404 – Gaming Campus, Makeyourgame – Create your video games from A to Z

Start your training

This document must answer all the questions that the target audience will ask the game, from its general concept to the choice in terms of visual and sound design.
As a game designer, you will also need to register the programming language you use, the size of your development team and the various resources you will need.

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Supported by more than 200 video game companies, Gaming Campus creates a unique, immersive and multidisciplinary training experience. G. BS | G. Tech | G. Art, discover and choose your Gaming Campus school to transform your passion into a trade. Schools in Paris and Lyon. Alternation in MBA, MSC.


G. Tech
Informatic school

If you have the soul of a developer, if you want to program video games on mobile, console or computer, G. Tech offers to train with the Bachelor IT developer Video Games option and continue in MBA Video Games Programming.


G. Business
Business school

If you are comfortable in commercial development, to carry out a communication and marketing campaign for the release of a game, G. Business is one of the few schools in France to offer diplomas (Bac +3 and Bac +5) in the video game and esport business.


Your passion for drawing, design and video games can also lead you to follow one of our training courses at G. Art. We invite you to follow the 2D / 3D infographic bachelor then an MBA to become a specialist in everything related to the artistic part of a video game.

Discover 16 training courses in video game professions


Become an entrepreneur of your potential and transform your passion for skills video games. School training Gaming Campus cover all the video game trades : IT development, business, digital arts and new esports professions. Alternating training in MBA, MSC and 1 internship each year of Bachelor.

Video games

71 business files and + 200 professional advice

Are you interested in the job of developer of video games?

Start your training

Learn how to create your video game now with Make Your Game

You have always dreamed of creating video games with game engines like Unity or Godot ?
You want to give free rein to your creativity and thus be able to create your own assets (3D models, animations, props, textures. )) ?
You want to train in the creation of video games and on certain aspects in particular ?
So start your apprenticeship without waiting.


Create your first game without code with Gdevelop

Follow the Nocode category in our tutorials

What is your objective ?

Indeed your learning depends strongly on your goal .

You have no experience in programming and/or creation of video games and you want to create your first video game for fun ?
So you will undoubtedly have to start gradually, with the basics. Do not make the mistake of starting here with a game engine. Instead, favor a framework like Phase or software without code such as Gdevelop.
I know it’s frustrating, but if you jump steps, you will not be comfortable in a game engine.
Already approach a first prototype finishes, before you get into a video game engine !
Then start learning a programming language like C#.

You have always dreamed of creating video games with game engines like Unity or Godot ?
You want to give free rein to your creativity and thus be able to create your own assets (3D models, animations, props, textures. )) ?
You want to train in the creation of video games and on certain aspects in particular ?
So start your apprenticeship without waiting.

You already know how to program and you also want to create your first video game for fun ?
It is advisable to use a video game engine, in order to boost your productivity.
But you must have the basics in the key concepts of a video game. Like the concept of camera. If this is not the case, opt for a framework like phaser for your first little game.
The language chosen on Make Your Game is the C# (pronounce C-Sharp), And it is common to the 2 engines that we follow very closely on Make Your Game.

You have already programmed one or more games, with or without a game engine and you want to set up skill, even make your job ?
Choose Unity for the professional and Godot Engine for pleasure !
These 2 excellent engines will allow you to acquire/strengthen your skills in creating video games and applications.
Skills that are currently in great sought after.

In any case, and according to your previous experience, adjust the required level of your game !
Do not get into an FPS, if you have never coded even a pong.

What are we offer you ?

On Make Your Game there are several types of content.
A large part is free and accessible to all, while other content, as the workshops require, at least a make your game (free and fast registration) account).
Find below the different types of accounts possible on Make Your Game.

0 € /month
0stardust /month
  • check_circle Reading access to tutorials, blog, games, resources and glossary
  • check_circle free registration on youtube
  • check_circle access to the discord of Myg
  • cancel can respond or create a troubleshooting disorders
  • Cancel counts MyG with access to its profile
  • Cancel Cumul of XP and Stardust. Find the rules of “game”
  • Cancel can play casino to multiply its stardust
  • Cancel can become editor and offer tutorials while winning the Stardust
  • Cancel can register for free or premium workshops, and KKF
  • Cancel Unlimited access to premium content (workshops, premium resources. ))
  • Cancel helps in monthly unlocking by videoconferencing with one of our trainers
  • Cancel Atelier and training monitoring certificate
0 € /month
0 Stardust /month
  • check_circle Reading access to tutorials, blog, games, resources and glossary
  • check_circle free registration on youtube
  • check_circle access to the discord of Myg
  • check_circle can respond or create a troubleshooting disorders
  • Check_circle account myg with access to its profile
  • check_circle cumulative xp and stardust. Find the rules of “game”
  • check_circle can play casino to multiply his stardust
  • check_circle can become editor and offer tutorials while winning the Stardust
  • check_circle can register for free or premium workshops, and KKF
  • Cancel Unlimited access to premium content (workshops, premium resources. ))
  • Cancel helps in monthly unlocking by videoconferencing with one of our trainers
  • Cancel Atelier and training monitoring certificate
145 € /month including tax
40,000 Stardust /month
  • check_circle Reading access to tutorials, blog, games, resources and glossary
  • check_circle free registration on youtube
  • check_circle access to the discord of Myg
  • check_circle can respond or create a troubleshooting disorders
  • Check_circle account myg with access to its profile
  • check_circle cumulative xp and stardust. Find the rules of “game”
  • check_circle can play casino to multiply his stardust
  • check_circle can become editor and offer tutorials while winning the Stardust
  • check_circle can register for free or premium workshops, and KKF
  • check_circle unlimited access to premium content (workshops, premium resources. ))
  • Cancel helps in monthly unlocking by videoconferencing with one of our trainers
  • Cancel Atelier and training monitoring certificate

Note that it is entirely possible to switch to premium thanks to its stardust.
Indeed on make your game, learning is a game, and to pass premium just buy a special card ‘premium account “at the store (member account to create before taking the special card).

The renewal of a premium account is not yet automated on this version of the site.
Each month you are free to take back or not a special premium card.

You want to go even further ? You have decided to become Developer.UNITY ?

Video and written tutorials

The YouTube channel associated with this site, as well as the tutorials are there to give you the keys to the success of your project !

So on YouTube you will find many tutorials in French, from our video game developments, or even requests from the Discord server.

Do not hesitate to go for a walk on the channel, to subscribe to be kept informed of the latest outings, and so little by little, learn to create video games with Unity 3D or other game engines like Godot Engine.

If you are looking for tips on shaders, or even free asset packs, join the Patreon pages and tipee from the event orzon studio.

Follow the news !!

The blog is kept up to date to allow you to follow the latest news from the technologies followed by Make Your Game.
Currently we follow mainly Unity And Godot Engine, but also phase a web framework for 2D.

You can also count on news on new technologies such as augmented reality !!

Involve yourself and give others to others

With a member account you can even ask to become an editor, and thus offer your own tutorials to the community of Make Your Game.
To request it, go to your profile, once connected.ee.
Each tutorial accepted and published reports you from La Stardust.
Responding or opening a troubleshooting allows you to get help, or help others.


The workshops operate by bricks. To make a video game, you have to think in terms of bricks that we will stack on each other.
This is how we broken down our workshops.

How to organize yourself in your learning ?

Working in teleworking to train, without anyone next, is quite delicate at the start.
This requires a good organization to avoid dispersing at all costs.
here are a few tips. Once again the advice depend on your own objective and own level current.

Have a Regular work frequency On your video game project. Opening it once a month is not enough !
Take on each work session at least 3 to 4 hours to be sure to be effective, but also to be able to achieve stable results. And finish your session on a positive note !

Based on the existing content on this site as well as the YouTube channel, you can start your learning independently.
Remember to follow them Series on Youtube, Because they make it possible to deploy the concepts of creating a video game further. Follow them and imitate them at the beginning. Then adapt them (images, sounds and even features)
Set goals to achieve, As the realization of a platform-type mini-game, then make the mini-game to put together skills !

Create a free account and access free, or premium content (by registering for workshops), in order to refine your skills and knowledge in the game engine, or the framework used.

There is a lot of content present and future, both in terms of tutorials, blogs, or workshops.
The workshops have the advantage of guiding you through a plan established and designed for your progress.
Remember to ask Help by opening up a troubleshooting, Or by going to Discord.

How to create a video game ?

Create a video game tutorial: good practices

Whether it is big budget games or independent games, the first step in the development of a game is to find an original concept that deserves to be brought to the screen. With a little time, patience and knowledge, everyone can create their own video game: thanks to current technologies and training tutorials available all over the Internet, it’s becoming a trend !
Like any project, the development of a video game is a process in several steps that requires:

  • organisation,
  • Imagination,
  • of research
  • attention to detail.

Whether you are a professional designer used in a large game studio or use your free time to learn how to create your first game, all game creators follow the major development stages that we are going to talk about in this article. It is very important to respect this order so that the development of your game takes place in the best conditions.

1. Find a video game concept

Start by listing some game concepts to determine the type of game you want to create.
If this is the first time that you create a game, start with a modest project.
Explore different genres (shooting, roles, combat, survival, management game, etc.), then see what is currently popular in the media (or what is no longer). Note all the video game ideas that come to mind.
Once the initial brainstorming is finished, think about the universe and mechanisms of each game on your list. Reduce the list until you find the concept that seems to you to have the greatest potential.

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2. Create a game design document

The creation of games always involves in -depth research. Find out about the type of game you want to create and write your “game design document” (game design document).

The Game Design Document of the first PC Diablo game

Do not neglect this step, even if it is an apparently simple game.
The Game Design Document is like the skeleton of your project: it describes all the important details of your game:

  • the scenario
  • genre,
  • the universe,
  • The targeted audience,
  • goals,
  • the mecanic,
  • Marketing strategy.

This document must answer all the questions that the target audience will ask the game, from its general concept to the choice in terms of visual and sound design.
As a game designer, you will also need to register the programming language you use, the size of your development team and the various resources you will need.

3. Start video game development

Now that you have done your research, you can start developing your game.
You will have to choose the right programming language and the right game engine for your concept, of which here are the most popular:

  • Unity: 3D engine, easy to use
  • Unreal Engine: used by many well -known games
  • Spark Project: 3D engine for intermediate level users
  • Godot Engine: open-source engine capable of making 2D as 3D
  • Source: regularly updated, this engine is widely used
  • Gamemaker Studio: 2D 2D engine on the most popular on the market
  • RPG Maker Series: Engine designed for RPGs

4. Create a prototype

Prototypes can help you find inconsistencies and a myriad of other problems from the start of the design. It is important to solve these problems as they arise because they can have a negative impact on the user experience and the reputation of the game.
Make sure your prototype has all the facets of the game (the frame, the quests, the design of the levels, the characters, the sound effects, etc.)
If you create a role-playing game (RPG), make sure you can follow the plot and the motivation of the characters has a meaning. If you create a set of platforms or adventure, make sure your world is immersive and explorable.

5. Create the video game tutorial

For a long time, the first user experience (ftue, for “First Time User Experience”) of a video game was to follow the tutorial learning to the player the grip of the game, his goal ..
The games becoming more and more long, and incorporating increasingly complex mechanisms, it has become impossible to teach everything from the start of the game. This is how multiple tutorial sessions appeared, presented throughout the course of a game. The tutorials were therefore dissociated from the ftue, their positioning being now closely linked to the rest of the game.
If allowing to jump these moments is a minimum requirement in today’s games, skipping the tutorial by frustration can lead to a bad experience in the rest of the game. It is therefore important to create good tutorials, which do not crush the user.
So let’s see some good practices that will encourage players to look at these didactic passages without starting their desire to continue the game.

Integrate the didacticiel into the game

Unfortunately there are a large number of bad tutorials, which implies that today, the majority of players will almost always jump. Players often describe tutorial as “the part of the game preceding pleasure”.
It is therefore necessary to stop considering the didacticia as an isolated part of the user experience. The objective is to ensure that learning the game is based so well in this one that players cannot say where the tutorial ends and where the game begins-or even if there is a tutorial all short.
Part of the learning can take place at the very beginning of the game, another inside it, or even throughout, while another may be only the fruit of past experiences.

Integrate the didacticiel into the game

It is better that the player does that Lise

A text is rich in information and easy to create; However, doing things is more fun and memorable. There is a compromise between the 2, in order to transmit information.
Game developers call the actions you take in the game as the “mechanical” of the game. It is possible to combine learning objectives with game mechanisms. This is how we create an attractive and educational experience.
The base of this rule is therefore simple: it is a question of guide the player through an action, by motivating him to perform this action for the first time, for example using flashing lights and an animated arrow.

Use fewer words, and discreetly

In psychology this is called “Miller’s law”: the magic number of seven, more or less two. Having a clear and concise text that can be read at a glance avoids the impression that the game slows down.
There must therefore not be more than eight words on the screen at the same time. Of course this rule only concerns didactic texts; The narrative text can obviously be longer.
Design brief texts has two main advantages: in addition to the fact that the simple rules are easier to remember, the longer the text is and the less the players are likely to read it.
It is better to multiply the number of short didactic tips rather than giving too many explanations at once.
We must take care of the display of these messages and think them so as not to interrupt the game. There is a subtle difference between an indicative banner and a dialog box. In general, a dialog interrupts the course of the game, and requires that the player responds, focusing on a very specific aspect of the game. In addition to avoiding interruption, the use of “passive” communication can stay on the screen until the player performs the desired action.

Use visuals

The stronger your visuals, the less things you have to teach players. It must be enough to look at the objects of the game to determine their function.

Take advantage of what people already know

The players bring to the game all their previous game experiences. For example, there is public notoriety that zombies are stupid and must die, so you don’t have to remind players.
By determining what place a tutorial will occupy in a series of experiences, of the expected emotional state of the player and the cognitive load with which he will face, all decisions concerning tutorials can shape most of the user experience of Your players and your game.

6. Test video games

Whether you do the tests yourself or entrust them to testers, each game must be tested in depth before its release.
The testers test the gameplay from a technical point of view. The team examines the title several times, writes detailed bug reports and notes any “crash”.
If this is a long process, it is necessary: ​​players are less inclined to play a riddled title of bugs or errors, even if the game is free.

7. Market the finished product

We arrive at the end of the game development process, you have to start disseminating it on as many relevant platforms as possible.
Create a website for your game and use social media to promote it. You can integrate a playable demo on the site in order to arouse the players’ interest in the full game.
When the game is ready to go out, offer copies at a reduced price or a free version, in order to put it in the hands of the greatest number

8. Develop the game

Once you have studied the results of your game, you will have to develop this. You will have to develop it so that it generates more users. You will have to improve the interface in particular to attract more new users. You can also use plugins that will allow you to increase the number of players.

9. Update the game

Once you have completed the evolution of your game, you will have to update it on the online video game platform so that it corresponds to the level of evolution reached by the game.

10. Continue to develop the game

Once you have finished updating the game, you will have to evolve in your game. You will have to continue to develop it in order to be able to continue to attract new users.

You can, of course, establish additional steps according to your needs. Freelance video game developers can help you set up these steps to create your video game.

Why do you want to create a video game ?

Developing a video game can be fun, but that is not given to everyone. Indeed, it is a very complex work that requires great expertise in many areas, and it also takes a lot of time before being able to claim to be able to do it. But if you really want to do it, that is to say Create a video game, Here are some tips to help you get there.

1. Take an interest in video games

If you want to become a video game creator, you must first have an interest in video games. Be curious, collect and try all the games that pass you through your hands, which will give you a more precise idea of ​​the expectations of a game.

2. Discover the world of video games

The world of video games is very large and complex, hence the importance of knowing it well. You can find interesting information on the Internet on the various video games, and in particular on the profession of freelance video game developer.

3.Push your limits

If you want to become a video game creator, you have to give yourself the means to get there. You also have to push your limits. Always be on the lookout for new ideas, and try to do your best.

These are the three great qualities of a freelance video game developer. But another characteristic is just as important.

What are your motivations ?

A motivation is something that pushes us to do something. It’s a little click that pushes us to take action.

The first motivations are the most important because they make your personality. They are at the heart of your personality, and make you want to do things.

If you want to become a freelance video game developer, you will have to find solid motivations to get there. Take the time to note them on a paper to lighten them.

What makes you interesting on a personal level by playing video games ?

What makes you passionate about programming ?

What makes you want to create video games ?

Are there things that block you in your career as a freelance video game developer ?

Make a list of things that motivate you and things that demotivate you. Write everything that goes through your mind. It doesn’t matter if there is nothing concrete, think about your emotions when you play video games.

Think about the things you miss to create video games and also those that make you happy in your work. Do not forget to step back on all of these subjects, and not to analyze them too deeply.

When you have found solid motivations, note them on paper. Hang them and reread them at times of diet drop.

Do you want to spend time or are looking to face more and more high challenges ?

Do you want to spend time or are looking for money ?

Do you want to create video games in a short time or are you ready to work for years to create the game of your life ?

In fact, this is the same question, but answer it all the same. They will allow you to understand your procedures. Money is an engine in the work of freelance video game developers. But she is not the only motivation to have. You must be passionate too.

Where to publish your video game ?

Publishing your video game on an online video game platform is the best way to get an audience. It is also possible to create your own website to publish your game, but that will force you to manage site maintenance. About 62% of video game users play on their personal computer, but there are also online games available on consoles, television or smartphones. For players who do not have access to their personal computer, the game is less entertaining, which gives a better reason to publish your game on an online platform.

The development of video games is a pleasant and exciting activity that all video game lovers like. Currently, a large number of video games are available on the market, but the number of freelance video game developers who create a new experience is limited.

On which platforms to publish a video game ?

The most popular online video game platforms are:

  • Steam
  • Uplay
  • Origin
  • Battle.net
  • Xbox Live
  • PlayStation Network (PSN)


Most freelance video game developers want to publish their games on online platforms, as it allows them to have a wider audience and help them get more income. The cost of development for create a game video is considerable, but it is much more profitable to publish it on online platforms than to record it on a physical medium.


Although there is no pre -established formula to create perfect video games, there are certain good practices to which all video game designers should trust.
By following the steps listed above, there is no doubt that you will be able to develop a quality video game and win the desired success. If however you lack development skills to create the video game of your dreams, do not forget that you can quickly find a freelance developer on Coder.com posting a free ad.
You prefer Create a mobile game or a HTML game site ? Follow our advice in these dedicated articles !

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