100,000 charging stations in France: objective reached, France crosses the course of 100,000 charging stations for electric vehicles

France crosses the course of 100,000 charging stations for electric vehicles

The murderous explosion of the Piper Alpha platform reveals a compassionate industrialist. A composition role for Armand Hammer.

France has exceeded 100,000 terminals

This Friday, May 5, France would have achieved the objective of the 100,000 recharge points open to the public, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Union of a recharge point for 10 electric vehicles. A first step before reaching the 400,000 public recharge points by 2030.

France charging stations

100,000 charging stations in France: it has been done since Friday, May 5. France now has nearly 150 recharge points on average for 100,000 inhabitants according to the government. Even if the exact number has not yet been communicated.

Recall that the last barometer, established from Gireve data, counts 99,404 terminals in France on April 30. This barometer is common to the National Association for the Development of Electric Mobility (Avere-France) and the Ministry of Energy Transition.

1 public charging point for 10 electrified vehicles

But why 100,000 charging “terminals” in France ? Is it such an important figure ? As a reminder, the European Commission recommended, in 2014 to the Member States, the deployment of a recharge point open to the public for 10 electric vehicles. To achieve this, the state and the automotive sector set, as part of the strategic automotive sector contract in 2018, a target of 100,000 recharge points for the end of 2022. The goal: to recharge 1 million electric and rechargeable hybrid vehicles. So or well 1 load point for 10 vehicles. Thus, we wrongly use the term “terminals”, but we speak well each time of “points” of recharge.

But noting the objective would not be achieved in time, the government decided, in October 2020, to advance the target of 100,000 terminals has End of 2021. We are in 2023. “Note that the multi-year energy programming (PPE) had set, at the end of 2023, the achievement of the 100,000 recharge points,” noted the Avere-France.

Charging stations or charging points: what we are talking about ?

A charging station is a device connected to an electrical supply point. It can include one or more electrical charges. Thus, the charging point represents the interface which allows to recharge an electric or hybrid vehicle rechargeable. It has at least one base for a socket and/or cable attached with a vehicle connector, as it is for quick recharge.

An acceleration of the electrification rate

However, the government’s decision has obviously helped to mobilize all the actors of the ecosystem and the public authorities. Previously, 4,000 charging points were installed on average per year in France, compared to 20,000 facilities in 2021, according to the Avere-France figures.

And the acceleration has mainly taken place in recent months. Over 25,000 charging points were installed in 2022. And more than 17,000 charging points have been deployed and connected to the public distribution network since January 2023. A final figure which represents two thirds of the installations carried out in 2022, according to the Avere-France.

This growth has been all the more marked for very high power recharging “with + 270 % of this type deployments on the fast tracks and highways in one year”, according to AVERE-FRANCE. “14,500 high power terminals were installed in France, including 7,000 in ultra high power (more than 150 kW) for recharge in less than 20 minutes. The number of these very high power terminals, 150 kW and more, has been multiplied by two since the start of the year. In addition to rapid recharging, there are a total of more than 1,400,000 recharging points throughout the territory, integrating private terminals into companies and in individuals, “said the government.

Necessary funding

The State recalled that it has financed the installation of 2,500 recharging points up to 100 million euros, as part of the recovery plan, to equip service areas of major roads. And contributed to the deployment of fast charging stations with 300 million euros via France 2030.

In addition, more than 125,000 recharging points (public and private) were indeed funded thanks to the Advent program, piloted by Avere-France. Since 2016, this program has been planning to finance 175,000 recharge points in total by the end of 2025.

And after ?

Next step: 400,000 charging points open to the public in 2030. An objective announced by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron at the 2022 Auto World Cup. A figure in accordance with the recommendations of Avere-France to deploy between 330,000 and 480,000 recharge points open to the public for light vehicles by 2030. Figures taken from a journal published in November 2022 and which brought together the results of various studies on the subject.

“The symbolic stage of the 100,000 public terminals is crossed. Thanks to the mobilization of the entire sector and the measures we have taken, France has caught up and has become the second country in Europe for the number of public limits. My goal now: accelerate this dynamic to succeed in our transition to electric and hold our climatic objectives, “said Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition.

“We are working on a new” terminal plan “with the actors of recharging and electromobility to build a credible trajectory which will allow us to pursue this acceleration and reach the objective of 400,000 terminals by 2030, set by the President of the Republic, ”said Clément Beaune, Minister responsible for transport.

The European Commission should formalize new objectives for the deployment of charging stations soon. In parallel, the government will bring together the players in recharging and electromobility to define a new roadmap.

France, the second EU country on recharge

According to figures from Avere-France and the Ministry of Energy Transition, France is thus placed with more than 100,000 charging stations in second position in the countries of the European Union best equipped in terms of number of recharge points, behind the Netherlands and in front of Germany.

In addition, France would already respond largely to the European AFIR regulation, for alternative fuels infrastructures regulation. “The regulation provides for a 1.3 kW ratio of power installed for each electric vehicle. In France, we are at almost 4 kW per vehicle. It also requires the installation, by 2025, of rapid charging stations of at least 150 kW every 60 km along the Transeuropean transport network (RTE-T). French motorways will fulfill this obligation this summer, “said Avere-France.

Improve the user experience

As park managers often remind us: “To install terminals is good. But they still have to work ! “Lack of transparency on recharging prices, unavailability of a terminal, etc. : many drivers complaints that use public charging stations in France. As already noted by the Consulting and Research Cabinet LCP Delta (formerly Delta-EE) in 2021. Thus, the government intends to maintain and develop the quality of service (including a pricing moderation), but also the electrification of corporate fleets and recharging heavy goods vehicles in public space and in deposits.

“We have to facilitate the roaming of electric vehicles to reassure motorists and future buyers of electric vehicles. Transition to electric mobility cannot be done without support and without meshing public space as much as possible and highways. In parallel, private recharging cannot be excluded. Quite the contrary: 90 % of the refills are made at home or in business, “said Clément Molizon, general delegate of Avere-France. Stressing that the million recharge points, all locations combined (domicile, business, public space, etc.) was exceeded in 2022.

France crosses the course of 100,000 charging stations for electric vehicles

The installation of charging stations has accelerated in the past two years, with an increasingly dense territorial network. The symbolic figure of the 100,000 charging points reached Friday May 5, head for the next objective: 400,000 terminals by 2030.

May 03, 2023 \ 06:00

Updated May 05, 2023

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France crosses the course of 100,000 charging stations for electric vehicles

With a few months late, France holds its 100,000 charging stations for electric vehicles open to the public (on shops, parking lots and in roads), or 148 on average for 100,000 inhabitants. Initially expected for the end of 2022, the symbolic bar has just been crossed on Friday May 5, according to a statement by Avere-France and the Ministry of Energy Transition, on the basis of the data compiled by the Girève Interoperability Platform. By way of comparison, France had 60,040 charging points a year ago.

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