12 guitar chords to know everything !, Learn to play guitar agreements – Hguitare

Guitar agreements

To finalize your learning of 12 essential agreements for guitar, You must initiate yourself to the 4 seventh agreements. But why are they called like that ? Concretely, they bear this name because they are mainly major, with a 7th minor. There are also cases where it is a 7th major, but in this case, we specify the letter “M”.

12 guitar chords to know everything !

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If you want to start the guitar, you probably only dream of one thing: power Reproduce your favorite songs, Composed by the GCEUX who made you want to start music lessons … but before being able, you will necessarily go through thelearning the main agreements. Although this step may seem difficult at first, it will allow you to acquire all the bases to simplify and speed up the progression then.

Why do we have to succeed these 12 beginner agreements on guitar ?

The 12 agreements that we are going to present to you are all place at the bottom of the handle And are “open”: even if you do not yet master the instrument, you will quite easily succeed in play them, then at you remember it. At this point, there is obviously no question of approaching delicate or slightly painful positions. We will not speak of the formidable barred agreements either. We will stay on simple, basic postures, but extremely useful in practice !

Indeed, if you start the guitar, you can interpret many songs just with these 12 agreements. Whether you prefer pop, rock, folk, reggae or even blues music, you will find the opportunity to exercise in the genres that make you vibrate the most. In other words, once you have acquired this fundamental background, you can finally learn while having fun.

What is an agreement ?

The agreement constitutes theEssence of the game on guitar : even if you only know three or four, it will already be a good start ! You can already have fun on a few dozen songs without any problem, not bad, no ? Besides, if you observe musicians, you will be able to see that most often they play agreements (whether we are in a pop, rock or even folk style).

There Definition of an agreement can be summed up in a few words: it is a group of minus 3 notes played simultaneously. Obviously, if we stop at this simple explanation, we can believe that any beginner who plays 3 notes at the same time achieves an agreement. But in reality, in fact, one cannot “create” them randomly, at the risk of generating sounds without any harmony that would make you cringe !

Often an agreement is formed by Notes located in the same range (Consonances). But, rest assured, of course, you will not have to ask yourself this kind of question when learning the beginner’s agreements, because the notes will already be given to you. So much so that even if you do not always distinguish the consonances of the dissonance, you can get started without fear !

Open agreements

First of all, you should know that we can see two families of agreements on the guitar. The first family is formed by open agreements, for which We don’t pinch all the ropes. In other words, some of them are “empty”. Affordable for beginners, these manipulations appear overall as quite simple to reproduce and memorize. The most difficult will remain Move from one agreement to another, Because you will have to change position on the handle and move your fingers. This is where your little fingers will have to work hard and quickly ! But rest assured, with training, you will get there as a chef !

Barred agreements

The barred agreements do not authorize No “empty” rope, We must therefore succeed in blocking all the strings with one hand. The index, which is strongly requested on this stage, can become painful for people who are not used to. On the other hand, this practice has the advantage of facilitating sequences. Indeed, when you manage to make a barred, you will very naturally place yourself on another box of the handle to obtain another sound.

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How to read a guitar chord grid ?

To master your first guitar agreements, you will have to rub the Reading a chord grid. You just have to understand your operating mode to simply and intuitively interpret any agreements. You are reassured ?


Concretely, each grid includes Three essential information : the strings to play, the boxes on which we intervene, and the fingers to use. It is in the form of a rectangle which Reproduces the strings guitar: on the left, we find the thickest rope (often materialized by a wider line) and on the right, the most acute rope. From top to bottom, we access the box numbers on the handle of the guitar. Finally, the numbers placed on the strings indicate where each finger must be placed. Sometimes we simply use points, which means that the musician or musician is not informed of the fingers he will have to use on each rope. On the upper part of the rectangle, “X” can echo one or more strings that should not be played, and the “o” report strings that we must play empty.


On all the agrees specially thoughts for beginners, there are numbers, which allow you to know What finger to place on each rope. It’s a good way for beginner musicians and musicians to know how to position their fingers. The left hand fingers are therefore classified as:

  • 1: Index
  • 2: Major
  • 3: Annular
  • 4: Healy

On the right hand, the thumb is noted p or t, the index “i”, the adult “m” and the annular “a”. This configuration Valit for right -handers, who agree with the left hand and rub the strings with the right hand. The left -handers proceed in the opposite way, and hold the guitar in the other direction, unless they are ambidextral and want to play right -handed.


When you learn to play the guitar, you may be faced with the fact that agreements are not always formulated in the same way. Indeed, two notations coexist: the French and English version. We must therefore know these two systems well, because you will necessarily find one or the other during your musical practice.

Guitar agreements

Guitar agreements

How should we read a guitar tablature ?

On a tablature, just like on a grid, you will see that 6 guitar strings are represented, But this time horizontally. Visually, the tablature is more like a traditional music partition … But the positive point is that it is possible to read it without having learned music theory. Yes, everyone fears to learn music theory because it is a bad reputation. However, if you look at the question a little, you will see that learning music theory is much less difficult and tedious than it seems. Anyway, if you want to learn how to play the guitar without having to dealer with music theory, it is quite possible thanks to the tablatures !


To start, know that you should not confuse the figures of a tablature with those of a grid. On the grid, the numbers help you know which finger to use, as we have seen previously. But on the tablature, the figures simply make reference to the box which must be played. No information on the fingers is given: musicians must take their bearings independently. Total freedom for your little fingers of beginners !

If this reading method seems slightly more complex, it is nonetheless accessible to beginners, as soon as they have already integrated the principle of the grid. Learning this reading remains essential, because agreements are often represented in this way on the various websites that can be consulted.

What are the 12 agreements to know absolutely ?

Now that you know everything about reading a grid of agreement and a tablature, it’s time to get into practice, introducing yourself to 12 essential agreements for a beginner, that we detail in this article.

The first 8 essential agreements

The first 3 agreements to start

If you were to start with Three easy guitar chords, The major, the major re. Many songs only use them because they are rather easy to do and allow musicians to go smoothly.


To make this agreement, you only have to play the 5 most acute strings, the 2nd and the 6th in empty, then the other 3 with your fingers. Your three fingers should be placed on the 2nd box of the handle. Finally, you will necessarily mobilize the middle finger for the 3rd rope. For the other two, you can use the index and the annular or the ring finger and the healing.

Do not hesitate to try the two possible combinations, to know with which fingers you are most comfortable and with which you play best: do not forget that all the strings must ring perfectly !


Here, you play on the 4 most acute strings (the first two are closed). Your fingers are therefore placed on the last three strings, from the most serious to the most acute: the index in the 2nd box, the 3rd box ring and the middle finger in the 2nd box.


Although you only pinch three strings (2nd, 3rd and 4th, those of La, du Ré and du Sol), the agreement is entirely “open” and you rub the 6 strings to play it. Your adult and your ring finger will be placed in 2nd box, and your index will be in 1st box, at the top of the handle.

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The 5 agreements to improve

Once you master these first three agreements, learn the other 5 which will allow you to know 8 in total, to widen the field of possibilities when you play.


The 1st rope (Mi) is closed, the 2nd and the last (the most acute) are open, and you play on the other three (Ré, Sol et Si). You must position your middle finger and your annular on the rope d (Ré) and on the g (ground) rope within the 2nd. Meanwhile, your index is positioned on the first box and plug the rope B (if).


All strings are open, but you only play on the 2nd and the 3rd, that of La and du Ré. You place your ring finger and adult on the 2nd box.


The first two strings are closed, the 3rd is open. Your fingers are only placed on the three most acute strings: the 2nd box in the 2nd box on the rope of the ground, the ring finger in the 3rd box on the rope of the SI and the index finger in the first box on the mi rope.


The 1st rope is closed, the 4th and the 5th are open. You play on the 2nd (La), the 3rd (Ré) and the 5th (SI). Your ring finger is on the 3rd box of the rope, your middle finger on the 2nd box of the Ré rope and your index finger on the first box of the rope if.


All strings are open, but you only play on the two most serious and the two most acute. Your adult is placed in the 3rd box of the Mi serious rope, your index finger in the 2nd box of the rope, your ring finger in the 3rd box of the rope if and your ring finger in the 3rd box of the mi acute rope. If you can hardly use 4 fingers, you can leave your two fingers on the mi rope and play the rope of the “open”.

Seventh agreements

To finalize your learning of 12 essential agreements for guitar, You must initiate yourself to the 4 seventh agreements. But why are they called like that ? Concretely, they bear this name because they are mainly major, with a 7th minor. There are also cases where it is a 7th major, but in this case, we specify the letter “M”.


The mid 7th is very similar to the Mi minor, since all the strings are open. We therefore place the adult in the 2nd box on the 2nd rope (the) and the index goes into 1st box on the fourth rope (if).


The first two strings are closed: you only play the four most acute, and your fingers must be placed on the last three. The 2nd box at the 2nd box on the 4th rope (ground), the index finger in the 1st box on the 5th rope (SI) and the ringular in the 2nd box on the 6th rope (Mi).


This agreement is played on the 5 most acute strings. Your two fingers are therefore placed in the 2nd box: the index on the 3rd rope (Ré) and the middle finger must go to the 5th rope (if).


You play all the ropes, and your fingers are placed on the two most serious and the last, the most acute. Your annular is in 3rd box on the first rope (Mi), your major in the 2nd box on the 2nd rope (the) and your index in 1st box on the last rope (Mi).

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Several dozens of songs already within your reach !

Learning and memorizing all these agreements will require you time. But the more you familiarize yourself with the instrument, the faster you will reach master each new agreement. And when you have finally tamed these 12 agreements, you can play many songs, Because they constitute the basis of our repertoire.

Obviously, if you do not succeed alone in finding enough courage to learn, the ideal remains to solicit the help of a guitar teacher: he can give you valuable advice to take good habits from the start.

Finally, the magic agreements

Do you know the magic agreements on the guitar ? Frequently used in many songs recognized in the world, these agreements do not imply any barred agreement and are relatively easy to play. They can be played at different tones and therefore different songs ! Here are some examples of songs which contain the 4 magic agreements and which are world famous:

The 4 magic agreements are as follows

By regularly training you playing these 4 agreements in a row and working well the transitions, you can undoubtedly play many tubes and why not invent your own songs then when you have gained a little experience ?

Guitar agreements

Guitar agreements

Ref de Hguitare Updated: 04/27/23 7

The agreements are on guitar what the wheels are by bicycle: absolutely essential ! Knowing how to play a handful of basic guitar chords is often the first thing that a person learns to do when they start on guitar.
When you sit around a campfire and that one of your friends seizes a guitar to put a little atmosphere (and make the pretty heart in front of the girls !), there is 99% chance that it starts to scratch agreements ! This is perfectly logical: they constitute the basic material of most songs, especially in folk, pop or rock styles.
Knowing if only 3 guitar chords is already having the opportunity to play dozens of known songs, but also to compose new ones ! In addition to allowing to play songs, the agreements occupy a decisive role in learning the guitar: they increase the strength and flexibility of your fingers, which is essential to play better.

What is a guitar agreement ?

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Remember this simple definition: an agreement is a group at least 3 notes played together. Technically, we can therefore consider that any group of 3 notes forms an agreement, but beware, taking notes at random we risk obtaining a cacophonic result ! In general, we will strive to choose notes that have a harmonic relationship between them.
The notes belonging to the same range are those which combine most pleasantly in the ear. In music, we speak of consonant notes (as opposed to dissonant notes). But don’t worry, these notions are more theoretical. When you learn the guitar, we will offer, obviously, frequent agreements, of which you will have many opportunities to serve you. Besides, click the button below to learn your first agreements:

What are the two types of guitar chords ?

Due to the very design of a guitar, a note played on an empty rope does not sound the same as the same note played on the handle. The sound of an empty rope is more full and resonates longer ! This is an element to take into account in the design of the agreements. There are two large groups:

The so -called “open” agreement

Basic guitar agreements

These agreements include vacuum strings. Most of the time, it is these agreements that beginners learn, because they are easier to play and they sound very well ! The big drawback of open agreements is that they are not movable. If you know how to play a maj, for example, and then want to play a G Maj, you will have to learn a second agrees. But at first, if you start on the guitar, it is on these agreements that you need to concentrate. Here is a table that encompasses the best known open agreements:
You want to go further on open agreements and take the courses available on this subject ? Then click on the link below to know everything:

> Open agreements The so -called “barred” agreement

Agreements that have no vacuum rope. We use the index to block all the strings. Thanks to this, it is possible to move the form of agreement along the handle ! For example, you just have to know how to play a crossed maj to be able to play also a f# maj, g maj, g# maj, etc. It’s really very practical ! The disadvantage of barred agreements is that they are harder to master for beginners, because of the barré who is very popular with the index. The barred agreements can also be quite delicate to perform on certain guitars, such as folk with thick strings and a slightly high action.
If you are a beginner on the guitar: Do not first linger not on these agreements. For the moment, even go your way and focus on base lessons that focus on understanding the guitar, making your first open chords, your first rhythms and the application on pieces that are easy to learn. Consult our beginner course to see the order of the courses to follow to progress effectively.
If you already know how to play your open chords: Now is the time to tackle these barred agreements. As mentioned above, these are not obvious guitar agreements to perform.
So take your time, train regularly and put them in practice either via the Course of course 4 either via artists. The most important thing is to vary your learning so as not to discourage yourself. It can take a few weeks or even a few months to acquire enough strength and thus properly tackle your barred chords. But this challenge is really worth the candle. Believe us. By mastering these barred chords, you will take a really important level jump. And just tell yourself that your favorite guitarists have also been there; It helps to put into perspective, no;) to find out more about the barred chords, come and consult our article on the question:

> Barred agreements Agreements: a little practical theory

The major triad, the basic agreement

Now that we know what an agreement is, we are interested in the triad, the most primitive form of agreement that exists ! A triad is first of all made up of a first note, called “fundamental“(or sometimes” tonic “). This starting note gives its name to the agreement. For example, C major, C min or even C7 agreements belong to families of different agreements, but all have in common the same fundamental: note C ! They will therefore be Do, C agreements in English. If you meet pain with the English -speaking notation (where the do is written c), come and follow the course on “Anglophone tuning and notation”. Then add a major third : This is the note that is 2 tones above the fundamental.
Starting from C, this is the note.


At this stage, we therefore have two notes played at the same time: it is not yet enough to have an agreement ! We will rather speak of an interval (or Dyade) of third major. To finalize the triad, and therefore give birth to a full -fledged agreement, we must add a fifth (the note which is 3 and a half tones above the fundamental).
Starting from C, this is the note g. And There you go ! We have just seen born before our amazed eyes a pretty triad of c maj ! Congratulations to the happy mom or the happy dad 🙂 Know that just like babies, triads can have two sexes: adult or minor ! Major agreements have a brighter and joyful sound than minor agreements, which sound darker and more sad. Little reminder : For these examples on the various guitar agreements, we will use figures to represent the interval which will be played on this or that rope. What will give: 1 = tonic / fundamental 2 = second 3 = third 4 = Quarter 5 = Quinte 6 = Sixtus 7 = seventh

To create a minor triad, it’s very simple: just take a major triad and replace the major third with a minor third (the note that is 1 and a half tone above the fundamental).
For example, to obtain a Triad of C Min from a C major triad, we replace the note by d#. LSo far, I have shown you triads with the fundamental on the 3rd rope. But nothing prevents it from playing it on other strings !
Please note, however, the reason for the grid of agreement changes depending on the place where it is played on the handle (this is due to the particular tuning of the guitar, see the article “locate on the handle” in our blog. Major triad with fundamental on the 6th rope. L
Minor triad with fundamental on the 5th rope.


We have just seen earlier than the triads made up of a fundamental, a third (major or minor) and a fair fifth. These three notes are necessary to create a basic agreement. But nothing forces you to play them in this particular order !
When you change the layout of the different notes that make up an agreement, you change your voicing. The agreement remains the same, but its sound subtly changes ! This makes it possible to bring variety and shades in your compositions. As soon as the fundamental is no longer the most serious note in the agreement, we obtain what are called agreement reversals.

First reversal: third (most serious note) – just – fundamental fifth.
An example of reversal of
Second reversal: right fifth (most serious note) – fundamental – third party.
Second example of reversal DThe two agreements above are both full-fledged c agreements, on the other hand their differs, which explains that they do not sound entirely in the same way.

Doubled notes

We have just seen that the triads are consumed by 3 notes, which can be annoyed in different ways. However, when we observe a guitarist who plays major or minor agreements, it is common for him to ring more than 3 strings. Sometimes they are even the 6 strings at the same time !
For a pianist, it’s even worse: nothing prevents him from placing an agreement by pressing up to 10 simultaneous keys ! But, how is this possible, since major or minor agreements are triads made up of only 3 notes ? The answer is very simple: the notes are doubled, even tripled !!

A guitar agreement with doubled notes

The idea is to enrich the sound of the triad but also to increase its sound volume, without modifying the internal harmony of the agreement.
We can for example, perfectly play an agreement with two fundamental, two thirds and two fifths, or a single fundamental, two thirds, three fifths, etc.
Doubling these notes absolutely does not change the intrinsic nature of the agreement.
C major agreement with two fundamental, two major prints and a fair fifth.

Just remember that double the notes of an agreement gives it a richer and flattering sound, but taking up more space. This can be desirable for a folk musician, who plays alone and therefore needs to occupy all the space with his guitar. On the other hand, a guitarist who must provide light support (as in funk) or who plays in a group comprising many instruments will tend not to double the notes of his agreements, in order to occupy less space.

The other families of guitar agreements

Earlier we got to know two families of agreements: adults and minors.
There are of course many others, which I will present to you succinctly !
Each family of agreement has a harmonic formula which is its own and that you will have to remember. To start here are three notes agreements, which can easily be obtained from the triads, by shifting a note:

Sus 2 agreements

A guitar agreement sus2

Dondamental – Second Major – fair fifth.

Sus 4 agreements

SUS4 guitar agreement

Fundamental – just quarter – fair fifth

Increased agreements

An increased guitar agreement

Basic – Major Tierce – Sixture Minor. And here are agreements made up of four or more notes, which can be obtained by adding notes to the triads:

Min agreements 7

A minor guitar agreement 7

Basic – Tierce Minor – Right fifth – Seventh minor.

Maj 7 agreements

A major guitar agreement 7

Fundamental – Major third – fair fifth – major seventh.

Agreements 7

A 7 -guitar agreement

Basic – Major Tierce – Right fifth – Seventh minor.

Diminished agreements

A guitar agreement said

Basic – Tierce Minor – Decreased fifth – Major Sixt. �� To play the agreement decreased more easily on the guitar, we use a reversal.

Agreement of Min 9

A minor agreement with 9th

Fundamental – Major Tierce – Right fifth – Seventh minor – Ninth major (equivalent to a major second played at the Octave).

We have toured the most important guitar agreements, the operation of these and their construction. It is very important to experience their mechanisms a minimum for your guitar learning. Because yes, the agreements represent the main framework of any game on guitar.
So take your time to assimilate them well, play on agreements, on a slow metronome (very slow). Then put them in practice on songs that we took the trouble to bind according to the difficulties. I would come back to these different types of chords soon to go a little further in understanding the magic world of agreements.

Writer: Sylvain Peter Do not hesitate to share this article if you liked it and if it may interest your friends;) Save saving save save save save save save record

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