4G / 5G Internet box: Comparison to choose the best offer, DAR BOX 4G


The access provider offers a subscription formula to take advantage of the unlimited internet for € 36.99 per month. Bouygues Telecom also offers a simple and easy installation. Just connect the Internet box to the electrical outlet to have the Bouygues Telecom mobile network in Wi-Fi. Note that 4G box can accommodate up to 64 users simultaneously. Connection flow can reach 220 Mb/s in reception, and 38 Mb/s in emission.

4G and 5G internet box: comparison to choose the best offer

4G box of operators

Some French citizens reside in an area without ADSL connection or fiber optics. In this case, you should know that there remains a last resort. To do this, there is no need to rely on connection sharing from a smartphone to access the Internet on a computer. On the contrary, there are internet boxes that allow Take advantage of Wi-Fi in its accommodation while passing through the mobile network: 4G and 5G boxes. Obviously, this solution requires good 4G coverage in the customer’s accommodation.

There are several ISPs offering 4G Internet boxes. Basically, only historical operators that are Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom market such an offer. Subsequently, Free and NRJ Mobile joined them on this market, just like Nordnet. It is however notable that Each access provider, except Nordnet, offers only one 4G box offer. This is explained by the fact that it is rarer today to find white areas, devoid of adsl and fiber optic technologies.

The main thing to know about 4G box and 5g box:

  • In the event of non-covering in ADSL or fiber or low ADSL coverage, 4G box is the perfect alternative.
  • If the accommodation is covered in 4G or 5G by SFR, Orange, Free or Bouygues Telecom, it is possible to enjoy Better flow than ADSL.
  • The rates of 4G and 5G boxes are substantially the same according to the operators, the latter stand out on the services offered.

Internet and 5G Box Internet boxes of Internet operators

Search Criteria

  • Mobile package included
  • Without engagement
  • 12 -month commitment
  • 24 -month commitment
  • Bouygues Telecom
  • Free
  • Northnet
  • Mobile NRJ
  • Orange
  • Red by SFR
  • SFR
  • Skydsl
  • Sosh
  • Starlink
  • During 3 months
  • During 6 months
  • For 12 months
  • For 24 months
  • Without duration
  • 4G / 5G
  • Fiber
  • Satellite
  • Calls to fixed
  • Calls to fixed + mobile
  • TV decoder
  • Android TV
  • Multi TV
  • WiFi repeater
  • Wifi 6
  • Amazon Video Prime
  • Channel+
  • Disney+
  • Netflix
  • Ocs
  • RMC Sport

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 09/18/2023

In reality, no one subscribes to a 4G or 5G Internet box per choice, but rather as a last resort. If the ADSL signal is nonexistent or too low in the consumer’s residential area, it is certainly For him, for him, to connect to the Internet from a conventional internet box.

In the event that there is no adsl signal, you should certainly not count on a fiber optic connection. It is then necessary to turn to a 4G box offer. It is advisable to provide an important precision: 4G box subscriptions, with the exception of that of NRJ Mobile and certain NordNet offers, are without commitment of duration.

The best 4G boxes

In order to choose the right 4G box, it is necessary to opt for the operator who has the best 4G coverage at your precise address.

In terms of their operating principle, 4G or 5G boxes transform the 4G / 5G network into Wi-Fi signal so that several devices can connect to it. It is therefore essential to justify good 4G / 5G coverage. Not everyone can subscribe to a 4G internet subscription. To be eligible for a 4G box, it is often imperative to have an ADSL flow less than 10 Mb/s. An eligibility test will determine whether or not a customer has the right to benefit from a box 4G subscription.

Check the quality of 4G / 5G at home

In order to verify the quality of the 4G or 5G signal by operator in its residential area, it is useful to consult the interactive cards of ARCEP. These are available on the Monreseaumobile website.Fr. This allows you to obtain a clear and precise response on The best 4G network available around the consumer’s home.

It is also possible to carry out a 4G debit test with your phone to find out the performance of your network before choosing a 4G box.

Which 4G box or 5g box subscription without commitment to choose ?

For more than a year, Bouygues Telecom, Orange and SFR have been marketing 4G box offers. The first two to offer such a subscription were orange with its 4G Home and Bouygues Telecom with its 4G box. At the end of March 2018, SFR has also joined its competitors by offering its own 4G box+. Even more recently, it was NRJ Mobile who landed on this market, as well as Free Mobile and Nordnet. These three operators will be treated in a later part.

4G box offers from the various Internet access providers

4G Box Orange, SFR or Bouygues Télécom ?

What is the most suitable subscription offer for its situation ? Because of the need to have good 4G coverage, the choice will certainly be on this priority, not on the price or the services offered. Before moving to the retail of the offers, here is a summary table of the 4G boxes available on the market.

The phone, not systematic with 4G boxes

It is important to note that a box 4G subscription does not systematically allow the use of the phone by Internet. The same goes for access to television. It will therefore not be necessary to count on an offer triple play.

SFR: 4G+ box is available at a price of € 35 per month

SFR is the last historic operator to have launched a 4G box offer. This offer is Available at a price of € 35 per month. Box rental costs are included in this price. The subscription also does not involve any commitment period, but € 19 on commissioning fees and termination fees. Like its competitors, SFR offers to test the quality of its 4G box for a month. If the customer is not satisfied with this service, SFR undertakes to reimburse him with the expenses incurred.

4G SFR box

The SFR 4G+ Box without commitment, satisfied or refunded.

SFR 4G+ box subscribers have Very high speed internet, up to 260 Mb/s in reception. The monthly data envelope available is 200 GB. It is therefore an offer equivalent to Orange’s proposal. It remains to be seen which operator offers the best 4G coverage in your region.

The SFR 4G+ Box also includes unlimited calls in France and to the French overseas departments, which is rare in this type of internet box. You should also know that this fixed internet solution is eligible using the state. Since you should not buy the 4G/Wi-Fi router at SFR, the grant only allows Finance the opening costs of service, which amount to € 19.

The SFR 4G+ box+ box:

  • The monthly subscription costs 35 € per month;
  • It allows 200 GB of the Internet to be consumed each month;
  • The 4G+ box also includes unlimited calls to metropolitan and ultramarine France;
  • The offer is finally without obligation.

Mobile network of different operators

Also read what is the network coverage of operators ?

The Orange operator offers 4G Home available at € 38.99 per month

For almost a year, Orange has been offering its customers to subscribe to 4G Home. The subscription to This historic operator offer costs € 38.99/month. It is without commitment and its termination does not entail any costs. Concerning the number of mobile data available in the month, It takes 200 GB.

Compared to the offers of its Bouygues Telecom and SFR competitors, Orange therefore markets the most expensive 4G offer. Nevertheless, its operation is interesting, and the first month of subscription offered.

Orange Home 4G Home Box

4G Orange Home accessible from € 38.99/month with TV channels included.

The 4G Home of the historic operator Works using a Wi-Fi router called Flybox 4G. With the 4G flybox, it is possible to:

  • Connect your devices to Wi-Fi or Ethernet;
  • read and send SMS (billed in off -package);
  • Take advantage of very high speed Internet access;
  • Manage your content on the cloud directly from its interface.

How the flybox works ? Associated with the 4G Home offer, this case allows Connect up to 32 equipment simultaneously From any room in the home. This router Increases the range of the Wi-Fi signal up to 250 meters. The operator provides a SIM card to insert in the Flybox.

A satisfied or reimbursed offer exists here too. It is thus possible to Refund the entire fees incurred if the first month of subscription is not satisfactory. The 4G/Wi-Fi router is also paid, unlike what is practiced in other operators. Here, you must actually pay € 97, in once or 24 times, to be able to obtain the Flybox. The state subsidy, available as part of the very high speed France plan, makes it possible to fully finance the Flybox. It is therefore possible toGet aid of € 97 to subscribe to the 4G orange box.

Orange network coverage

Also read what are the operator’s customer reviews Orange ?

Bouygues Telecom offers an unlimited 4G box and a 5g box

Bouygues Telecom offers a 30 -day test to test its 4G box offer. For customers who cannot find satisfaction, the operator then reimburses the first month of subscription, and all the costs incurred outside options. This is the guarantee ” satisfied or refunded “. In addition, the return of the equipment is free.

What are the advantages of the Bouygues Telecom 4G box ?

The access provider offers a subscription formula to take advantage of the unlimited internet for € 36.99 per month. Bouygues Telecom also offers a simple and easy installation. Just connect the Internet box to the electrical outlet to have the Bouygues Telecom mobile network in Wi-Fi. Note that 4G box can accommodate up to 64 users simultaneously. Connection flow can reach 220 Mb/s in reception, and 38 Mb/s in emission.

Bouygues Telecom's 4G Internet box

Bouygues Telecom 4G box: satisfied or refunded !

What is the price of the unlimited 4G box subscription of Bouygues Telecom ?

The first year of subscription, it will be necessary to settle the monthly sum of € 36.99. Customers thus benefit from a saving of 120 euros, over one year. You must take into account the costs of provision and termination, of € 19 each. The restitution of equipment within 30 days also has a premium of € 19.

Bouygues Telecom does not yet specify what are the costs covered by the Digital cohesion subsidy of the French State. However, there is a good chance that the aid was used to finance the provision costs which amount to 19 euros.

Bouygues Telecom 4G box in short:

  • The monthly subscription costs € 36.99 per month;
  • It allows you to benefit from the internet unlimited at home;
  • With application B.TV, it is possible to watch television;
  • This offer is finally without commitment.

The 5g box of Bouygues Télécom to have the Internet without limit

Bouygues Télécom is the first operator to offer a 5g box with particularly interesting features to benefit from very high speed internet. The operator takes advantage of its 5G network to offer a 5G box to its customers with multiple advantages. Customers of the Bouygues Télécom 5G box can connect up to 240 simultaneous devices, connect 2 Ethernet devices, enjoy TV on your tablet and on your phone and enjoy an exceptional speed with in particular WiFi 6.

BOX 5G Bouygues Telecom

The Bouygues Télécom 5G box offers up to 1.1 Gb/s of debit.

To summarize, the 5g box by Bouygues Télécom offers:

  1. A very simple and fast installation;
  2. A 5G speed up to 1.1 Gb/s for download, and WiFi 6;
  3. TV accessible via application B.TV on mobile and tablet;
  4. A rate of € 40.99/month, all without a duration commitment;

The Bouygues Telecom Internet boxes

Also read all Bouygues Telecom Internet box offers

Mobile and free NRJ 4G boxes: advantageous alternatives

In addition to the three historical operators, there isOther Internet access providers that market 4G Internet boxes. These are Free Mobile Free and NRJ. The first of these operators has its own mobile network, while the second is a MVNO which borrows certain infrastructures of traditional operators that are Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom.

4G free and mobile NRJ box

Free and NRJ Mobile also each offer a 4G box solution.

The 4G Box of NRJ Mobile with an option to benefit from TV channels

The 4G Box Internet of NRJ Mobile is the most competitive in terms of prices and in terms of associated services. The latter, proposed for € 29.99/month With an additional € 1.00 when ordering the price of the box, has many advantages. The delivery of 4G box is offered.

The offer allows benefit from 250 GB of internet each month, as well as a speed of 150 Mb/s in 4G. The flow is certainly less important than certain competitors, but this will be clearly sufficient for most uses.

4G BOX NRJ Mobile

NRJ Mobile offers a 4G box at € 29.99/month with a 12 -month commitment.

NRJ’s 4G box offer also allows benefit from an Android TV decoder In order to watch the big television channels, access replay and VOD, as well as other services. This additional service is then billed at 5 euros per month, and is optional. NRJ is for the moment the only one to offer such a service. It should also be noted that unlike competing offers, the 4G Box offer of NRJ Mobile requires A 12 -month commitment.

Customers, however, have 14 days satisfied or reimbursed In order to test the 4G box. For information, the non-return of equipment is billed € 79.99 for the box, and € 99.99 for the decoder. We must therefore be vigilant in the event of termination of the subscription. NRJ Mobile still does not specify to what extent its offer is eligible using the State, since its 4G box does not imply any costs of commissioning or purchase of equipment.

The 4G Mobile NRJ box in short:

  • The monthly subscription costs € 29.99;
  • 250 GB of Internet can be consumed each month;
  • For € 5 per additional month, it is possible to obtain a TV decoder under Android TV.
  • This offer implies a 12 -month commitment.

NRJ Mobile Network Coverage

Also read what is the quality of the mobile NRJ mobile network ?

Free 4G+ Box: € 29.99/month without duration

Since September 24, 2019, Free also has been selling a Internet box going through 4G. Soberly named Box 4G+, you have to pay the sum of € 29.99 to benefit from it monthly to benefit. As often, this is a non -binding subscription, for which you still have to pay € 19 on commissioning costs when ordering. When terminating the Free box, € 29 costs will also be requested.

4G Box Free

The 4G+ box of free mobile from € 29.99/month without commitment.

Every month, members can then Consume up to 250 GB of Internet at an announced speed up to 15 times faster than ADSL. According to Free, its 4G+ box can actually reach a speed down up to 320 Mb/s. Thanks to the latter, 64 devices are allowed to connect simultaneously to the 4G box+.

Like its competitors, Free has set up a system satisfied or reimbursed during the first month. Customers testing the Internet box can terminate their offer for free within 30 days, which leads to Refund of commissioning fees and the cost of the subscription, as well as the non-payment of termination fees. Finally, you should know that this offer is subject to geographic, technical, and 4G/4G coverage conditions+. Regarding state aid, Free has not yet communicated on the subject.

The 4G+ box of free in short:

  • a monthly subscription set at € 29.99;
  • 250 GB of Internet to consume each month;
  • Possibility to connect up to 64 devices simultaneously;
  • non -binding offer.

Free Freeboxes

Also read all the Internet boxes offered by Free

Nordnet’s 4GFIX offer: the right choice of 4G boxes ?

A little late, Nordnet decided to join the 4G box market. The operator has seen big things since unlike its competitors, it is not one but two 4G internet offers that are now marketed. These two subscriptions bear the name of Essential 4GFIX, and 4GFIX Comfort. Concretely, the first offer is more affordable, but less complete, while the second is much more exhaustive but costs more monthly.

Promo Box 4G Nordnet

You should know that the Nordnet 4G boxes involve a minimum commitment of 12 months, with the purchase of the 4G router. By choosing the rental of the latter, at € 8 per month, the commitment increases at 24 months. Each month, Nordnet allows its customers to Take advantage of 90 GB of the Internet with the essential offer, against 140 GB with the comfort offer. Additional services are also offered with the second offer, such as Securitoo antivirus or access to more than 400 online press titles.

In terms of price, you have to pay € 39.90 per month to take advantage of the essential 4GFix offer, and € 59.90 per month for Comfort subscription. However, a promo allows you to benefit from this last offer for € 39.90 per month during the first six months of subscription.

In summary, Nordnet’s 4GFIX offers include:

  • A subscription offered from € 39.90 per month;
  • 90 to 140 GB of Internet data;
  • € 50 of initial costs (commissioning + delivery) and router cutting € 199 (€ 49 after state assistance);
  • 12 months of engagement or 24 months in the event of rental of the 4G router.

4G Box: € 150 reimbursed by the State with the digital cohesion system

Since July 2019, you should know that 4G box are now eligible for state financial aid. The government, within the framework of the very high speed France plan, actually wants this technology to develop, in order to allow people living in disaster regions to take advantage of the fixed internet in good conditions.

In this regard, an aid of € 150 is therefore offered in the event of subscription to a 4G box. It is however notable that All housing eligible for 4G boxes do not necessarily make it possible to obtain this subsidy of State.

4G box - device D

The State has set up a digital territorial cohesion system which allows you to obtain 150 euros of aid whose 4G boxes are eligible.

On the contrary, there are conditions to be fulfilled in order to be eligible:

  • First, live in a accommodation in which it is Unable to get good wired high speed (the state considers that good wired high speed starts at 8 Mb/s, which remains low).
  • In addition to this first condition, it is compulsory that the accommodation does not have good wired high speed by 2020. This means that certain dwellings can be eligible for a 4G box, but not to the state subsidy.

To find out if his accommodation is eligible using the state, just carry out the operators’ eligibility tests. When accommodation is actually eligible, the Internet service provider then notifies it to its new customer potential. State aid will then be paid directly to the operator, who will affect the customer’s invoices.


Connect and benefit immediately from the unlimited wherever you are.

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Sim Dar Box 4G+ 249

  • Unlimited max flow
  • Multi -use wifi: telework, TV & streaming
  • The whole family is connected simultaneously to all devices

DAR BOX 4G+ 249

  • Unlimited max flow
  • Multi -use wifi: telework, TV & streaming
  • The whole family is connected simultaneously to all devices

Sim Dar Box 4G+ 199

  • Unlimited wifi
  • WiFi Comfort: RS & Streaming
  • Operation of more than one connected device

DAR BOX 4G+ 199

  • Unlimited wifi
  • WiFi Comfort: RS & Streaming
  • Operation of more than one connected device
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