score) which measures the difference between the current call and the reference sample

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